[FIC] Winning the Heart! , CH4

Aug 19, 2009 23:48

A/N: Update update update! My YeWook fic is almost reaching its ending and I can’t wait to finish and introduce a new story! I do hope you’ll love this segment!

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Can someone buy me the boys, PLZ?

Warning: Insane and Randomness - but it’s all part of the story, yeah? Tee hee!

Then I knew it.

I was depressed.

So depressed that I bought a turtle. A TURTLE, for goodness’ sake. Why didn’t I buy a puppy, or a kitten, or a Ryeowook representative doll or at least something of the same nature to ease this bubbling sadness that had been eating both my mind and heart?

Okay, seriously, I had lost it. That was why I bought this animal that did nothing but look at me with its marble-like black eyes.

“Yah, stop staring, will you?”

Had I already mention that Ddang Ko Ma -yes, I still named the little dude- was a living couch potato; just staying at one place and sleeping the day away? As much as it sounded interesting and entertaining, IT WASN’T. The more I looked at Ddang Ko Ma, the more I was reminded of that Ryewook -MY KIM RYEOWOOK- had been called, as well as the other members of the newly formed sub-group SJ-M, by the label to some discussions, initiations and trainings that he didn’t have the extra time to stay around the dorm anymore.

11th floor dorm was already quiet to begin with. What more if 2/3 of the group was not around?

“The silence’s driving me crazy! You! Speak and tell the forecast of the weather tomorrow. According to Discovery Channel, animals can do weather-forecasting better than humans!” I addressed the clueless amphibian like a prosecutor to a criminal; a delicate finger pointing accusingly at the turtle.. Ddang Ko Ma just stared at me with its beady eyes behind glass walls, then slowly crawled back to his shelter and slept again. DID THE TURTLE JUST IGNORE ME?

Eunhyuk appeared from the door and looked at me with concern eyes. “Hyung, you’ve been out of it lately, talking to your pet like it’d talk back to you. What’s with you? Is there something wrong?”

Ever the soft-hearted Eunhyukkie placed a hand on my shoulder as I slumped more on the dining table; the glass container-slash-cage of Ddang Ko Ma right in front of me. I let out a long, depressive sigh.

“Just how long before they go home? The dorm’s turning to a cemetery because of them!” I buried my face against my folded arms and groaned. I honestly wanted to do some awesome ramblings but this was easier to say than telling Eunhyuk that I was bitching over a certain younger member’s absence.

Eunhyuk finally sat beside me and did his friendly comforting - his trademark of being the sweetest member of our group. “I heard Teukie-hyung saying that they’ll be back earlier than usual tonight. Wanna stay up and wait for them? I bet they’ll be bringing home some pizza and cake.”

Wait for them? Why not? This was better than not seeing Ryeowook at all. I had already missed out a lot of Wookie Exposure!

And if I play my cards right tonight, I might try to confess to him a little. Just a little thought - a dose of tiny Jongwoon hints such as, well, hearts? Love riddles? Gestures here and there when we were finally alone in our room? Oh, those kinds of things I read at Heechul-sshi’s secret love reference. Hwaiting, Jongwoon!

“Right.” I said as blandly as I could, hiding the real emotion that quickly developed at the mere thought of the younger member - excitement and anticipation.

So they arrived as expected and Sungmin and Eunhyuk and Eeteuk-sshi were the happiest. Shindong was happy over the pizza, thanking the gods for the blessed and greasy food.

But the sooner I got excited like them, the sooner I felt into a more deep depression when I heard Hankyung-sshi exclaiming a happy announcement the second everyone of both the 11th and 12th dwellers gathered at a single area of the 11th dorm:

“Everyone, SM just told us that SJ-M’s going to visit China tomorrow!”

Eeteuk-sshi clapped almost too enthusiastically. “Really really? For how long? Do you think you can buy us some goodies while you guys stay there? I have really wanted those limited panda key chains I saw on the net!”

Our Chinese member beamed. “Sure, hyung! Although we’re not pretty sure ourselves when we are going back here. We’ll just surprise you!”

All members cheered; the excitement was apparent with thoughts of China-adventure and pandas.


If my members were to hear my shrilling screams and objections right now, for sure that chaos would ensue. And a whole lot of bombarding questions about my behavior. So what did I do instead ranting disapproval?

I did what always do - bit my lip, restraining incoming tears stinging my eyes, and silently retreated to the sanctuary I knew that I only shared with the member that I loved hopelessly.

This was just too much.

Just when things seemed to go for the more depressing side, - pessimism kicking in, people - a soft knock from the opposite side of the door reached my ear. Then a voice, very familiar and soothing, murmured.

“Yesung-sshi, you there?”

It didn’t take for me to think for a second and jumped off the bed to stare surprised at the entrance. “Ryeowook…?”

“Yeah, it’s me. I’m coming in.”

But I still had visible puffiness around my red eyes and nose from all that crying I did for moment! Just how could I show my face like this to Ryeowook now? Quickly, I took the nearest sunglasses I could rummage for and sat behind his keyboards; my gaze facing the white and black keys. Oh wait, I had looked like those blind men who played piano for a living. RATS.

“Hyung, you disappeared all of sudden so I wa-what ARE you doing??” Ryeowook had looked at me with his most bewildered gaze as I continually pressing mismatched keys; me pretending like I was famous pianist in a mass-scale concerto and swaying my head side-ways.

“Oooh~ Hold your applause! Get ready for the final act!” I exclaimed and acted like a complete fool, even acting like Ryeowook wasn’t even in front me. Jongwoon, seriously. I had to stop this habit of turning to something or someone else whenever Ryeowook-ah’s around. My nervousness and heart-rate uncontrollable. From an odd hyung, I turned even odder when he was just meters from me. “Ah, Ryewook-ah! Fancy seeing you at my piano-concerto!”

“Uh…” He cutely trailed off; his previous organized thoughts now scrambled because of my queer behavior.

“What are you doing here? Everyone’s out there talking about pandas.” I asked just so to clear out the looming awkward silence and apparently the last word came out too sarcastic. The younger one looked at me a bit surprised.

But he dismissed the sarcasm. Good. “But you’re not out there, hyung. Why are you here alone?”

“I don’t like pizza. And eating too much sweets will hurt my teeth. Not to mention unhealthy.”

I did mental slap on the head at the realization of what I said. Just what the hell was wrong with me that I couldn’t stop speaking so blandly and tonelessly at him? Was my disappointment and frustration getting ahead of me? Get it together, dammit!

“Don’t worry, I’ll be out in a minute and eat something else.” I confirmed as I finally stepped away from the keyboards and planned to leave the room. I knew that if I stayed too long inside with him alone, I might do something with all these inappropriate thoughts clouding my senses. I had wanted him right there and then, wanted to push him against the wall and take him on. But the gaze he gave me behind my tinted eye-wear was a clear expression of concern and nothing stopped hormonal urges than being looked at seriously.

“Hyung…” He softly called with a voice that sounded a bit timid; his delicate hand grabbing my wrist as I was about to take another step away. “I-there’s something you should know.”

Unexpectedly, my heart-rate increased ten-folds when our gazes met in deep and alluring manner. His hand still held my wrist and I noticed the sudden uneven breathings he was doing. Even his cheeks turned shades of pink that I couldn’t simply not ignore. If I didn’t know any better, Ryeowook looked very nervous.

Nervous of what?

I gulped at the same hot feeling rushing quickly to my face. It couldn’t be, could it?

“Hyung, I think I-

I should have anticipated that ANYTHING could happen, regardless of person, day, time or circumstance with no exception. And by anything, I meant the sudden barging of Donghae-ah and Eunhyuk-ah, inside the room and exclaiming, “PIZZA FIGHT!! KANGIN VERSUS SHINDONG!! WHO WILL WIN, WATCH AND FIND OUT NOW, PEOPLE! THE LOSER WILL END UP DOING THE DISHES TONIGHT!!”

Then they left as quickly as they entered.

Never in my life with the members that I had badly wanted to strangle Donghae and Eunhyuk’s little necks for ruining what looked like perfect moment with Ryeowook! Thanks to their interruption, Ryeowook-ah just shook his head and smiled before joining the group again.

“I’ll…I’ll just tell you next time.” He shyly told before completely disappearing. And now I was left with both butterflies tickling my stomach and the intent of murdering the two goof-balls when they finally sleep. In the end, the former won me over by a landslide. The smile on my face didn’t leave despite the cliff-hanger.

But really, just what exactly did Ryeowook want to tell me? Was it something about me? What did he think? These thoughts followed me until I slept, not minding that Ryeowook, when finally the party was over, entered our room and slept and our previous conversation was completely dropped.

Nevertheless, I was in bliss.

And now I wasn’t.

When I woke up, rather late, I was expecting to see the sleeping Ryeowook on the opposite bed. But I didn’t.

I searched like a madman around the dorm, and even haunted down the 12th floor dorm just to fish out details about Ryeowook’s disappearance.

“Yesunggie, weren’t you listening last night? Almost everyone’s out and is at China right now.” Eeteuk told like it was the most obvious thing in the entire universe.

That was then it finally hit me.

How could I forget such a crucial information that SJ-M just left this morning for China? AND I JUST MISSED RYEOWOOK AGAIN.

“They also said that they aren’t sure about their return. We’ll just wait for them, right?” Our leader flashed me his genuine grins and I couldn’t help but feel more disheartened.

Awesome way of forgetting things, Jongwoon. Now I have to seriously wait until I find out what he wanted to tell me.

And waiting wasn’t my strongest point; the suspense was already driving me over the edge.

Deciding to retreat at my own crib and declining Eunhyuk and Sungmin’s invitation to shop for new clothes - “we need new clothes! C’mon. let’s go to the mall now!” - I entered the room and tiredly dropped on the younger occupant's bed.

This was the best as it could get - allowing myself to drown in Ryeowook’s scent on his bed and snuggling at his favorite big white pillow. In a matter of seconds, every part of my senses was filled of him. I miss him already, dammit. I should have just told him last night how I felt.

Then my eyes caught a white piece of something placed on something I wasn’t expecting at all. “Ddang Ko Ma?” I stared more at the glass container from where I lied and caught the sight of little Ddang Ko Ma emerging from the rocks with a paper taped on its back.

What the hell?

“Now who would make you a messenger, huh? One hour isn’t even enough for you to cover a meter distance, you know?” I joked the little dude while taking it out and removing the thin paper from it and putting the turtle back to its home.

Upon closer inspection, I saw YESUNG written in front. What? For me? Quickly, I turned the paper.


I think I like you. I really really think I like you.

And it’s driving me insane being away from you.

Then again, I don’t think I’ll be able to look at

you straight when we come home.

So, there.


PS. Ddang Ko Ma knows I like you. I just told him this morning before leaving the letter’s fate at his four tiny feet. I do hope he won’t eat this. This is like, the only way I could think of telling you.

My jaw dropped and my squinted eyes couldn’t get any bigger. Even after what seemed like a hundred times of re-reading, I simply couldn’t believe it. RYEOWOOK LIKED ME? AS IN LIKED ME, LIKED ME?

I seriously hoped Ddang Ko Ma wasn’t pulling my leg or there would be hell to pay when I found out this was just some joke this insane turtle was doing. But content of the paper was as clear as the bright sun outside our dorm.

I closed my eyes, held the piece of evidence at my chest and murmured with a tiny smile carved on my lips, “Ryeowook-ah… don’t you dare expect to get a good and peaceful sleep when you guys come back home.”

Hey, I couldn’t help it. I wanted him bad.

And I loved him so insanely much.

A/N: Lame ending? Seriously, I don’t even know if I’m doing a good job of writing this. So reviews are important, pretties! Do not forget to leave one!

super junior, subject: yesung, subject: ryeowook, rating: pg, type: multi-chapter, main/pov: yesung, genre: fluff, !fanfic, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, pairing: yewook, genre: humor/comedy, genre: romance

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