Catch Up

Feb 11, 2012 14:28

How is it already February 11th? I feel like I've been soooo busy, when really I've kinda just been a giant slackmonster. Well, and also dealing with a bad cold (that I just got over in time to get another one) and horrible sinus problems (ongoing) and mainlining True Blood like I'm a junkie needing a V-juice fix ( Read more... )

actor: gale harold, kindle, model: emma heming, tv: project runway, tv: supernatural, work, brucebaby, fucking technology, tv: true blood, health, actor: bruce willis

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Comments 37

shape5 February 11 2012, 19:45:37 UTC
This last PRAS ep was just all sorts of wrong. And the only reason the judges said they were similar was because production told them to. I mean, they were no more similar than Mondo and Kenley both using polka dots. Also, as much as I love Austin, this season (especially his mustache this season) makes me question his taste. Because those were possibly the ugliest and blandest pants ever.


severina2001 February 12 2012, 12:02:15 UTC
YES. I totally meant to mention the polka-dots thing, and then got into my rant and forgot. I honestly don't remember too much about Austin's designs from his original season, but I remember liking him a whole lot. This season I haven't been impressed with his designs (including the one he won for, which I thought was pretty garish and old fashioned) and it seems like he's turned into a caricature of himself.

Holding out hope for Mondo and Michael to make it to the end. Don't have a clue who I want there with them!


mi_nion February 14 2012, 02:21:39 UTC
Actually in the workroom they were very similar. I think when Jerrell called Michael on it, he course corrected enough that the end product wasn't identical.
I'm very cynical about this season, since I read a spoiler a long time ago as to who would win & so far, it's true. I wouldn't have even given it the time of day until they gave the win to a non-sewing pretty girl with a sex tape.


severina2001 February 14 2012, 11:47:11 UTC
In the workroom when Michael had rejected his first attempt (the little jacket with the high cut back) and was just draping fabric on his form, they did look sort of similar. The reason I'm willing to give Michael the benefit of the doubt (aside from the fact that I looooove him, heh) is that he routinely goes through various designs before he settles (I remember in his season he once made three dresses) and he was really just at the drape/play/see what works stage at that point in the workroom. Anyway, I think the point is that the judges aren't supposed to know what happens in the workroom -- at least on the original PR they're not, that's why Tim has always said that him being a judge wouldn't be fair -- and the end result wasn't similar at all, so why would the judges even bring it up? Makes no sense.

Anyhoo. I'm really enjoying the season, even if it seems like my whole post was just bitching about it. HEE.


mmmorpheusq February 11 2012, 20:06:17 UTC
THANK YOU. I also do not like Gale's new haircut, but it's apparently sacreligious not to adore every single thing about the man. I love him desperately, but I reserve the right to dislike his hair or his hats, you know?


camelhaircoat February 12 2012, 01:58:46 UTC
Hahaha! Sorry to butt in, but just had to say that I love Gale too but hate every one of his stupid looking hats. And while we're on the subject, I thought those were some pretty mugly sunglasses too. Didn't mind the hair.


severina2001 February 12 2012, 12:05:07 UTC
LOL Among some, it apparently is. I don't like the hair, the hats or (usually) the too-tight-awkward-fitting jeans. Dude needs a new stylist. *nods*


lanbeo February 11 2012, 20:09:33 UTC
LOL at least it's better than his "season 5 Brian"'s hair. I wish they could make he hair looks like it did in season 3. Freaking hot.


severina2001 February 12 2012, 12:06:54 UTC
While I agree with you that S3 Brian Hair was the Hottest Brian Hair EVAH, I must say that I am of the small but loyal contingent that adored the S5 Brian Hair. Oh yes. I believe that's even on my profile page, LOL.


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severina2001 February 12 2012, 12:09:32 UTC
Oh, THANK YOU for this info. I went to the page and watched the demo and it does seem reasonably simple (and also, I know that I can bug you for help if I get stuck, heee!) I feel much more confident now. I may just order that kindle today! Thanks again. :)


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mmmorpheusq February 11 2012, 21:33:24 UTC
Anyone who's been in the fandom since Day 1, and has seen him in person, either stoned out of his mind or being standoffish/condescending to his fans in those days, has seen at least a bit of his bad side.

Either age, or his near-death experience in the motorcycle accident, seems to have mellowed him tremendously. He actually seems to like fans now.

Gale's "warts" don't keep me from adoring him, but I reserve the right to my own opinions about his hair, or tight pants, or big feet (the latter two items of which I am extremely fond)!


severina2001 February 12 2012, 12:14:21 UTC
Tis one reason why I never wanted to actually meet him or Randy. Just being in the same room was enough. Luckily every celeb I have met or encountered has been supercool, and I don't want to ruin my streak, LOL.

I just mentioned above how much I dislike his too-tights jeans, hee! More for you! :D


severina2001 February 12 2012, 12:11:27 UTC
I just remember a few years ago every actor was styling his hair in that "push everything up into the middle and make it stick up like a rooster" style, and it's just... WEIRD. And unattractive. And weird. LOL


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