Um. Help please?

Mar 24, 2007 23:33

So the computer died again this morning. I manage to breathe life back into it, but da-yum. I can feel the grey hairs sprouting.

I did a quick look online to try to get some idea of prices and such, and I'm so hopelessly lost. Can any computer savvy people on my flist help me out?

These are the four that I found:,4264&webid=674741&affixedcode=WW,425&webid=678842&affixedcode=WW

Basically, what I want to do is:
- play online (need ethernet card)
- be able to make music CDs
- be able to play computer games (OMG SIMS)
- be able to easily transfer photos from digital camera (I don't have one, but I hope to get one before the summer)
- be able to WRITE (I don't think these come with Word programs...?)
- be fast with lots of memory

There's one laptop on that list, but honestly laptops scare me more than desktops.

So... can somebody please take a look, tell me what you think, tell me what I need. I am so pathetic.

And hey, Jen! When's a good computer shopping day for you?

In other random thoughts: when are Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman finally gonna make a baby? That kid would be the most beautiful baby evah.

ETA: Thank you to everyone who has responded, and also to tamalinn who is getting the even MORE STUPID questions from me on IM, and answering them patiently. I told her that she should be a remedial computer teacher. Anyhoo, I've got a really good idea of what I need, and what questions to ask. THANK YOU!

Now I'm just gonna hope/wish that Hector here can hold out for another week.

fucking technology

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