Personality (x2)

Aug 01, 2008 01:22

We're twin sisters who share an LJ account mostly due to sheer laziness, so we'll be posting our applications together if that's all right. Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to read them! :)


Name: Breyzy
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Current Occupation: Lolz, does "currently searching" work? Right now I’m working in retail, but I’m looking at working as a teacher’s assistant for the upcoming school year.


Likes: Anime, manga, books, games, movies, music (J-Pop/J-Rock and alternative), writing, and nice people.
Dislikes: Mean/rude people...and when people get into my personal space.

Strengths: I'm very determined and stubborn. Once I set my mind to a goal, I don't stop until I finish it. I like helping people out for the most part, but I don't like feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. I'm also very independent, which I think can be both a good and a bad thing since it means I don't rely on others, even if I might need to. I’m told I’m funny, but my humor falls more in the "sarcastic" category so I’m sure there are others who disagree.
Weaknesses: I can get jealous easily and I don't trust people very readily. Even the people I'm closest to I don't trust fully. It takes a lot to get me mad, but once I've reached a "boiling point" I tend to get REALLY angry and I find it really hard to forgive someone who has made me mad. I also have this tendency to keep my inner thoughts and feelings inside without voicing them.

Pet Peeves: When people drive horribly under the speed limit! I always get stuck behind people who feel it’s necessary to drive 10 MPH in a 45 MPH zone when I actually have somewhere to go. It’s a gift, I tells ya. I also really dislike it when people are rude just for the sake of being rude. Sure, there’s a time and place for being angry and even bitchy, but if you’re doing it just because it makes you feel good, I think that’s quite immature and pointless. It certainly doesn’t show the person being rude in a very good light.
Dreams & Ambitions: I want to travel a lot and see the world. I’ve kind of lived in one place for most of my life and it would be nice to see more than what I have. I also really want to be a teacher. Maybe even have a family of my own one day...I still need to find myself before I can focus on something like that though.

Personality in 5 words or less: Determined/stubborn (close enough to be the same word almost), understanding, helpful, curious, independent.


Favorite Season: Autumn/Fall. I like the temperture and how pretty everything looks when the leaves change color.
Favorite Element: I’m not sure. Probably water: there’s something almost mystical about it, and it’s so necessary for life. I’ve always found water really interesting, but I’m not sure WHY.
Favorite FF character (from any series) & why: From ANY of the games? I have to limit myself to my Top 5 or I’ll be here forever! O_O; I really like Aerith (she’s such a realistic character to me: she has faults but still manages to have this inner-strength), Vivi from FFIX (I find his story really endearing. You really feel for the little guy!), Tidus from FFX/FFX-2 (he’s my favorite FF main character. I found him really refreshing because he wasn’t angsty, even though he had reasons to be), Ashe from FFXII (I literally cheered for her near the end of the game. I know a lot of people don’t particularly like her, but I think Ashe is a really strong female character in her own right!), and Balthier from FFXII (one of the most original FF characters to be created in a LONG time. Balthier steals the scene in any game he’s in and he’s just plain…awesome).
Least favorite FF character (from any series) & why: I don’t really have that many least favorite characters. Even characters I don’t like that much I can usually see somehting in them that I like. I guess I’ll say Ultimecia from FFVIII though, just because I remember HATING that final boss fight with a passion.


Mature or Immature: For the most part, I’m mature...we all have our immature sides though, don’t we? :)
Leader or Follower: Leader. I tend to find myself forced into the leader role even if I don’t want to be one. I might get annoyed at constantly leading, but I can’t picture myself following someone else unless I really respected them.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm more of a realist than anything, but if I had to pick between the two extremes in reality I'm probably slightly more pessimistic. HOWEVER, I'm not against faking being optimistic to make people around me feel better. Sometimes I joke around just to make others laugh. I hate seeing people uncomfortable or upset and if there's anything I can do to help, I will...despite what I'm thinking inside. I’m not someone who forces their opinions of the world on others, I guess.
Impulsive or Cautious: I have my cautious side, but overall I’m more impulsive (especially if it’s something that’s just going to concern me).
Outgoing or Shy: I’m shy for a total of about five seconds when I’m first getting to know someone, but I lose that pretty quick! I hate uncomfortable silences, so I kind of just start talking without shutting up. O_O ...I mean, my answer is I’m probably described as more outgoing! :)
Hardworking or Laid-back: It depends. If the thing in question actually concerns me or it’s something I want to do, I’m pretty hardworking about it! If it’s not horribly vital, I’ll probably have a more laid-back approach.
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Inbetween, really. One minute I can be really hyper, the next minute I can be really calm…most of the time though, I kind of have this odd mix of both going.
Modest or Bold: Well, I don’t really go out of my way to brag, but I’m not sure "modest" is the right word to describe it. I just don’t feel comfortable with boasting all of the time.
Lover or Fighter: Hnn...I’m not really sure. I’m a fighter that likes the idea of love? Does that work? If push comes to shove though, I’m much more of a fighter.


You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: …I’d give them a hand, but I would definitely remind them again and again that I had to help them. I could easily picture myself helping them out but complaining about it the whole time. I just wouldn’t leave them there though.

When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: If I thought I could actually handle it by myself, I’d stay my ground. If I think I needed help though, I would swallow my pride and ask for it. I probably wouldn’t run away though.

Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: Probably nothing more than roll my eyes at them. People can be rude sometimes, but if that’s the worst thing that happens to me that day it’s really not that big of a deal.

FF VERSE; SHIN-RA is throwing a 'We didn't end up ending the World' Party and sent you a pretty invitation. You go to the party and you: (ie. dance, karaoke, sit in the corner, sulk) Hehe, dance! Dancing at parties can be a lot of fun.

FF VERSE; You're battling with your friends, would you rather be attacking, defending, or supporting? A mix of both attacking and defending, but probably more on the attacking side.

FF VERSE; One of your friends got hurt really bad. You can continue on your mission - but it would mean leaving your friend behind and taking on the next boss with less power. Do you go back to the start to get your friend healed (rest point) or do you keep going on, and try to make it without him/her? Tough one. A part of me would want to really go and get them healed, but if they’re injured they might not survive the trek back anyways. I’d probably just go to the next boss and hope we have enough power to make it out and get the person healed as quickly as possible afterwards.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I have really low self-esteem when it comes to my looks, but I think what I’d want to change the most about myself are my trust issues. I really do want to be able to trust others more than I do. I’d like to feel like I could rely on other people and not consider it a weakness of mine.

If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be & why?: Cissnei if only because I’d love to learn more about her story!

Do you hold onto everything in the past, or do you try to move on and learn from your mistakes?: I used to be really bad at holding on to everything bad that happened to me, but I’m kind of learning that it’s better just to let things like that go. You can still remember them and learn from the mistakes, but harping on the past isn’t going to make it any better. It’s beneficial to yourself to focus on the present instead.

Are there any traits you've witnessed before in someone that you wish you could have?: I admire people who are able to laugh and just enjoy life…those who do things to help others out even if they don’t have to, those who will listen to someone and not judge them, etc.


Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: Hojo or crazy!Sephiroth? I just can’t see myself doing the things their characters do.
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:



Name: Yin
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Current Occupation: ...Currently employed in retail and as a ghost writer, but I’m looking at working with the school system during the new school year.

Likes: Anime, manga, fantasy novels, video games (especially RPGs), daydreaming, cute things, and kind people.
Dislikes: Character/couple bashing (even if I disagree with someone’s point of view, I like remaining open minded and respectful of their opinions), unnecessary fights, and people who are intentionally cruel to others.

Strengths: I try to see the good in everyone and live by the policy of "forgive and forget," I hardly ever get jealous of other people, I’m understanding, and I try to avoid conflict if at all possible.
Weaknesses: I’m incredibly shy and withdrawn around other people, and I don’t really have a lot of confidence in my own abilities. I tend to worry about things that I have no control over, and I can be a bit immature and childish at times. I’d probably much rather run away from problems than simply deal with them head-on, and I can be really naïve (my family and friends will often tell me that I don’t act with common sense).

Pet Peeves: Pretty much all of my dislikes. Also, the word "constructive" is a strange pet peeve of mine.
Dreams & Ambitions: To figure out what it is that I truly want to do in life, and to become strong enough to do it.

Personality in 5 words or less: Shy, insecure, worrier, daydreamer, thoughtful.


Favorite Season: Spring. The weather isn’t typically too hot or too cold yet, and everything seems to come to life after the sleep of winter. It’s nice imagery, in a way. :)
Favorite Element: I suppose I’ll have to say wind here. I like the way a nice breeze feels against my skin.
Favorite FF character (from any series) & why: From ANY series? That’s a difficult question to answer…I tend to like most cast members in the FF universe for one reason or another, and I definitely have a long list of ones that I could consider favorites. For the most part, I have to agree with the characters Breyzy mentioned (Aerith, Vivi, Tidus, Ashe, and Balthier)...and I might make special mention of Aria from FFIII. She was a more minor character, but I just really found her story in the game touching. She was mysterious and there was a lot of sadness about her character, but she placed a lot of faith and hope in others...and was even able to give them hope in return through her actions. There was just something really endearing about her character. "Once You Meet Her" (which is the vocal of her BGM theme) is one of my favorite FF songs too.
Least favorite FF character (from any series) & why: Again, this one’s a little tricky for me to answer. I remember having a strong dislike for pretty much any of the final bosses in the FF games though, as those fights tend to be long and painful. 0_0;


Mature or Immature: It can sometimes really depend on the situation, but I guess overall I’d probably say that I act more immature at times...mainly because I can get very childlike in certain circumstances.
Leader or Follower: A follower, definitely...I’d constantly be worried about making the wrong decisions if I was placed in a position of leadership. And I’m not sure I could be strict enough in enforcing policies and what-not, so I’d probably be a somewhat ineffective leader at that.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I’d rather see the silver lining to things, so I guess I’m more of an optimist at heart.
Impulsive or Cautious: It can depend on the situation, but I think I tend to be more cautious since I’m always worrying about things anyway.
Outgoing or Shy: Very, very shy...I don’t really dislike people or anything, I just have a really hard time getting the confidence I need to talk to others comfortably. It’s something I need to work on, but it’s a trait that’s really hard to change. I’m able to be a bit more open around family and close friends though.
Hardworking or Laid-back: Again, it kind of depends on the situation. Sometimes I can be extremely laid-back...but other times I’m really hardworking. It’s odd. 0_0;
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Somewhere in-between for the most part, although I do have moments of extreme hyperactivity and calmness.
Modest or Bold: Modest. I have a really hard time being bold about anything, especially if I’m around people I’m not as comfortable with or used to.
Lover or Fighter: Lover. I tend to dislike conflict in general, and I’ll try to avoid it whenever I can.

You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: I’d probably end up giving a helping hand...I’d feel guilty if I didn’t at least try to help someone in trouble, even if I didn’t really like them. I might not stay around too long after that though.

When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: A combination of all three. I prefer to run from my problems, but that isn’t always realistic and sometimes you just have to face them head on eventually. I don’t mind relying on others if I feel I can trust them either, but I’d be afraid of bothering them as well.

Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: I’d make a disapproving noise under my breath to show my annoyance, but I’d end up leaving it at that. It probably isn’t worth getting into an argument about.

FF VERSE; SHIN-RA is throwing a 'We didn't end up ending the World' Party and sent you a pretty invitation. You go to the party and you: (ie. dance, karaoke, sit in the corner, sulk) Probably sit in the corner and feel extremely self-concious and uncomfortable, wondering why the heck I was even invited in the first place. :)

FF VERSE; You're battling with your friends, would you rather be attacking, defending, or supporting? I’d prefer to be the support or defense so that my friends can focus on the fightings. I’d want to make sure that everyone was in tip-top-shape!

FF VERSE; One of your friends got hurt really bad. You can continue on your mission - but it would mean leaving your friend behind and taking on the next boss with less power. Do you go back to the start to get your friend healed (rest point) or do you keep going on, and try to make it without him/her? I’d probably end up backtracking to a rest point. It would be best to go up against a powerful boss with the party at full strength.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Probably my lack of self-confidence and more withdrawn nature...I want to be able to share my innermost thoughts and feelings with someone at some point without the paralyzing fear that the person I am isn’t good enough and I’ll be completely rejected.

If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be & why?: Yuffie, maybe? It would be cool to have her outgoing and confident nature for a bit!

Do you hold onto everything in the past, or do you try to move on and learn from your mistakes?: I hold onto things from the past, memories are very special to me...but I want to move forward with them too. The memories you make can help you in the future, I believe.

Are there any traits you've witnessed before in someone that you wish you could have?: I like seeing kindness in others, as well as confidence and strength. I’m not very outspoken myself, so I tend to gravitate towards those who are. If you’re nice to me and are usually just nice in general though, chances are I’ll like you. :) The only personality traits I REALLY dislike seeing in others are insensitivity to the needs of others, as well as constant meanness or spitefulness for no apparent reason.


Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: Umm…maybe someone like Hojo? 0_0;
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:

!personality: zack, !personality: marlene, !personality: aerith

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