
Jan 01, 2007 12:32


A Woman Scorned [14A overall, 16 parts, 27,600 words total]

Summary: Ginny is convinced that Draco has used some sort of spell, enchantment or potion to lure Harry into his clutches and keep him there. Since no one else believes her, she takes matters into her own hands, and removes Harry from Draco's influence. Draco works with Hermione to find any way possible to bring Harry home, while the rest of the wizarding world searches for him.

Correspondence [G, 5 parts, 2000 words total, WIP]

Summary: After the war, corresponding by letter seems the best way for Draco and Harry to communicate. Eventually, letters are not enough.

Quidditch Hotness [NC-17, 3 parts, 8000 words total]

Summary: An interview for an article about "The Next Generation of Quidditch Hotness" goes terribly wrong, and leaves Ron with some explaining to do, while Harry and Draco are left pondering some unrealized feelings. Collaboration with alaana_fair and melmoe1.

Coming Home [PG-13, 7 parts plus 1 sequel, 5400 words total]

Summary: Harry had left England, his life and Draco behind three years ago, when he receives and accepts an invitation to a wedding which brings him home.

A Different View [PG-13 overall up to part 14; NC-17 (last part only), 15 parts (+5 part Bs), 12,085 words total]

Summary: Draco is ordered to complete community service in reparation for his crimes. He chooses to help with the rebuilding of Hogwarts, where he finds that his former nemesis is his only friend.

Getting There [PG-13, 10 parts, 3,800 words total]

Summary: A ten-part series showing the development of Draco and Harry's relationship, from friends to more.

Return to Hogwarts [14+, 2 parts, 6067 words total, WiP, pre-DH]

Summary: The students return to Hogwarts, post-war, and Headmistress McGonagall encourages inter-house unity.

The Order [PG-13, 10 parts, 6500 words total, continuing arc]

Summary: A series of one-shots, chronicling the lives of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, all of which can stand alone.

my fics

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