Molly keeps a journal ... (PG)

Dec 29, 2006 13:37

Title:  Time Passes
Author:   sesheta_66
Rating:   PG-13
Challenge:   Written for 100quills, prompt Set: 50.1, prompt: 021 - Weeks
Word Count:  1349
Summary:   Molly keeps a journal of events following the closure of Hogwarts after Ron’s sixth year
Warnings:   No beta.
Notes:   This is the first in a series of fics about the lives of the members of the Order of the Phoenix. I will make sure that each one stands alone, however, so you don‘t have to read them all …but obviously I‘d be happy if you did. (1/50)

This is not necessarily how long I planned my first post to be, but the story just took over. Hope you enjoy …

Molly takes advantage of the time she has alone this morning to read through the journal she has been keeping since Dumbledore’s funeral, and to reflect on just how much life has changed.

Week 1 - Back to the Burrow:

It has been crazy. We just got everyone shuffled back to the Burrow, and settled in, when Arthur had to go back to working ridiculous hours at the Ministry. Added to that are his hours working for the Order, and I never see him any more. Of course, we will eventually move ourselves back to Headquarters, but until we work out just where that will be, we need to stay put.


Headquarters - there’s a conundrum. Dumbledore, rest his soul, was secret-keeper, and with him dead we don’t know what will happen. Strictly speaking, the Fidelius should hold up, and only those who had been told before by Dumbledore, or those who are given one of the papers he left behind to read, should be able to see it. But that house is so full of dark magic, we don’t know what will happen. True, we were able to conclude that Harry is the true owner, but you just can’t be too careful.


Bill is on the mend, and Fleur is driving us all crazy flittering around him and shushing us all up, as if the noise of our house is going to worsen his condition.

Week 2 - Wedding Plans:

Well, Bill made it through his first full moon after the attack. As we suspected, he did not transform, but he was quite surly. Not unlike Snape on a bad day, truth be told. So I suppose that’s the best we can expect. His wounds have healed fairly well, but the scarring is deep and permanent. The healers at St. Mungo’s told us the same as Madame Pomfrey - they are cursed wounds, and therefore will never completely heal. He still looks wonderful to me - and apparently to Fleur as well. I suppose I have to give her credit - she really does seem to love him. It warms my heart to know that he’ll be cared for.


Well, they did it. They closed Hogwarts. At least until the war ends. If it ever ends.


If last week was mayhem, this week is bedlam. Fleur seems to have completely forgotten that there is a war on. She wants a big wedding, with all her family and friends in attendance, and no doubt an ad in the Daily Prophet, for Merlin’s sake! Honestly, our brief moment of mutual respect was just that - brief. The girl - OK, the woman - is deranged, I‘m convinced of it. Thankfully Ginny is here to help me out a bit. Strange, but I do believe she is coming to accept that Fleur will be a part of the family. Will wonders never cease.

Week 3 - Heading for Headquarters

Well, it seems that everything is fine, and we can return to Headquarters. Arthur assures me that Kingsley and Minerva have exhausted all avenues known to them to ensure the house is safe from Death Eaters and, well, him. What a relief! Of course, I prefer being in my own home, but I don’t honestly feel safe here lately. In fact, I am having serious doubts about moving ahead with the wedding as planned. We were to have it here, but that remains to be seen. No more time for journal entries - must pack.

Week 4 - Loose Lips

Arthur has told me some disturbing news. He and Kingsley suspect a leak from someone in the Order. Of course, Mundungus hasn’t been back, but he can’t say anything since he is not the secret-keeper. Besides, Kingsley hinted that perhaps someone resembling Dung had come up against a rather powerful Obliviate spell, and seems rather confused of late. He can’t seem to remember much of the past couple of years, poor soul. Okay, okay, so I’m not displeased to hear about it. Anyway, they figure it’s someone else that‘s leaking information. We must be careful.

Week 5 - The New Order

Well, this has got to be the final straw! Ronald, Harry and Hermione are now officially members of the Order of the Phoenix. Merlin’s beard, what is Arthur thinking?!? Of course, I know it’s Mad-Eye that’s behind it, and truth be told I know the three of them were pushing for it, but where is Arthur’s head at these days? It’s not bad enough that the rest of the family, save Ginny, is in the Order, no! Now my youngest son, his girlfriend (finally he and Hermione got on with things), and his best friend (who might just as well be our son) are in the thick of things. Not that, of course, they hadn’t wormed their way into the thick of things anyway. But this is different. This is sanctioning it. This is telling them that they are ready for it. I mean, who is ready for war at seventeen? Oh, I know others go to war then, but why them? Haven’t they, especially Harry, already faced enough in their short lives?


We decided to tell the others that the wedding is going ahead, as planned, at the Burrow this weekend. Maybe we can narrow down the suspects this way. The family (and Harry and Hermione, of course) know the real plans, but nobody else does. We can’t make the mistake of trusting those even close to us now … I only need think of James and Lily to remind me of that.


Well, it saddens me to say that we were correct. There is definitely a leak. My hand shakes as I write this from our new home - for the Burrow is no more. The house was ambushed, the wards infiltrated, and the entire thing burnt to the ground. I only thank Merlin that we didn’t have the wedding there. Imagine if everyone were there ...

Week 6 - Wedding Bells

Well, it was beautiful - and just what we all needed. After last week’s events, Fleur finally accepted the danger involved with a public wedding, and we had a quiet ceremony somewhere in the hills of Scotland. Arthur set up two portkeys, and told nobody where they led. It was the only way, he said. In case we need to use that place again (it truly was beautiful), he won’t be telling anyone where it really is until after the war. Bill and Fleur took it all in stride. Bill hinted that they might return there for a belated honeymoon.

I still can’t believe this place is our home now. Harry, of course, wouldn’t have it any other way. If circumstances were different …

Week 7 - The Order, and Nothing But The Order

I look around me at this place … this horrible place where we come in these horrible times. This place where children learn to plot, to scheme, to fight, to injure, to kill. This place which houses us all, as some sort of sick joke. We can’t escape, even if we wanted to. Sure, we have each other, but for how long?

I look around me at the history, the residual dark reminders of the family that once lived here, and it makes me shudder.

I look around me at the faces of those not-so-young, for war has robbed them of their youth already, and the real battles are yet to come.

I watch Harry separate himself from everyone else, thinking of who knows what. Who am I kidding? He has the weight of the world on his young shoulders, and there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to help him. Sure, I see Ron and Hermione (and Lupin, of course) try to reach him, but he is closed off now. Distant from everyone and everything. I sometimes wonder if the war hasn’t already killed his spirit.

But every now and then there’s a glimmer in those eyes. It’s not much, but it gives me hope.

2 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Mad Eye, Harry)

100quills, the order

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