Overheard - part 1 of Family Secrets (H/D, PG)

Jan 18, 2008 03:47

Title: Overheard - part 1 of Family Secrets
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 511
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco (past), Albus Severus Potter, Lily Potter
Challenges: AWDT's prompts of "Well, it's not really that big, is it?" and my GJ 100_prompts entry #033 - "Command".
Summary: Lily shares with her brother a little family secret.
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100_prompts, awdt, family secrets, h/d

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Comments 35

softly_sweetly January 18 2008, 09:07:00 UTC
OMG, just... OMG *bounces*

This looks like a brialliant set up, I already love your Al *g*

will there be Harry/Ginny? Will Harry/Draco resurface? Or can't you say?


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 09:12:38 UTC
Well, I'm making it Epilogue-compliant, and Harry is currently with Ginny. Other than that, I can't say.

Glad you like it. ♥ I have to admit, I like Al too.

You know ... I was headed to bed, and suddenly a conversation between Lily & Al seeped into my mind to match this prompt, and I meant to capture a couple of lines, just to prod myself with tomorrow (er ... later today), and I ended up writing the whole damn thing.

Grr ... plot bunnies will be the death of me. From lack of sleep, I swear! *g*


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 21:14:08 UTC
Forgot your cookies, hon. :)


svgurl January 18 2008, 09:29:49 UTC
Brilliant start! I really love this story already. This part was just excellent. Your Al rocks!

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thanks for writing & sharing!

... )


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:31:24 UTC
Thanks, hon. I think I'm going to have fun with this one.


piratesmile331 January 18 2008, 10:52:03 UTC
What a fantastic beginning! Can't wait to find out what follows.


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:32:00 UTC
Thanks. :)


inamac January 18 2008, 10:55:57 UTC
Oh, I'm looking forward to that conversation! Great hook to start (it worked, I'm hooked).


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:32:30 UTC
Yay! I hooked someone! ;)


jamie2109 January 18 2008, 10:56:57 UTC
Oh, yay! Another excellent writer writing AS/S! Or are they going to remain just friends?

And I wanna see H/D come back together, too!


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:34:23 UTC
Hmm ... right now, it's H/D (past). We'll see where it goes from here. I decided that I can torture people with once-a-week updates too! ;)


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