
Jan 01, 2007 12:36


Birthday Ficlets, 2007 [37 fics, ranging from G to NC-17, based on prompts provided]

Christmas Drabbles, 2007 [27 drabbles ranging from G to NC-17]

A Long Look Back [PG-13, 1745 words, songfic]

Summary: Draco and Harry each take an objective look back on the last six years of their lives, and what influence/impact they have made on each other. Based on the song "The Reason" by Hoobastank, and as requested by alaana_fair.

Wrockstock Drabbles, 2007 [10 fics, ranging from G to NC-17, based on prompts provided]

Summary: Ten stand-alone gift fics for my cabin-mates at Wrockstock. Most are H/D, although there's a gen Ron, a Pansy/Hermione (H/D also), a Viktor/Ron, and a *gasp* Harry/Ron as well, based on the recipients' preferences.

my fics

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