[The sound of rain can be heard, but the Commander had the sense to broadcast indoors. His tone indicated this is actually important and not a usual rant
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[...You're still going on about that, are you. Ryner just gives the video a tired look, while the wild Paras who's still parked on his head gives a questioning look instead.]
Not really, no. I mean, conquering the world and bothersome things like that... It doesn't seem like something people would joke about a lot, you know?
Allow me to explain since my sense of humor is obviously beyond your comprehension. You already know that I've made my intentions to take over the world quite clear, sssso the joke is that I was giving them up! Only I'm not! Get it?
Kind of hard to go inside when I haven't seen an 'inside' since I went in this forest a few days ago. How was I supposed to know it would storm while I was traveling? The weather sucks.
[Hang on. He's still laughing. This goes on for a while.]
You should be more prepared! The way the weather shifts here, anything could happen at any time! For all you know there could be a horrible ice storm tomorrow! I doubt your bedsheet would keep you from becoming a human popsicle!
[And he's just. Not going to bother answering that. Because honestly, he has been walking through this forest in the rain all day, only having set up camp now, and so he's too tired to respond to something like that.
"Quil?" Even if his Cyndaquil pops out from under Ryner's Sage robes that are being used by a couple of his partners as a blanket to wonder why people are talking about ice.]
[The Cyndaquil hops up onto Ryner's lap, and he - carefully and slowly we don't need any more burned hands thank you - pats the little critter's head.] Ah, well, I'm sure Ren didn't mean anything of the sort.
["Quil~" Ren seems to like being petted like that, and starts rubbing up against Ryner's hand. Ryner is visibly a little bit hesitant at this, but doesn't pull away or anything.]
...Er, I don't think I get the joke.
[Did I forget to mention that he's kind of drenched and under a bedsheet that's acting as a makeshift tent? Because he kind of is.]
You should be more prepared! The way the weather shifts here, anything could happen at any time! For all you know there could be a horrible ice storm tomorrow! I doubt your bedsheet would keep you from becoming a human popsicle!
[And he's laughing again.]
"Quil?" Even if his Cyndaquil pops out from under Ryner's Sage robes that are being used by a couple of his partners as a blanket to wonder why people are talking about ice.]
What a pain...
["Quil~" Ren seems to like being petted like that, and starts rubbing up against Ryner's hand. Ryner is visibly a little bit hesitant at this, but doesn't pull away or anything.]
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