Fic Exchanges (H/D)

Jan 01, 2007 12:35

Fic Exchanges:

Life Without You, written for the_eros_affair. [NC-17, 3725 words]

Summary: Cheque written from Harry to Draco: I promise to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

A Little Nudge in the Right Direction, written for hpslashnotsmut. [PG-13, 7814 words]

Summary: The war has ended, Voldemort is now dead, and people are getting on with their lives. The story begins as almost everyone has moved out of Grimmauld Place.

Not An Option, written for hpslashnotsmut. [14A, 5341 words]

Summary: The story begins as Draco is forced to accept the terms of a bet he made with Blaise, and lost. To hold up his end of the bet, and not suffer an even worse fate, he is now faced with a month of being friends with Harry. The problem is, Harry can't know about it, so how will Draco suddenly become his new best mate?

Worth the Gamble, written for hpslashnotsmut. [PG, 8700 words]

Summary: When Draco Malfoy is sentenced to probation for his crimes, he must come up with a plan to make reparations that are meaningful, and he calls upon the one person that can help him do it.

Still Got It, written for slashfest. [NC-17, 3400 words, extreme fluff]

Summary: Harry has a little something special planned for his and Draco's fifth wedding anniversary. Request: “Harry/Draco Postwar, established relationship, Harry & Draco celebrate an anniversary.”

Anything But That, written for slashfest. [14+, 4420 words]

Summary: Ron reluctantly enlists the help of Draco to help Harry get through a rough time he's having. The request was for: "Post-war. Harry has become lost after the war, maybe has an injury that prevented him from joining the Aurors, and now has sort of lost his hold on life. I'm not particular on how it happens but I would like for Draco to show Harry how to live again, how to love again; to have Draco be the one saving this time around instead of Harry."

Something Completely Different, written for slashfest. [14+, 1950 words]

Summary: Harry and Draco run into Dudley while on vacation, and feelings long ago suppressed come to the forefront for Harry. Thankfully, Draco is there to pick up the pieces. The request was: Post-Voldemort. Hurt/Comfort fic. On their vacation, Harry and Draco run into his homophobic cousin, Dudley. This causes Harry to remember the horrific neglect and taunting he suffered at the Dursleys' house, making him feel that Draco deserves better. Draco then sets out to prove how much he loves Harry. Happy ending, please.

Smile For the Camera, written for slashfest. [PG, 3150 words]

Summary: A wedding brings out the best in Harry and Draco finds he rather likes it. The request: Post war. People have moved on, leaving the past behind. Draco and Harry meet up with the camaraderie of two people who fought the same war.

Too Good For Him, written for slashfest. [PG, 1785 words]

Summary: Harry had finally found happiness. Draco had finally found a partner. Insecurities arose and their hopes were dashed. Can they find it within themselves to forgive and forget, or will the resolution they secretly long for be lost? The request: I would love a post-Hogwarts fic where Harry & Draco had been a couple at some point before and had a nasty break up. They run into each other later (by accident or by interference from friends) and after fighting about why they broke up, they realize it was a mistake and begin again.

Games People Play, written for hd_holidays. [Adult, 4500 words]

Summary: Harry and Draco are no longer together. And they are both fine with that. Really. No, really, they are. Enter the women. Request: angsty crack with a happy ending.

More Than a Partner, written for hd_holidays. [Mature, 15,170 words]

Summary: Harry Potter appears to have a wonderful life: wife, children and the job of his dreams. When things begin to crumble, he finds solace and comfort in a partnership he never saw coming.

my fics

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