Um. Help please?

Mar 24, 2007 23:33

So the computer died again this morning. I manage to breathe life back into it, but da-yum. I can feel the grey hairs sprouting.

I did a quick look online to try to get some idea of prices and such, and I'm so hopelessly lost. Can any computer savvy people on my flist help me out ( Read more... )

fucking technology

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Comments 46

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severina2001 March 25 2007, 04:26:07 UTC
Thank you SO much for responding. I was trying to research but a) I hate research and b) hating research makes it hard for me to do it, and most importantly c) I still didn't understand 65% of what was said.

I suck (and not...), I truly do.

I currently have an HP and would never get one again. Not only does it break down every six months, but the repair dude told me that HP makes their computers so that only their components fit them, and their components cost more. Do you know if Compaq is the same?

I do plan to buy instore.

Thanks again!


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severina2001 March 25 2007, 04:43:22 UTC
I think extended warranty is definitely the way to go. *nods*

Okay girl, put on that geek hat!

Okay, laptop vs. desktop. Aside from the obvious "can lug laptop wherever you go", what are the advantages? I would definitely need to get a wireless mouse. They seem to have the same RAM, HD, etc. I don't understand how wireless works -- I have an external modem. And um, wireless at a hot spot? (I know what a hotspot is, but other than that... *shrugs*)


hjohnson1 March 25 2007, 04:27:44 UTC
I was in the same boat a few months ago...I have had a laptop for a few years and love it. My last one I bought is a Gateway and it basically does everything I need it too. I couldn't live without it. I have a laptop for work and home, it is really convenient for me, I can move it around and it does everything I need in regards to music etc. Good luck, I know this is a big choice. If you are anything like me, your computer is basically a family member.


severina2001 March 25 2007, 04:44:02 UTC
Oh man, definitely a family member. I'll check Gateway, thanks!


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court1429 March 25 2007, 04:38:53 UTC
How do I find how much RAM I have? I know I've seen somewhere how much free space I have but I can't find it again; I just happened on it by accident the first time.


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court1429 March 25 2007, 05:29:19 UTC
programs, accessories, system tools

Thanks! It's not what I found the first time. That was a big colorful pie chart, but this had the info. Not sure I understand it, though. 512MB total physical memory, 2G total virtual memory? argh... :)


court1429 March 25 2007, 04:31:16 UTC
Oh, I wish I could help. I have a Dell desktop and like it fine but I had one of the IT guys at my office figure out what I needed internal guts-wise. And then I added MS Office, a 3-year parts & service warranty, and 3 years of McAfee security to the order and everything then was loaded at the factory before they shipped it to me.

I really need a sub-remedial class in computers. I know just enough to know I am woefully ignorant. Most of the time, I don't even understand the "easy" instructions! :D


court1429 March 25 2007, 04:37:29 UTC
After having this computer for a year and a half, there are a couple things I would've done differently if I'd known to do so. If you get a desktop, it's really helpful to get a tower with the slots for your camera, mp3 player, jumpdrive, whatever, on the front, or on the monitor. I have one slot on my tower and the front, but the rest are in the back and it's not very convenient. I have a flat panel monitor but no slots; my work monitor has 2 and the tower has two, as well, and they are really useful.

Oh, and mine was about $1500 US for everything.


severina2001 March 25 2007, 05:53:43 UTC
Good to know about the front slots, thanks!


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severina2001 March 25 2007, 05:55:04 UTC
Thank you so much. I am learning a lot from this post!

Now if only this one will last another week or so...


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