[FIC] Winning the Heart! , CH5

Aug 22, 2009 01:39

A/N: Last chapter. Enjoy~

It took SJ-M two days before they were sent by the label home to Korea. How was I for two whole days?

Simple. No, I didn’t turn crazy, if that was what some of my inanimate objects thought. I swear that even Ryewook’s stuff taunted me for the past two days! How was that even possible? I had no idea myself.


I had all the entertainment right here inside the room - Ddang Ko Ma and his black beady eyes just looking at mine, his hard shell still intact with him and little feet trudging small steps. Just when did I find my amphibian pet this amusing? It was right after he played messenger for me and my new profound admirer.

C’mon, I had the reason to think that SOMEONE, who I happened to like back, just confessed to me. And here I thought I was the only ONE who felt this way. So basically I had an admirer - a cute, too adorable admirer named Kim Ryeowook. Lucky~

I wanted so badly to fish out all the details about how it all started out with him liking me but that would have to wait. After all, we had the time in the world now. “Right, Ddang Ko Ma?” I grinned excitedly at the pet behind his glass container.

This pet of mine seemingly rolled it eyes on me. “Yeah, yeah. Just do go making out right in front of me, dammit.” He then trudged back to his rock-cave. I still smiled nonetheless.

Also, I had planned out all that would be happening the second he stepped inside this room. Oh, lord. I could hear myself laughing to myself too eerily just the mere thought of my ideas related to and with him.

“Anytime now…” I whispered as I closed my eyes, breathing out the beautiful name I knew to well. “Ryeowook-ah…”

Then the bell from the main door rang furiously unexpectedly.

“THEY’RE HEEEERE!!” Sungmin’s voice echoed across the dorm, successfully penetrating the thick walls of each room. I nearly jumped right out of my skin because of the sudden outburst and without sparing any moment, I sprang and hid behind the door and listened as planned. First step: check!

“Donghae-ah! Siwonnie! Hankyung-hyung! We missed you!” Sungmin-ah’s unusually high-pitched voice greeted happily. Then Eunhyuk’s voice joined in and loud noises immediately filled the once quiet home. Finally.

“Yah, I’m here too, you know.” Another voice spoke and it sounded a bit upset. Laughter ensued next.

“Ah, Kyuhyun-ah! Of course, I missed you too!”

When it seemed that our dorm admitted guests from the 12th floor, more noises followed - too many that it got difficult comprehending every sentence each member said.

“Great wall of China is so awesome! I wanted to take a walk around it but Hankyung-hyung told me that it’d take me days before I cover it all!”

That was Donghae’s voice, I thought.

“And Kyuhyunnie asked some of the Chinese people at the market area where the drug store was and they started running away. They even pointed fingers at him. Something about him and criminal minds.”

Siwon’s, I had guessed.

“Oh, that’s terrible. Really terrible. But why so? Did you guys know?”

Eeteuk-hyung’s concerned tone. Then it was Hankyung turn.

“He - He spoke in broken Chinese and told them he’d stuff their kids with lotsa cough pills until they’re hurt!”

Burst of laughter and yelling vibrated the walls; Kyuhyun speaking at the top of his voice, “YAH! I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT I JUST SAID MEANT THAT! I meant to say that I needed cough drops because my throat hurt!” An exasperated groan could be heard next. “Henry-sshi and Zhou Mi-sshi just kept on laughing at me! No one even bothered to translate properly! Even Ryeowook-ah!”

“Speaking of which, where’s our little Ryeowookie? I haven’t seen him since you guys arrived.” This time, it was Shindong’s.

The noise finally settled down which was rather unexpected because they were quite the loud-mouthed ones (excluding me, doy.) no matter what the occasion was. “Ah, Wookie just told us to go ahead. He had stuff to take care of, right? Or that was what he told us before running off with a guy at the station.”

“What stuff?” A short pause. “-AND WITH WHO?”

“Uh, dunno.”

The opposite room grew quiet suddenly - the earlier shouting and laughing quickly disappearing. “Wait - wait a minute. How come this is all of sudden? Does manager-hyung know this?”

That was then I finally comprehended the whole situation when no one replied after a long period of silence. Ryeowook? Missing? With someone? What the hell was going on?

I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down until my body met the floor; shock expression clearly painted across my face. I could almost feel bead-sweat trickling down and the tightening knot inside my stomach. What about my carefully-created-fool-proof plan?! This was not supposed to happen!

Ryeowook, MY KIM RYEOWOOK, was nowhere in sight and was last heard at the station together with someone none of us knew of? What was he thinking? HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER WITH ME!

My gaze found Ddang Ko Ma crawling around his glass cage with that poker face. That was, if he HAD one. “You better not have anything to do with this.” I told my pet. Little Ddang Ko Ma responded by crawling away.

-cause I can’t stop thinking ‘bout you girl-

“Hello? Ah! Ryeowook-ah?! WHERE ARE YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?!” Eeteuk-hyung’s voice was now that echoed inside the dorm. My ears perked up; my body immediately pasted on the door for more clearer hearing. The conversation, I had guessed, was through cellphones. “You saw your high school friend and wanted to say hello to his family? Okay, what time are you planning to come home? Everyone wants to see you. We were quite worried about you!”

After a few “uh-huh’s,” Eeteuk seemed to have hanged-up. “Wookie said he’d be coming home very late. His dad’s friend just passed away.”

A unison of “Ooh’s” and case of the missing dongsaeng was solved in a matter of a 15-second phone call.

As for me, I still had to wait again before I finally confront and confess to Ryeowook. Why were heavens torturing me like this?!

The door creaked opened and light coming from opposite end seeped through. Slowly and quietly, a figure entered the dimly-lit room. A large travel bag was carefully placed down on the floors and the new occupant examined the very familiar sanctuary.

A night-lamp with sunflower figure -courtesy of his unique partner- was on; soft yellow light shined not too bright but was enough to illumine the room.

Then a lump, covered with thick, dark blanket, on Yesung’s bed - unmoving and silent. It would seem that his room-mate was already fast asleep, as he expected. After all, it was already half-past 2AM.

Then the glass cage were little Ddang Ko Ma nestled - his cage was placed between his bed and Yesung’s bed, together with other belongings such as books, cds, controllers, dolls and whatnot on a large desk. Concluding that it was already safe to move about, the figure advanced to where the turtle was.

“Ddang Ko Ma, you didn’t eat the letter, did you?” Ryeowook’s tender voice asked the palm-sized amphibian. When there was no response, like he thought he could actually receive one, the younger member tried rummaging through the cage and found no traces of the white paper. “Oh, no.”

He swallowed in disbelief at the realization of what could happen:

A. It could have been that Yesung finally read his letter.

Or B. Ddang Ko Ma had his letter for lunch.

“Ryeowook-ah…” A seemingly dark voice breathed into his ears and Ryeowook almost jumped away when two strong arms caught the younger one’s waist and pulled him tightly - his back against the captor’s chest.

Ryeowook turned his head around and let out an exasperated groan, finally identifying his captor. “Hyung! Don’t scare me like that!”

“Why? Got too scared? Why so jumpy, Ryeowook-ah?”

“I’m not! Why are you awake, anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be that?” Ryeowook accusingly pointed the lump on his captor’s bed; his face flushed and voice slightly breaking. Said captor simply shrugged and just nuzzled against his dongsaeng’s neck.

Yesung breathed against his younger member’s skin, sending chills down to Ryeowook’s spine, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s my pillow sleeping, not me. So how about telling me about this friend who you were with the whole day, hmm?”

Ryeowook tensed before him. The feeling of Yesung just next to him was clouding his senses and rationality. “What? I just told Eeteuk-hyung that I’d b-

He didn’t let him finish talking and, with no warning at all, pushed Ryeowook to the younger one’s bed and pinned him down with wrists clasped and body weight trapping him. Ryeowook was completely immobilized because of Yesung’s grasp. Yesung inched closer and closer until there was no more distance between him and Ryeowook.

It was then that time stopped instantly and surroundings melted simultaneously when mouth met mouth in a much heated and wanted kiss. Each kiss gradually turned deeper and demanding - so demanding that it needed oxygen. “H-hyung…!”

Yesung finally pulled away, smiled at the younger male below him and said in an alluring tone, “I read your letter and this is my reply. You better ready yourself. This’ll be a long, hot reply”

Ryeowook’s eyes grew big and his breathing hitched; complete surprise was shown on his delicate face. Yesung, in return, smirked down on him.

Apparently this was surely one of the moments Ryeowook wondered if he did the right thing of letting Ddang Ko Ma and his owner know his honest feelings.

Oh, well. It was already happening. And there was nothing he could when Yesung’s feverish kisses and touches were driving him crazy and losing all strength to resist.

“I love you, Kim Ryeowook.”

The next morning didn’t turn out so fine when I left the room and came back.

“He hates me. Ddang Ko Ma hates me.” I stated in a firm and convincing tone as I stood beside my bed, staring at my once organized mattress to a now destroyed and messy and unidentified piece of furniture. Ryeowook popped his head from the door with the laundry basket on his arms, glancing at me then to my bed.

“Goodness, what did YOU do?” He asked surprised. I just shook my head in response.

“I just placed Ddang Ko Ma on my bed for a moment so I could clean his cage but when I came back, everything was like this.” I quickly told, eying the snoozing turtle who nestled at the torn sheets and destroyed pillows. “He obviously hates me.”

Ryeowook looked at me like I was crazy. “No way he did that.”

“You should see that sinister look on his face now! He’s feigning innocence! Wake up, you evil alien-disguising-turtle!” I protested more but my lover just shook his head and gave me a quick peck on the cheeks before disappearing towards the other room.

“Too adorable, Jongwoon. Now, c’mon! We gotta collect dirty clothes before Ajumma comes to do laundry!”

Just as I was about to leave the room and contemplate on how to explain myself to manager-hyung about buying me a new bed, Ddang Ko Ma blinked at me, as if saying:

“Yah, that’s what you get from making out in front of me, stupid lovers. When he least expect it, I’ll destroy Ryeowook-hyung’s keyboards next”


A/N: And it’s dooooone! My very first YeWook fic is done and I’m off to create moar! I thank everyone who anticipated and waited like little good viewers for this last update! I do hope you’ll continue supporting my works in the future! Adieu!

I dedicate this chapter to: thundersquall , tees2mai , giinnnzz ,lulufeca , hotarumyst and hkmcdull168  and Blackscarlet 47 and xTHUNDER (ff.net) and for all those who watched and reviewed!

I planned not to reply in all of the comments of CH3 just for this big surprise. Please forgive me for the major cliff-hanger! And fluff scene ain’t so fluff. Most of you were probably expecting some steamy action but alas! I’m still a bit fidgety in writing smut. I will write one, one day that is, if my perverse mind would allow me! Ohohoho~

super junior, subject: yesung, subject: ryeowook, rating: pg, type: multi-chapter, main/pov: yesung, genre: fluff, !fanfic, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, pairing: yewook, genre: humor/comedy, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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