At What Cost (Snape, PG-13)

Mar 10, 2007 23:54

Title:   At What Cost
Rating:  PG-13
Prompt:  023 - Freedom.  Written for
100quills, prompt Set: 50.1
Word Count:  398
Summary:   Snape reflects on what brought him to 12 Grimmauld Place
Warnings:   No beta.
Notes:   This is the fourth in a series of fics about the lives of the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Each one stands alone, however, so you don‘t have to read them all …but obviously I‘d be happy if you did.
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

1 - Time Passes (Molly)
2 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Mad-Eye, Harry)
3 - Gifts of Friendship (Harry)

Snape collapsed on his borrowed bed in a borrowed room in Sirius Black's - now Harry Potter's - house. What had the world become? What had he done to deserve this fate? As a young man, he had made a terrible choice. Sure, he had blamed other people around him - Harry's father and godfather among them - for his actions. Perhaps, if he had been accepted in school instead of shunned, if he hadn't felt the need to rely on his Slytherin classmates so much, if, if, if ...

He had long since accepted his own role in his fate. Ultimately, no matter what had happened to him, he had made his own decision to become a Death Eater. He had accepted the Dark Mark. He had been weak, and had paid for it his entire adult life.

Sure, he had a reprieve when the Dark Lord had been weakened. But he still wasn't trusted. Dumbledore trusted him, but was it out of the goodness of his heart? Was it genuine trust? Severus thought not. It was the Unbreakable Vow that secured his place in Dumbledore's fold. Nobody knew about it but the two of them, and the witness to their act. She had met her end shortly after that, one of the casualties of the first war. Severus couldn't even remember her name.

He had vowed to do whatever he could to prevent Voldemort from killing Harry, and from taking over the wizarding world. He had vowed to be loyal to Dumbledore. That was all. Dumbledore could have - and should have, in Snape's opinion - asked for so much more. But he hadn't. He said that he didn't expect him to give up his life, his ideals, or anything else. All he expected from him was loyalty, and that was what he got.

Then, a year ago, Snape had found himself in a similar position. He was up against a wall, and he had a choice to make. So he made another Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa Malfoy. He had bound himself to her as well.

Now, after committing one act, he was free. When he killed Dumbledore, he fulfilled the vow he had made to Narcissa, and that bond had been broken. With the death of Dumbledore, his vow with him had been broken too. He finally had his freedom. But at what cost?

5.  A New Start (Draco, Harry)

100quills, the order

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