post #18

Nov 03, 2012 10:55

Fics ( #17)

untitled f(x), krystal/sulli
Each Day That Passes EXO/SNSD, Baekhyun/Taeyeon
beneath the ice cracks super junior-m/f(x), zhou mi/victoria
food for the heart ze:a, kevin/siwan
don't forget me girl's day, sojin/yura
I would trust you (with my password) btob, peniel/sungjae
lesson one: always have a spare key exo, baekhyun/chen
burnt Read more... )

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infinite, myungsoo/sungyeol anonymous November 3 2012, 19:43:43 UTC
It is perhaps not a surprise that photography developed as a technological medium in the industrial age, when reality started to disappear. - Jean Baudrillard


destruction resolution | infinite, myungyeol (part i) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:08:16 UTC
In the year 21XX, the world suddenly shifts, and the lines of reality blur. The effects are subtle, but devastating - it becomes difficult to tell what has been, what is, and what will be. People continue move at the same, constant speed, but the time and space around them twists and flows unpredictably. What a person perceives around them may not yet be, or has already been. Individually, the warping is minimal, so small that the effects are almost unnoticeable - in high population densities, though, the combined distortions are catastrophic. People could walk right by each other and not even know that they were passing another person - or, more dangerously, into them. In the first week after the shift, accidental deaths in large cities spike to unprecedented highs. Everybody knows somebody (most, more than one) who died within the first five days of the shift ( ... )


destruction resolution (part ii) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:10:48 UTC
He uses his first roll of film on preserving old memories: before his moving date arrives, he snaps photos of his apartment, of his favorite restaurant, of the park he used to like to take a run in whenever he had free time. The people in Seoul who are still waiting for relocation don’t come out unless they have to anymore, so it is eerily quiet, unsettlingly empty. Instead of images of children playing on the swingset or tipsy businessmen hanging off the edge of their chairs as they order another round of drinking snacks, the photos come out devoid of other humans. They weren’t the memories he wanted, he realizes. A waste of valuable film, since he only has so many rolls and they are nigh impossible to come upon.

Myungsoo only looks through them once before he tucks them into a photo album and hides it at the bottom of a moving carton. Even after he’s finished with the relocation process, he doesn’t open up the box - he just shoves it into the bottom of his closet and buries it underneath his clothes and tries to willfully forget.

... )


destruction resolution (part iii) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:11:43 UTC
- - -Officially, there are no bans on visiting people. Unofficially, though, people willingly isolate themselves physically. Relationships begin to occupy a sphere in the Internet even more prominently than before, since most people were separated from the people that they knew during the relocation process, and the shift is rarely strong enough to affect electronic data. Myungsoo, before moving away, promises his friends and family that he will stay in contact, but his texts and e-mails become increasingly sparse as time passes. It’s just not the same, he thinks. It becomes harder and harder to care about people who, increasingly, only reside in his memories ( ... )


destruction resolution (part iv) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:12:47 UTC
Sungyeol shrugs and says, “That’s just how I am, you know? That’s it. That’s all there is to it ( ... )


destruction resolution (v) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:13:50 UTC
- - -“Happy birthday,” announces Sungyeol, striding into Myungsoo’s room without waiting to be invited in. He drops a package into Myungsoo’s lap ( ... )


destruction resolution (part vi) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:14:47 UTC
- - -

Myungsoo is more cautious with his third roll of film. He knows he has to be, if he wants to make things last. Meticulously, he plans ahead every possible photo that he could take, weighing the pros and cons of each one. Up until now, he has only taken pictures of things and of places: the second roll of film was spent on atmospheric shots (birds in flight against the light blue-gray of the sky, shadows cast in the late afternoon, Sungyeol’s mess of a room) and the first on things he’d rather not think about.

Finally, he decides on one thing - he would like to take a photo of Lee Sungyeol. Maybe more than one, if he can. Maybe the whole roll, because he would need all of them and more to capture the most important parts of Sungyeol.

He can’t work up the nerve to ask, though, and instead he takes a picture of himself in the mirror.

- - -The shift becomes more and more unpredictable, with no way to predict its volatility. Sometimes, there are periods of days upon days where everything behaves just as expected, and at other ( ... )


destruction resolution (part vii) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:16:29 UTC
- - -

Together, he and Sungyeol ride out a time loop that lasts all afternoon. Sungyeol amuses himself by causing paradoxes in Myungsoo’s living room. Myungsoo tries to play along too, but eventually he ends up lying back on his coach, camera clutched in his hands, only getting to check the clock every once in a while. It never passes 3:52 - every time it seems like it might, all of a sudden it is 3:38 again, and they relive the same fourteen minutes one more time. Eventually, Sungyeol has to sit on him to prevent him from looking at the clock again and again - “You’re driving yourself crazy, you idiot,” he says, and crosses his legs over Myungsoo’s lap, distracting Myungsoo by telling nonsense puzzles and stories about his childhood ( ... )


destruction resolution (part viii) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:17:59 UTC
- - -A minor time loop feels like this: you put your shoes on to leave the house, kneeling over to tie your shoelaces. After you’re done, you get back up, only to accidentally step on a shoelace when you try to take a step forward. You look down, and your shoelaces are not tied, so you kneel over again to tie it. The process repeats over and over again, until you get tired of it, and you give up only to find that your shoelaces are a knotted mess ( ... )


destruction resolution (part ix - end) anonymous November 5 2012, 22:20:27 UTC

- - -

Myungsoo knocks on Sungyeol’s door, clinging the box he had tried to forget about to his chest. When Sungyeol opens it, he says, “I wanted to show you something.”

“Okay,” answers Sungyeol, unusually cautious, and steps aside to let Myungsoo in. On the nearest table, he puts the box down and opens it up - inside is a single photo album. He flips through the pages, taking all of the pictures inside out: pictures of an empty playset, of deserted neighborhoods, of isolation and loneliness.

“I took these before I left Seoul,” he explains. “Of my favorite places. I used a whole roll of film on it.” He takes a deep breath and fingers the corner of one of the photos - “But they’re not the memories I wanted. I wanted to capture the Seoul that I remembered, of people on the streets and laughing together and fighting with each other and struggling and just being alive, but they ended up like this instead. And I thought to myself - I’d rather have the Seoul that we had. The one before the shift. The one in the photobook you gave me ( ... )


not op anonymous November 6 2012, 03:34:49 UTC
but wow. this is incredibly beautiful and complex and yet told in such a straightforward way. i love how you've created a whole world out of the prompt and how thoroughly you explore it. the section about what time loops feel like is gorgeous, and i can totally feel it just from your description. thank you so much for writing this!


Re: not op anonymous November 6 2012, 13:32:04 UTC
thank you for reading! your comment really brought a smile to my face ahh i'm glad you enjoyed it!!


also not op anonymous November 6 2012, 05:06:35 UTC



please write a novel. i will buy it. that is all. @_____@ okay, not all. are you looking for feedback? have you written anything else for kfandom? is your worldbuilding genius? (the answer is yes.)


Re: also not op anonymous November 6 2012, 13:29:26 UTC
sdlkfj that's one of the nicest things anybody has ever said about my writing ;___; you are so sweet, anon, tysm! thank you for reading and i'm glad you liked it!!

and to answer your questions: feedback would be great, but i'd prefer to get it via pm/e-mail if that's okay with you? i have written for kfandom before but this is a major departure from the rest of what i've written haha


Re: also not op anonymous November 7 2012, 13:06:34 UTC
if anything, i should be the one thanking you @_@ good longfic writers are like rare gems. and yeah, that's no problem. where can i reach you? via some sock e-mail perhaps?


Re: also not op anonymous November 7 2012, 15:53:37 UTC
you can e-mail me at! thank you preemptively for taking the time to write feedback for me, i really appreciate it ;u;


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