[The sound of rain can be heard, but the Commander had the sense to broadcast indoors. His tone indicated this is actually important and not a usual rant
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[...You're still going on about that, are you. Ryner just gives the video a tired look, while the wild Paras who's still parked on his head gives a questioning look instead.]
Not really, no. I mean, conquering the world and bothersome things like that... It doesn't seem like something people would joke about a lot, you know?
Allow me to explain since my sense of humor is obviously beyond your comprehension. You already know that I've made my intentions to take over the world quite clear, sssso the joke is that I was giving them up! Only I'm not! Get it?
I am Cobra Commander, and you can hate me all you want! I really don't care! I have so many enemies already that having one more doesn't bother me at all! What does bother me is you having the audacity to tell me to calm myself! Calm myself? You have no right to tell me anything! And I also don't care if you or anyone else wants to hear me talk! You're going to hear it whether you like it or not, so get used to it!
Comments 82
[ffff you so moronic, best toy ever]
I merely wanted to use the date to mock my enemies. And show everyone that I have returned to consciousnesssss.
Now, seeing how I've been unconscious for almost two weeks, has anything happened with Team Rocket?
...Er, I don't think I get the joke.
How about you try something a little less obnoxious?
[ She doesn't know who he is but holy hell is there nothing more annoying than a man who just talks. ]
Seriously, there is nothing more annoying than a man who never shuts up.
So calm yourself. I'm pretty sure half the people on this network don't really want to hear you speak either.
[ |: And here comes disastuh ]
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