Apr 02, 2007 01:12

Oooh look, on time, relatively speaking. Yay!! I am at hoime with nocturnali sitting beside me. I'm sure she'll stick her fingers in here somewhere and type something deeply moving, like 'I have NOT been drinking," or some such thing. Riiiight *rolls eyes* Unfortunately, she goes home Tuesday morning *weeps* but until then she is all mine. Muahahahahahaha *cough*

We have three brave souls who have joined us this week. I want you all to go and give them a hello and have a quick squizz at their work and make them feel welcome. *waves* So, hello to cinnamon-memoir, tenderly-fierce, and faynia.

Also, after the call for some SPN, two of you came to the party and wrote SPN fic. Yay!!


puzzles by snottygrrl Pre-H/D


cinnamon-memoir wrote Chemistry (Harry/Draco pre-slash, Harry/Ginny previous relationship, Ginny/Teddy)
sesheta-66 wrote In His Arms (Harry/Draco)
tenderly-fierce wrote Dancing with Boys is Bad (H/D)
faynia wrote Life’s Dance (Lucius/Neville)
enchanted-jae wrote Budge Over (H/D)
sugareey wrote Live a Little (Sam/Dean, mentions of Sam/Jess and Dean/OFC (SPN))
abremaline wrote two drabbles. Dancing Fools, and For Remembrance (Snape gen. H/D and some H/GW)
jynx709 wrote I don't want to dance (Remus/Sirius)
ms-mindfunk wrote May I Have This Dance… or Not (Harry. No pairing.)
nocturnali wrote three drabbles Different Lives, Argument, and Insane. (Pansy and Draco)
mithborien wrote Here we go for one more turn (Supernatural)


From the chair beside me...

The last word of your story has to be 'Scar' in honour of the last word in DH and indeed the whole series.


(Rules? We have Rules? She has fallen off the chair laughing at me. Honest. There is a giggling mass of Ali at my feet.)

This is a weekly drabble challenge, posted each week Sunday midnight or thereabouts, my time (Australian time).
Open to anyone interested in writing.
Try to keep under 500 words, but not many do, it's all up to you.
Any fandom, genre, pairing or orig fic.
Post a link here for me so I don't miss your post.

Most important...have fun.

nocturnali and jamie2109
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