What You Mean to Me (H/D, PG-13)

Nov 09, 2007 00:58

Title: What You Mean to Me
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1775
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco (pre-slash), Ron, Hermione, Narcissa
Challenge: For tracy_loo_who's birthday prompt of "proposal fic with sheep." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table #010 - "Eyes."
Summary: Harry and Draco visit an old Roman fort.
Warning: Extreme fluff
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bday gift 07, bday, 100_prompts, fluff, gift, coming home, h/d

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Comments 40

gurliemoviegeek November 9 2007, 13:28:34 UTC
Oh my God! I think I just fell in love with Draco all over again!!!
And what a proposal from our boy, Harry!
*flails happily*


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 14:24:42 UTC
Draco's a sweetie in this one, that's for sure. *nods*

Glad you liked it. ♥


starrose17 November 9 2007, 16:03:47 UTC
Awww! Draco!

Least we know what to get him for his wedding prsent, a nice litle lamb XD


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 16:31:12 UTC
Hee! Could you imagine a lamp running around the Manor grounds? Narcissa would have a fit!


kaykayen November 9 2007, 17:03:09 UTC
Hehe. I so had this image of Draco with a red cape and could hear the announcer boldly announcing "Draco Malfoy! Defender of Defenseless Lambs!"

I'm such a sucker for proposal fics and this is a lovely one!


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 20:01:33 UTC
*Ahem* - he will NOT be wearing a Gryffindor red cape! It shall be Slytherin green with silver lightening bolts, haha! *grins*

Thanks - I'm glad you enjoyed it.


kaykayen November 9 2007, 22:55:30 UTC
I'll go with Slytherin green but I think it will have fluffy lambs on it ~__^


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 23:03:22 UTC
Deal! ;)


lackofmendacity November 9 2007, 18:08:14 UTC
Awwww... Harry's so sweet, and I love how he reassures Draco in his moments of uncertainty. *smiles happily*

Hee, yay for Draco rescuing the baby lamb, and double yay pretty photos!

Ahahaha, are the white blobs the sheep? *giggles helplessly* How adorable. :D


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 19:59:25 UTC
Yeah ... they're both pretty sweet in this one.

Yes, the blobs are the sheep. Let me tell you, there were WAY more blobs when we were there! My kids loved them. :D


alaana_fair November 9 2007, 20:11:08 UTC
He squeezed his eyes together and took a deep breath. "Are you sure I'm worth it?"

Aww... *snuggles the unlikely hero*

Such a lovely proposal. And sheep! Yay for sheep!


sesheta_66 November 9 2007, 20:37:13 UTC
Yay for lamb-hero!Draco.

Hee ... I got the prompt and thought, "Sheep? I can write sheep! I saw lots of sheep this summer." *g*

Thanks ♥


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