Too Easy (H/D, PG-13)

Apr 03, 2007 19:36

Title:   Too Easy
Word Count:   376
Rating:   PG-13
Challenge:   Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #14 - "Draco was wearing Harry's favourite _________"
Summary:   Draco is hot and he knows it.
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Draco was wearing Harry's favourite jeans. Black, low-rise, and snug in all the right places. He had a charcoal button-down shirt on that he knew accentuated the silver of his eyes, and the silk fabric was soft and wonderfully cool to the touch. A dash of cologne and he was all set.

He gave himself a once-over in the mirror and, pleased that he would have a hard Harry on his hands within minutes, he winked at his reflection and made his way out the door.

He was meeting Harry at an atrocious Muggle pub frequented by his boorish co-workers, all of whom were to be there that night. Somehow, Draco had managed to get roped into going there tonight, although he was still baffled at how it had happened. Clearly his Slytherin wiles were on hiatus at the time. Well, rest assured, they were back now!

As he entered the pub, his eyes met Harry's. Draco watched his boyfriend's Adam's apple bob as he gulped at the sight of him. Piece of cake. He smiled and waved at Harry, then proceeded to take his time working the room, greeting others, moving his arse in a subtle yet delicious way that he knew would drive Harry mad.

He could feel Harry's gaze follow him around the room. He smirked to himself, knowing that Harry was probably just about ready to throw him against the wall and have his way with him right then and there, without Draco having to so much as touch him.

Harry had thought that he had won -- he had insisted and coerced Draco into attending this ridiculous farewell party tonight. But Draco knew better. He wouldn't have to be there longer than 30 minutes before Harry dragged him home.

As he finally approached the brunette, he could see the longing in the other man's eyes. He brushed up against him, letting the silk shirt caress Harry's arm. He stifled a laugh as he heard Harry's sharp intake of breath.

Within two minutes, Harry had gripped Draco by the elbow, and was guiding him towards the exit. "But, Harry, I only just arrived!" he protested weakly.

"You. Me. Home. Bedroom. Now," Harry growled in his ear.

Oh, this was really too easy!

jae's drabble challenge, h/d

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