But my doctors have told me to AVOID stressful situations...

Jun 13, 2005 01:15

So I'm happily organizing music files on Thursday, lalala, when the computer dies. It was like somebody yanked the cord out of the wall. So I did what I could... which was randomly pushing the power button every five minutes, and then taking a shower because clearly the problem would resolve itself once I was non-sweaty.

So Here's What Happened... )

tv: the block, friends, fucking technology, meme, mom

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Comments 18

blacksatinrose June 13 2005, 06:00:45 UTC
OOOH I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the Bangles. And their cover of Hazy Shade of Winter is simply divine - I'm a fairly big Simon and Garfunkel fan, but the Bangles beat their original hands down, no contest.


severina2001 June 13 2005, 17:39:09 UTC
I have a vague memory of hearing that "Hazy Shade of Winter" was recorded as a favour for, I think, the husband of one of the The Bangles, who was producing a film and wanted them to do a song for the soundtrack. At least, I *think* it was this song. I absolutely love this version. :)


Did you say Bangles????? its_ktd June 13 2005, 06:42:04 UTC

... )


Re: Did you say Bangles????? severina2001 June 13 2005, 17:40:25 UTC
ooooh ooooh ooooh!!! Gale and I are clearly soul-mates. *nods*

Also, I cannot stop looking at his chest in that pic...


Re: Did you say Bangles????? its_ktd June 13 2005, 22:56:37 UTC

And omg I agree about the chest.. and the arm... GUH!


Re: Did you say Bangles????? severina2001 June 14 2005, 18:09:23 UTC
The arm, yes. I can even deal with the stubbly half-grown beard thing. *drooooools*


paddies June 13 2005, 08:19:57 UTC
OMG computers are evil. :|

P.S. love the songs! :-)


severina2001 June 13 2005, 17:42:49 UTC
They truly are. I'd feel better if I had somebody local to sit down with me and explain stuff. As it is, I have to learn on my own or have Liz walk me through things on IM.

Glad you like the songs. :)


msdori June 13 2005, 16:07:57 UTC
Oh, honey. Much sympathy on the computer problem. Bill Gates needs smackin'.


severina2001 June 13 2005, 17:45:33 UTC
Thanks. I'm grateful that my friend Jen understands my deep and abiding love for Hector. ;)


mmmorpheusq June 13 2005, 16:58:28 UTC
When my computer bit the big one last winter, I nearly had a nervous breakdown. Mine was a trojan horse virus and they were able to clear it off and save everything, but OMG being without access for three days??? Sorry you had to go through that same withdrawal and expense, like you really needed more stress?? Glad your weekend picked up later !!


severina2001 June 13 2005, 17:47:37 UTC
You just don't realize how MUCH you use it till it's gone. Like, I was at work and this song came on the radio and none of us could remember who sang it. I said "I'll check online when I get home"... and then it's like, OH NO I WON'T. Also, I tried to write longhand while it was gone... just not the same!


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