Drabbles for hd_boardgame

Dec 29, 2006 04:47

Title:  Doubts and Broken Promises

He woke up, with no warmth in the bed beside him, still angry from the night before. They had promised each other that they would never go to bed angry, but somehow last night was the final straw. They had both said things and thrown words at each other that were hurtful, but if Harry were truthful with himself, he wasn’t sorry … not one bit.

Until he got up, looked around the flat, and discovered Draco was gone. He never doubted they would just resolve things in the morning. A note was where Draco’s coffee cup usually sat in the morning.

“I can’t go to bed angry,” it began. “We agreed - YOU agreed. It always gets easier after the first broken promise. I won’t be here for the next one.”

Last night’s argument was the least of what Harry had lost.

When his owl came back with his unopened letter, Harry left him a message … and another … and another, all before he even left for work. None were acknowledged. Surely Draco hadn’t left him for good?

At his desk, Draco looked at the messages left for him through moist eyes. He was beginning to doubt his decision to leave, his decision to write such a final letter. Last night he was doubting Harry’s commitment to him, but in the light of day he had other doubts.

It would simply not do to get nostalgic now, though. This time he would think before he acted.

The junior staff in the office were soon avoiding Draco, as he had barked orders at them, and actually he had barked non-orders at anyone who gave him a sideways look. This was rich. He had left the house to get away from his anger, and here he was wallowing in it, and spreading it to his co-workers.

Finally, when someone told him to “put a sock in it!” Draco decided that perhaps he ought to resolve this conflict with Harry, one way or the other.

Draco waited for Harry, as a young girl did a pirouette on the ice before him. A young muggle woman pranced across the ice into her love’s arms.

He was starting to get chilled when he noticed Harry approaching with fogged glasses. Honestly! You’d never know he was a wizard with the lack of magic he did at times like this.

“Here, let me help you,” Draco offered, as he cast the spell to clear Harry’s glasses.

“Thanks,” Harry said as he leaned in for a kiss. “You’re freezing!” he told his boyfriend.

“No thanks to you, late as usual. At this rate, I may catch the flu.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, the flu is a virus - you don’t get it from being cold.“ Harry said as he tenderly caressed Draco’s cheek.

“Yes, yes, I know … let’s get on with it then,” he said, trying to sound put out, but only coming across as mildly amused.

Harry grabbed him by the hand and they skated across the ice to the other side, where Harry stopped abruptly. “Now what, Potter?” Draco asked, perplexed.

“Mistletoe,” he replied with a kiss.

OK … crack is not my thang, but I don’t back down from a challenge, so here goes ...

“I have a great idea, Draco!” called Harry from the study. “A way to rid us of Voldemort and his evil forever!”

Ever-hopeful, Draco asked his boyfriend to explain.

“Well, you see, we give him presents,” Harry explained.

“Presents?” asked Draco.

“Yes, like maybe some shiny nail polish! And we can invite him to dinner,” Harry continued, his eyes twinkling as he went along.

“Dinner … with Voldemort … here? At the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix? You are NOT serious!”

“Well … “ Harry hesitated. Straightening his shoulders (and his resolve), he continued, “well, yes. Why not?”

“Why not?!?” Draco gasped. “Well, for one thing, we’re out to get him. For another, he is trying to kill you … and me … and probably everyone else here.” He couldn’t go on.

“Well, you see, Dumbledore always said that love is what would win this war against Voldemort. So if we invite him to celebrate Christmas with us, his heart will grow, and he will love us all!”

“That’s it! Enough!” Draco yelled. “No more muggle Christmas specials for you!”

drabble, hd_boardgame

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