I just bought a Kindle EEEEE!!!

Feb 12, 2012 09:57

I am excited. Also nervous. I expect to be bugging you guys when it arrives and I'm all OMG TECHNOLOGY ACK HOW DOES IT WORK *PULLS HAIR OUT* OMG. Thanks to everyone who offered advice!

The best part about this, and the reason I finally took the plunge and did it? I got a substantial raise at work, and basically the raise will pay for the Kindle in just one month wheeee! So. Pressie for meeeeee. After this, I start saving the raise. Potentially for a new computer, since Mr. Willis is still giving me conniptions on start up and also, his DVD burner no longer works.

I haven't done a single word of writing this weekend. This is particularly bad since I'm in a word war. Right. FOCUS.


fucking technology, kindle, work

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