But my doctors have told me to AVOID stressful situations...

Jun 13, 2005 01:15

So I'm happily organizing music files on Thursday, lalala, when the computer dies. It was like somebody yanked the cord out of the wall. So I did what I could... which was randomly pushing the power button every five minutes, and then taking a shower because clearly the problem would resolve itself once I was non-sweaty.

Two hours later, I call my friend Jen. I leave a frantic message on her work voicemail, which is basically "oh my god, I need a huge favour, I have a huge problem, and I really really really need a ride, omg omg omg". At the end of the message I explain that Hector has died. Then I call my computer dude and explain, and he thinks it's the power supply. He tells me that it's normally about $80 to replace. Okay, I can come up with $80. Then he finds out that my computer is an HP. He sighs. HP makes their OWN power supply, which is exactly the same as anybody else's except the screws are in a different place, so you HAVE to buy theirs. Cost = about $300.

HP are bastards.

So. Jen calls back, and freaks out on me because she got my message and heard my frantic OMG's and her first thought was that something had happened to my mom. Oops. Sorry Jen.

Jen, who I must reiterate is the Best Friend Ever, agrees to drive me to take the computer in for repairs, despite the fact that she and Amy have plans. So, she comes alllll the way to my apartment, picks me up, picks up Amy, drives allllllllll the way to the computer store (in a neighbouring town, 30 minute drive), I leave Hector, then she drives me allllllll the way back to work (another 30 minute drive). AND before I've even had the chance to explain how much it might cost to get Hector fixed, she casually asks, "Do you need a loan from the Bank of Jen?" OMG I LOVE THIS GIRL.

So I was computer-less for four long days. I'm thinking, Okay, I will use this time to clean my apartment and do things that get neglected. But this time coincides with a MASSIVE HEAT WAVE in Southern Ontario, with temperatures hovering around 105 degrees with the humidity during the day. AT 4am yesterday it was still 90 degrees. And I do not have air conditioning. Literally, within two minutes of stepping away from the fan I am sweating. Outside, one becomes a Giant Sweat Bubble within minutes. So. Nothing got done. At least I had good intentions.

Turns out that Windows was corrupted. Computer dude says it's nothing I did, it "just happens". Is this the part where I am supposed to hate Bill Gates? *hates Bill Gates* Computer dude tells me that another stupid thing that HP does is use the "partitioned hard drive" thingy -- because of that, I do not have recovery discs, and the part of the hard drive that's supposed to be protected and stuff? Yeah, corrupted.


Still, he managed to get the computer back to factory settings. And he did recover a very good portion of my stuff. But everything looks different, and I can't find anything, and I had to re-download AIM instant messenger and the DivX thingy, and I'm totally scared to touch anything, and I hate hate hate this. I keep waiting for it to just die again. *whimpers*

So. That has been my life for the last four days.

On the plus side, we brought my mom up to my sister's place today and had a lovely day. Jen dropped me off there after picking up Hector, so she stopped in to meet the fam. They loved her, she loved them. :) Also, tomorrow is more Summer of Fun, with dinner and mini-golf on the agenda.

There's no way I'm gonna get caught up on LJ or anything. But I do remember that *somebody* tagged me on a music meme. I think it was: Name six songs that you are listening to a lot right now. I was uploading songs to YouSendIt as well as organizing when Hector died. So. I've got five songs that managed to go to YouSendIt before the power went out. Hopefully the links work if anybody wants 'em.

Basement Jaxx - Get Me Off
- I'm not usually one for "dance music" but I really love this. And of course it never fails to remind me of Brian and Justin.

2. SR-71 - My World - Ever since I saw the vid made to this song, I've been playing it. It could not be more perfect for early S3 B/J, as well as just being a great song any way you slice it.

3. The Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter - I think The Bangles were always highly underrated, because they were women and cute and it was the 80's with the big hair and the teeny skirts. They wrote some great songs (yes, I know they didn't write this particular one!) and Susannah Hoffs just has a lovely voice.

4. Groove Terminator - Here Comes Another One - The song used in 502 during "soon I will show you an empty drawer" sex, but I always think of it as the theme song for The Block. I am terminally addicted to that show. They are only showing first season here in Canada, and I can't decided whether I want Fiona/Adam or Warren/Gavin to win.

5. U2 - Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of - Bono and the boys, the right way. Also, Brendan Fehr was in the video. *hearts Brendan*

Okay. So that's me, as caught up as I'm going to be. Maybe I'll try to play a music file now. Or maybe not.

tv: the block, friends, fucking technology, meme, mom

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