Name: Harley
Age: 15
Gender: Female-kind
Current Occupation: I’m just a measly high school kid. D:
Likes: I'm a video game/computer addict, shamefully so that'll be top on the list. I love listening to music, yaoi, laughing and making people laugh is a main thing too. Hanging out with my friends when I can is awesome, but we're all really busy so it's hard too, um.. I guess for my last one I'll say that I like reading and writing, mostly fanfiction to my English teacher's dislike. :[
Dislikes: Going to school, not unlike most teenagers. Not because I suck at stuff; I actually get awesome grades but it just seems like a waste of time. I hate people that hypocritical, but in turn I'm being hypocritical saying that...I don't like being criticized even when it's for the great good. I understand that you need to find your faults before you can improve, but I guess I end up taking it as an insult and stuff.
Strengths: I’ve got a sense of humor that I like. I make funnies out of most things, which is positive to me but others might not agree. I can be really charismatic when I want to be. An’ Wikipedia’s definition of “openness” fits me well, so let’s do that. I’m imaginative. I always have the random ideas and it’s extremely easy for me to envision things in my mind. Which is bad sometimes. :3
Weaknesses: Not liking to repeat myself, so pretty much copy/pasting everything in this section from other applications [;D]. I have perfectionist tendencies, which are REALLY annoying. If something isn’t perfect or close enough to it that I can’t tell it isn’t, I want it fixed. And when I’m working on something, I’ll stress out over it for a long time trying to get it as best as it can be. I dunno, other things like that. I’m a big procrastinator, ironically. Although I want stuff done well, I don’t like to do it until the last minute. I can be extremely clingy to people I like. Not that I’m a huge leech, but if there wasn’t anyone around me, I’d probably have a hard time surviving. I guess I’m kinda social.
Pet Peeves: Water-slooshy-noises, people chewing with their mouths open, when my dog refuses to pee when I take her outside and decides to eat grass instead.
Dreams & Ambitions: Whatever I end up doing in the future, I haven’t decided yet. But I want to have fun doing it without being ashamed of telling people what it is I do.
Personality in 5 words or less: Typical teenager but more awesome.
Favorite Season: Winter, I like cold and I like snow. :D
Favorite Element: Owow, if the moon was an element, I’d pick that because nighttime is awesome and the moon is pretty. Closest I can get to that would be darkness but I’m not all -evil- so...I guess fire. Because I like to burn things. >_>
Favorite FF character (from any series) & why: Any series? Then I’ll have to go with Squall Leonhart. Everyone knows how much I love/idolize the dude, but I can’t really explain why. I personally liked his personality, and his clothes…and his gunblade…and FF8 in general except for junctioning because I mean come on…
Least favorite FF character (from any series) & why: Hojo was just a douche. I mean seriously. You don’t really have to ask why anyone would hate him, would you?
Mature or Immature: It all depends. When I’m with friends, I tend to be really immature to make them laugh, because that’s who they are. And if I’m comfortable with people, I tend to act that way. But when I need to be a big girl for something, I’ll be completely serious. And most of my thinking processes tend to aim towards the mature side. So either way, I’m good.
Leader or Follower: I don’t want to be a leader because of the responsibility but I like being listened to, so second-in-command works well for me.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pretty sure most people would say they’re realistic, and I’ll agree. I’m not a huge downer but I’m not going to be tied to the train tracks thinking, “Oh golly gee, I hope the train can see me!”.
Impulsive or Cautious: Embarrassingly so, I’m really impulsive. Especially when it comes to spending money, if I want that Squall figure, I’m buying it oh wait I probably should have bought my mom a birthday present crap.
Outgoing or Shy: To quote my friend Leah who’s somewhat helping me with this, “Shy my ass.”. Truefacts, in a room of 100 people, I’ll try to befriend at least 50 of them as long as they weren’t assholes.
Hardworking or Laid-back: I do not see why my teachers like to tell my mom that I’m a hard-working student, I do not. I slack off on assignments until the last minute and end up doing as well of a job as I could have if I did it over the whole month we had to work on it so I don’t see why I should work on it every day.
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: I’d guess somewhere in between. Mostly depends on my mood or what I’m doing. If I’m reading, I’m curled up in a ball with a pouty face. If I’m having fun with other people, I’m bouncing off the walls hey guys let’s go let’s do this come on.
Modest or Bold: I try to be modest. I try. Honestly. But if I’m good at something, I tend to..um…let people know. “You see that? Look. Look at my score compared to yours. Hahaha, I told you I rock at this game. It’ll take awhile to get to ~my~ level of skill.”
Lover or Fighter: The world needs looove~. As long as I’m involved. ;D
You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: This’ll probably sound bitchy but I’ll help them…if there’s a chance someone will see and/or the person would survive to tell the tale. But if there aren’t any witnesses and they’re gonna die anyway, pfft. If I really don’t like them, I’m not going to help them unless my reputation’s got something to do with it.
When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: I find safety in numbers, so I’ll probably call someone to help. And if something goes wrong, there’s more people besides me to blame. ;D
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: Confront them. Nobody gets MY space in line. D:<
FF VERSE; SHIN-RA is throwing a 'We didn't end up ending the World' Party and sent you a pretty invitation. You go to the party and you: (ie. dance, karaoke, sit in the corner, sulk) I’d probably dance or do something moderately calm until someone I knew came. Then we’d have more fun and do more wild things than I would alone.
FF VERSE; You're battling with your friends, would you rather be attacking, defending, or supporting? Supporting, I like staying near the front and making sure that the offense doesn’t falter. But if they’re doing a really crappy job, I’ll likely shove them aside and do it right.
FF VERSE; One of your friends got hurt really bad. You can continue on your mission - but it would mean leaving your friend behind and taking on the next boss with less power. Do you go back to the start to get your friend healed (rest point) or do you keep going on, and try to make it without him/her? Well, it’s my friend. Even if they really suck, I’m still going to want to have them with me. I’ll go back and get them healed; it’ll probably be easier to get through the area a second time anyway.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I wish I could do things better by myself instead of having to depend on/be with people to do them better.
If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be & why?: Wow. This was probably the hardest question for me to answer. I guess I’ll go with Reno. One, he’s awesome. Two, I’ve always wanted to see the Turks from an inside view [come on before crisis; let’s get some translation goin’ on].
Do you hold onto everything in the past, or do you try to move on and learn from your mistakes?: I don’t let things go easily. Good or bad, I’m always recording my memories somehow so I never forget them, usually through survey blogging. I tend to dwell in the past and think of how good things were “back then” compared to how they are now. But when it comes to negative things, I try to get past them and not dwell on them.
Are there any traits you've witnessed before in someone that you wish you could have?: Oh wow. This is probably pretty shallow and not-what-this-meant, but I really wish I had that one quality that just attracts people to you instead of you having to go to them. Probably because I’m lazy and don’t want to make the effort to meet people, but that way I don’t have to worry about being rejected if they’re the ones approaching me. Romantically or friend-wise, take it as you wish.
Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: Even if I did, I’d want you guys to be honest. D;
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently: