Hopefully my application has at least SOME personality~?

Aug 01, 2008 22:56


Name: SK.
Age: 18.
Gender: F.
Current Occupation: Courtesy clerk at my local grocery store. Don't laugh. D:


Likes: Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, my friends and family, music, dragons, cats, throwing out witty remarks, teasing people, scaring people, giving nicknames, karaoke, singing, video games like Phoenix Wright and The World Ends With You, trenchcoats, making people laugh, yaoi, yuri, hentai, RPGs, roleplaying, winning, sleeping in, relaxing, the interwebz, playing my violin.
Dislikes: Celery, stress, insects (especially bees), loud noises, harsh lights, bad grades, aches and illnesses, people suffering, whiners, liars, boredom, large crowds, being accused, needles, idealism, dark alleys, bees, being told I'm wrong, people who condescend or insult me, other people's advice, strict rules, having no power in a matter, childish people, idiots, loud noises, stupidity, changing plans, not knowing something, naive people, being ignored purposely, being bothered while I'm focused, being a burden (so I try to be as individualistic as possible and stand up on my own), debating/public speaking, conflict.

Strengths: Dependable, calm (normally, anyway), logical, intelligent, individualistic, loyal, mature, opinionated, polite, attentive, protecting, thinker, introverted, witty/has a sense of humor, reason-finder, complex, reflective, caring, observant, analytical, realistic, cunning, strategic, diplomat.
Weaknesses: I'm VERY obsessive, teasing, critical, blunt, cynical, sarcastic, loner-ish, withdrawn, insecure, gloomy/angsty at times, paranoid, smug, arrogant, may appear condescending, sardonic, sometimes demanding, stubborn on some things while submissive on others, tense, conflict-avoider, distant, secretive, cold, two-faced, pessimistic, kinda bossy sometimes, procrastinator, conclusion-jumper, curious, eccentric, overdramatic, dork, lazy, seemingly uncaring/apathetic, nerdy.

Pet Peeves: Not turning off the timer after it goes off in the kitchen. Ughhh. The beeping...the beeping...
Dreams & Ambitions: To continue studying Japanese all the way, to become a great violinist, to be known for something and not just as "the girl who liked anime", to have a memorable life, to live the way I want to, to cosplay as many characters I can and go to as many conventions as I can.

Personality in 5 words or less: Idiosyncratic, ISTJ, obsessive, two-sided coin.


Favorite Season: Winter.
Favorite Element: Fire, ice, and electricity...unless you're talking about the Periodic Table of Elements, then I'd say Iron. :D
Favorite FF character (from any series) & why: Probably Squall, Laguna, and Seifer. FF8 ftw...their personalities just stick out form the rest, where Squall's just cool overall, Laguna's cute and a romantic with a bit of a silly side, and Seifer is a complex character that is trying to find his own place in the world.
Least favorite FF character (from any series) & why: I think...random soldier #29. Erm, that one ugly person you see in the beginning of FF9...


Mature or Immature: People tend to think of me as mature, but everyone has their moments. ♥ I certainly have a playful side to me, it just doesn't always show.
Leader or Follower: I can be both, depending on the situation or if I choose to step up to the plate or not, because I am capable of being a leader. But sometimes I just do things on my own, or prefer to work in the background, as it's less work than leading. I can be kinda lazy sometimes...and being a leader can be stressful, too~ But overall I'd rather not follow orders, as I hate being bossed around.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic realist with a teeny-tiny bit of optimism.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious.
Outgoing or Shy: In-between. I come off as shy-ish when you first meet me, but that's not my true self. I'm a bit of a two-sided coin, depending on who you are and how well you know me.
Hardworking or Laid-back: Kinda both? I'm rather lazy when off the job, but once I actually begin to do something I'm hard-working.
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Calm most of the time, bit I'd say I can be the middle or even hyper on occasion~.
Modest or Bold: Both. Depends on my mood, I guess. It varies.
Lover or Fighter: Neither, honestly. I'm not fond of conflicts, but I'm not lovey-dovey and searching for a prince riding on horseback to come to me, either.


You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: I'd probably be tempted to help, but I'd honestly leave them so they'd learn their lesson. Not sure if I'd leave them to die, but at least suffer for a little bit~

When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: If I knew I couldn't defeat them, I'd run, but if I was confident, I'd beat 'em to the death. I'd call up people if I knew they could be trusted and were capable of destroying the thing I was trying to beat (or healing me, whatever).

Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: I'd try to move by them, but if they wouldn't let me I'd tell them that I was the one in front of them, so they should move in back of me. Hopefully they'd do what I asked. I'm a bit stubborn when it comes to things like this, where things have to be "right" and "fair".

FF VERSE; SHIN-RA is throwing a 'We didn't end up ending the World' Party and sent you a pretty invitation. You go to the party and you: (ie. dance, karaoke, sit in the corner, sulk) Karaoke, sit in the corner, hang around a few people. I'm not a huge dancer, but if I gathered enough confidence I might give it a try. I might sulk, too...so...all of the above?

FF VERSE; You're battling with your friends, would you rather be attacking, defending, or supporting? Attacking with good healing magic as well. Healing can count as defense if it's used frequently enough, so I'd be fine with that.

FF VERSE; One of your friends got hurt really bad. You can continue on your mission - but it would mean leaving your friend behind and taking on the next boss with less power. Do you go back to the start to get your friend healed (rest point) or do you keep going on, and try to make it without him/her? Go back. I'd want my full force healed before defeating a boss.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I'd be less jealous of other people.

If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be & why?: Aghhh, I'm not sure...Reno, maybe? Cool weapon and hanging with Rude...yeah! :D

Do you hold onto everything in the past, or do you try to move on and learn from your mistakes?: I try to move on and learn from my mistakes.

Are there any traits you've witnessed before in someone that you wish you could have?: Yeah, being happy withh the world and content with what you have, even if the moment seems hopeless.


Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: Aerith, ehn...
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:
1. http://community.livejournal.com/seventwin/16590.html
2. http://community.livejournal.com/seventwin/15842.html
3. http://community.livejournal.com/seventwin/16318.html

!personality: barret

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