Title: What You Mean to Me
sesheta_66 Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1775
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco (pre-slash), Ron, Hermione, Narcissa
Challenge: For
tracy_loo_who's birthday prompt of "proposal fic with sheep." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #010 - "Eyes."
Summary: Harry and Draco visit an old Roman fort.
Warning: Extreme fluff
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I'm trying to remember whether Birdoswald is the fort with the reconstructed Roman temple (it's some years since I did the Wall), which would be a lovely place for a proposal (or,indeed, a wedding). (And you give me a legitimate chance to use my icon of Hadrian's boyfriend...)
I don't recall a Roman temple when we were there, so I'd have to say no. I know there's another fairly popular Roman fort along the wall as well, so that might have been it. I just recall how breathtaking the view of the valley was at the edge of the property (there was even a lone chair just sitting out there waiting for someone to come along and enjoy the view in comfort). So I thought that would be perfect.
Truthfully, the perfect 'proposal' place for me would be by Steall Falls in the Highlands. Alas, the prompt called for sheep, so I went with Birdoswald instead.
'S a nice bum, innit? Hadrian had taste. And Antinoos has been the excuse for sculptors to imortalise their own boyfriends ever since.
And there's a plot bunny. Could the Manor use another piece of ornamental statuary?
I like nice bums, and that one is very nice ... *nods*
Heh. If Draco were doing the decorating, I'd imagine his garden would have quite a few pieces that look like they came from the Greek sculpture display at the Louvre!
I hear ya!
Well, feel free to request what you'd like in April. No problem. :)
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