Catch Up

Feb 11, 2012 14:28

How is it already February 11th? I feel like I've been soooo busy, when really I've kinda just been a giant slackmonster. Well, and also dealing with a bad cold (that I just got over in time to get another one) and horrible sinus problems (ongoing) and mainlining True Blood like I'm a junkie needing a V-juice fix.

Speaking of that. My online life and fandom stuff are just part of my "real life", you know? Like back in the day everyone knew I wrote QaF fic, these days everyone knows I love Bruce, etc. But sometimes it hits me that these things are not 'normal', you know? Like the other day when, at work, I referred to Alexander Skarsgard as "sex on a stick" and got surprised laughter and CLAPPING from my co-worker. Hmmm.

Randomly: I think I am the only person in existence who does not like Gale's new haircut. It's too short, yo. It's all about the hair, people! And he's got it doing that weird pushed-up-in-the-middle thing that just looks awkward.

I've also been watching too much television. In which I talk about anything that's aired already below the cuts; please don't mention any upcoming spoilers, thanks:

Supernatural: It has been very difficult just forcing myself to watch SPN this season. I think it's the combination of craptastic writing and the loss of Cas. I literally sometimes cannot remember what happened the week before, the shows are that forgettable. The Leviathan storyline started out promising and went nowhere, and the other eps have been awful filler. Having said that? Last nights ep (714?) was the BEST of the season. (Erm, not counting Cas's ep.) I laughed out loud twice -- this is practically unheard of. More like that, please. I'm basically counting down to Ep. 717 anyway. (And Misha put a spoiler pic up on his twitter. I'm not gonna talk about it here coz I don't want to spoil anyone, but I AM EXCITED YO.)

Project Runway All Stars: SOOOO loving this season. I do miss Tim and Heidi, but overall I like the new judges. Was a bit worried last ep because the week before I lost Anthony -- and okay granted, knew he wasn't going to make it to the top 3, but the dude is fun and funny and his designs are generally okay and he sure as hell should have made it further than goddamn JERRELL who put a belly dancer's outfit down the damn runway -- and this week when both Michael and Mondo were in the bottom four I was like ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SHITTING ME? Because you know what? Mondo's outfit WAS 80's derivative (swear I owned that top circa 1982) but Kenley sent out a ONE PIECE POLKA DOT ROMPER WITH A PETER PAN COLLAR. And Jerrell can take his smug little grin and shove it down his throat, because a. Michael routinely makes more than one look before he settles and b. aside from the colour palette, THEIR COATS DID NOT EVEN LOOK ALIKE. Jerrell's was some kind of hippie bohemian thing with tons of fabric and giant buttons and Michael's was more like a snug fitted SWEATER than a coat, damnit. Rami's ugly green top was pretty hideous, but I'm still shocked he got sent home over Austin's 1950's Garden Party look. And those pants of Austin's that they said were the best thing on the runway? Were HIDEOUS.

*takes breath, stops ranting*

So they seriously have to confront Kenley about how she just sends out the same thing every week, right? And Mondo has to find his mojo again, doesn't he?

True Blood: Okay, so I've had the first season of True Blood forEVER because I said I wanted to watch it and then never did. With the news that Meloni was joining the cast in Season Five, I thought, ohhhhhkay I will sit down and force myself to watch a couple of eps of the first season. OMG WHY DIDN'T I WATCH THIS SHOW SOONER WHYYYYYY? It's a giant melodramatic southern gothic cheesefest, and I LOVE IT. It's outrageous and ridiculous and funny as shit, and it's all weirdly goopily romantic, and even though Eric IS sex on a stick I am still all Bill/Sookie 4EVAH and seriously, seriously, there had better be some SookienBill action in S5 or I might cry. And also, Jessica is seven kinds of adorable and kicks ass.

I'm debating whether to get the books. I know the show veers off from the books and I'm not sure whether I'm enough of an Bill/Sookie 'shipper if it'd piss me off or not. Any thoughts from the book readers out there? (without spoiling me too much, please...)

Aaaaaand Bruce and Emma were out shopping for baby things the other day. It's the first time I've spotted Emma online in a while, and she has just POPPED. Got a little beach ball under there, and they both look faaaabulous:

*cuddles them*

I am also seriously considering getting a Kindle, mostly so I can put fanfic on it. Yes, I know. For those of you who have one, how easy is it to put fic on it? I've read the tutorials online and it says it accepts .txt files, so I'm assuming I'd just have to cut-paste a story and save it as a .txt file and then upload it? Also, I don't have wi fi so is it easy to upload it through the usb cable? Technology really DOES hate me, so I need reassurance before I jump in with both feet.

Now I should totally be writing. Yes I should.

actor: gale harold, kindle, model: emma heming, tv: project runway, tv: supernatural, work, brucebaby, fucking technology, tv: true blood, health, actor: bruce willis

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