A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (PG)

Dec 29, 2006 21:21

Title:   A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Author:   sesheta_66
Rating:   PG
Challenge:  100quills for the prompt Set: 50.1, prompt: 006 - Picture
Word Count:   393
Summary:   Mad-Eye wants to record a moment in history
Warnings:   No beta.
Notes:   This is the second in a series of fics about the lives of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, although each one stands alone.

1 - Time Passes (Molly)

Where is everyone? Mad-Eye thought to himself. I gave instructions to everyone that there were to be here promptly at seven, and half of them are missing!

By seven twenty, the remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix had arrived, and it was time to get the show on the road, as it were.

“Thank you everyone for coming here tonight,” grumbled Moody, not sounding the least bit thankful. Put out was more like it. He shuffled everyone into the back garden, and was presently ‘arranging’ them, for lack of a better term. He had pointedly ignored the protests and questions until now.

“Moody, what the bloody hell is all this about then?” asked Kingsley Shacklebolt, clearly as confused as the rest. “Surely this isn’t some strange battle manoeuvre you’ve come up with? I can’t see that it would be of much use, all of us standing around like a bunch of prats in robes.”

“Quite right,” agreed Arthur Weasley. Others nodded their agreement too.

“Well obviously not,” growled Moody, rolling both his magical and non-magical eyes in the process. “It’s for a picture!” His face positively beamed with joy, which, truth be told, was rather a frightening sight to behold.

Amidst cries of disbelief, confusion and disgust, Moody went about his business of getting them all lined up. In the end, even those who began in protest went along with it, as nobody but nobody wanted to get into a battle of wills with Mad-Eye Moody.

So it came to be hours later that Harry was looking at the picture of the New Order alongside the picture of the Old Order. As he watched the faces, his stomach lurched. Where there had been parents who had died, there were now children replacing them. Blinking back unshed tears, and resisting the urge to vomit, Harry threw the pictures aside and went to bed where he spent a fitful night dreaming of his father’s face turning into his own, turning into Neville’s, turning into the senior Longbottom, turning into Voldemort laughing down at them all. In the end, he woke with a start, a clear picture of Voldemort in his head, throwing both pictures into green flames, Bellatrix by his side, both staring right through Harry.

As he got up to get a glass of water, Harry muttered "thanks Moody" under his breath.

3 - Gifts of Friendship (Harry)

100quills, the order

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