Overheard - part 1 of Family Secrets (H/D, PG)

Jan 18, 2008 03:47

Title: Overheard - part 1 of Family Secrets
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 511
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco (past), Albus Severus Potter, Lily Potter
Challenges: AWDT's prompts of "Well, it's not really that big, is it?" and my GJ 100_prompts entry #033 - "Command".
Summary: Lily shares with her brother a little family secret.
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100_prompts, awdt, family secrets, h/d

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Comments 35

valkyrie17 January 18 2008, 15:59:43 UTC
This is an interesting start...


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:34:45 UTC


decynthus January 18 2008, 17:05:28 UTC
Lily asks Al if he can keep a secret. Evidently, she can't! But without her big mouth, we wouldn't have a story, would we?

I liked that glimpse of Harry and Ginny and the "weird conversation" through Al's eyes. I think it's fun when you can pull off a scene like that where the reader knows more about it than the character telling it.

Great start - looking forward to more!


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:37:02 UTC
Nah, she's not known for keeping secrets well. But I suspect she'll keep this one in the family.

Yeah, I like when the reader can think, "I know what it is!" that the character doesn't.



lackofmendacity January 18 2008, 17:10:03 UTC
Hee, I hope Albus does something very stupid cunning! *is excited* :D

Heheh, I love how confused he was at first... not so quick, that one. *g*

But yay, you're starting a new series! ^_^ *hugs you tight*


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 18:42:21 UTC
We'll see what he & Scorp plan. ;)

Well, in fairness, being told your Dad was with another man, when you have never known him to be with anyone but your Mum, isn't something you'd be expecting.

Just what I need ... another series! I really am insane. *clings*


lackofmendacity January 19 2008, 16:50:39 UTC
Heheh, is this my cue to berate you for starting another series?


Hee, go Sesheta! Embrace the insane fic love! ^_^

*is a useless cue-person and proud of it* :D


sesheta_66 January 19 2008, 23:00:34 UTC
Nah, I'll berate myself enough. *g* I just get an idea and ... well ... I don't have time to write the whole story in one go, so ...

Then another prompt comes along, giving me another idea ... and another series is born.

The Missing Years (the series I started when I finished DH) is sitting off on its own, looking lonely ... waiting for me to return to it. Must do that soon. At least with one more installment. Oooh! And Return to Hogwarts left off after two or three as well. BAH! Maybe I should forget my novels and just write fanfic full time. ;)


thrnbrooke January 18 2008, 20:20:26 UTC
And does he do anything stupid? I sooo need more!


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 21:13:05 UTC
Heheheh. You'll have to wait and see. ♥

Um ... this one will likely be updated once a week, depending on the AWDT prompts.


winter_june January 18 2008, 21:48:22 UTC
Great start. The 'Family secret' is now in the hands of the (Stunned) Next Generation! *just waiting for more*


sesheta_66 January 18 2008, 21:52:04 UTC
Thanks, hon. ♥


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