What You Mean to Me (H/D, PG-13)

Nov 09, 2007 00:58

Title: What You Mean to Me
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1775
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco (pre-slash), Ron, Hermione, Narcissa
Challenge: For tracy_loo_who's birthday prompt of "proposal fic with sheep." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #010 - "Eyes."
Summary: Harry and Draco visit an old Roman fort.
Warning: Extreme fluff
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bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, fluff, gift, coming home, h/d

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Comments 40

tracy November 9 2007, 06:36:56 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEE! !!! SHEEP POOP. hahahahahhaaaa <3 <3 <3

And Draco Malfoy, Saviour of Baby Sheep. fkldsj;alfkss mweheeheheee. I love this.

I CANNOT HELP BUT WONDER, though, how close Harry was to falling on some SHEEP POOP when Draco hexed him. XDDDDD

The ending is so sweet, god I'm a sucker for proposal fics. *_* *_* THANK YOU SO MUCH, you are brilliant and I love you. ♥ ♥ ♥


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 06:55:49 UTC
Yay! So glad you liked it. When you gave me the prompt, I immediately thought of either Birdoswald or Avebury, and I thought the Roman fort was a better option. *nods*

Ahh ... see, I thought about that. As you approach the edge close to the valley, there is a distinct 'thinning out' of sheep poop as it were. Seriously. I've been there.

I imagined him being close enough to there that he escaped landing in it. *ponders adding a comment to that effect*


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 06:58:40 UTC
There ... added a line. *g*


tracy November 9 2007, 21:22:31 UTC
*giggles* would've been sort of funny if he'd landed right next to one, though. :P


svgurl November 9 2007, 07:33:40 UTC
"Oh, that's rich, Potter! You worried about breaking Ministry rules!"

LOL! That was great. Harry should not be lecturing anyone about breaking rules. :D

This was an excellent fic. I LOVE proposal fics and this one totally made my night. And I love Draco Malfoy, defender of the baby lambs. Too adorable.

Thanks for sharing! :)


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 14:06:56 UTC
Heh. I don't know where my plot bunnies come from, but "proposal fic with sheep" was the prompt ... having just been to Britain, the sheep were easy, but working that into a proposal? Bah! (Heh ... pun intended) Anyway, I remembered a particularly agressive one when we were at Birdoswald, and voila!

Glad you enjoyed it.


enchanted_jae November 9 2007, 09:22:15 UTC
I love fics that combine humor and romance. *sighs happily*


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 14:07:18 UTC
Yay! Glad you enjoyed it.


inamac November 9 2007, 09:46:04 UTC
That's so sweet, Harry makes sure that Draco won't forget the moment.

I'm trying to remember whether Birdoswald is the fort with the reconstructed Roman temple (it's some years since I did the Wall), which would be a lovely place for a proposal (or,indeed, a wedding). (And you give me a legitimate chance to use my icon of Hadrian's boyfriend...)


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 14:14:40 UTC
Oooh *leers at bum*

I don't recall a Roman temple when we were there, so I'd have to say no. I know there's another fairly popular Roman fort along the wall as well, so that might have been it. I just recall how breathtaking the view of the valley was at the edge of the property (there was even a lone chair just sitting out there waiting for someone to come along and enjoy the view in comfort). So I thought that would be perfect.

Truthfully, the perfect 'proposal' place for me would be by Steall Falls in the Highlands. Alas, the prompt called for sheep, so I went with Birdoswald instead.


inamac November 9 2007, 16:03:08 UTC
Ah. This is why I rarely do prompts...

'S a nice bum, innit? Hadrian had taste. And Antinoos has been the excuse for sculptors to imortalise their own boyfriends ever since.

And there's a plot bunny. Could the Manor use another piece of ornamental statuary?


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 16:33:48 UTC
I consider prompts as a challenge, and I'm rarely one to back down from one. Though I recently had one that had me stumped for quite a while.

I like nice bums, and that one is very nice ... *nods*

Heh. If Draco were doing the decorating, I'd imagine his garden would have quite a few pieces that look like they came from the Greek sculpture display at the Louvre!


winter_june November 9 2007, 13:18:11 UTC
Wow. Harry is usually pictured as someone who is not very good with words (more the action kind of people than the eloquent), but with your help his proposal is one of the most touching I've ever read.


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 14:24:04 UTC
He had been thinking about it for a long time, so the words flowed easily. I tried to make them straight forward rather than descriptive or mushy, which is how I picture Harry speaking when he finally gets around to it.

Thanks ♥


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