Scarhead (H/D, PG-13)

Apr 04, 2007 18:07

Title:   Scarhead
Rating:   PG-13
Word Count:   340
Pairing/Characters:   Harry/Draco
Challenge:   AWDT challenge "Scar" as the last word, and prompt 042 "Life" for 
Warnings:   No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary:   Harry hates his scar, but Draco provides him with a different perspective.
Disclaimer:   The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Hey, Scarhead!"

"Why do you call me that?"

"It's a term of endearment, Harry."

"Endearment? That's a good one! This stupid scar is a constant reminder of the fact that a madman wanted me dead my whole life. It's a reminder that he killed my parents and very nearly killed me too. It's like a big sign that follows me wherever I go. People know me wherever I am because of this stupid thing, and I can never get away from it. So why would you use it as a term of 'endearment'?"

"Here's how I see it. It's a reminder of where you came from, of who you are, of how much your parents loved you and were willing to give up for you. It is a symbol of your strength, your will, your power. It tells the whole world that not only you survived, but that we all did. It may seem like a nuisance to you, Harry, but it represents hope to others."

"Oh. I hadn't thought of it that way before."

"Of course not; you're a Gryffindor. Brave but modest to a fault. Honestly, how do I put up with you?"

Harry smiled. "You love me. No use denying it."

Draco gave him a small kiss. "Besides," he winked. "It tells people that you're Harry Potter. And since the entire wizarding world knows that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are together, it tells everyone to keep their hands to themselves, because you're mine!"

"Ah ... so it's all about you, then?"

"Naturally, Potter. Isn't it always?"

Later that night, Harry stood looking at himself in the mirror, wondering at the direction his life had taken. He thought about what Draco had said to him. Despite all the horrors he had seen, and acknowledging that he couldn't get back what was lost, he realized that what he could do was celebrate what was now, and what was yet to come. He smiled at his reflection, knowing now that it was all thanks in part to that scar.

100quills, awdt, h/d

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