post #17

Oct 28, 2012 09:54

Fics( #16).

two words: classy and fabulous big bang gd/top
untitled exo, lay/luhan
take me to the stars f(x), krystal/amber
deer in headlights exo, luhan/lay
From a Distance EXO, Kai/Kyungsoo
Happy New Year exo, tao/chen
samgyeopsal and soju exo, kris/lay/luhan
lip lesson snsd, sunny/seohyun
untitled exo, kai/d.o/baekhyun
can you whisper exo, kai/ ( Read more... )

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b1a4, jinyoung/baro anonymous October 28 2012, 22:16:16 UTC
domestic!au. the life of jinyoung and baro as they deal with burnt breakfast, jinyoung's habit of sleeping through baro's nagging and living as 'the one couple you never thought would happen but did'


burnt breakfast (so get your butt out of bed) ; b1a4, jinyoung/baro anonymous October 31 2012, 23:41:27 UTC
"wake up."


"wake up, we have to go see dongwoo and junghwan today."


"wake up, jung jinyoung, or i will shove a stick up your ass, with some gravel, and i will make it painful."

and with that, jinyoung is awake.

"gosh, it's only nine-thirty," jinyoung complains, rising out of bed, fixing his hair as he does so. sunwoo, hands on his hips and scowl on his face, glares at his husband, watching as he ambles to the bathroom, rubbing his back, revealing just a little bit of skin underneath his sleep wear.

"and we told them that we'd meet them at eleven. it's a thirty minute drive, don't you remember? so that gives you less than an hour to get dressed and eat and everything!" sunwoo complains, throwing his arms up into the air. jinyoung rolls his eyes, smiling at his husband, before closing the bathroom door and turning on the shower ( ... )


OP here! anonymous November 1 2012, 18:58:01 UTC
Omg. The levels of cuteness were through the roof. x3 I love Baro's threat to Jinyoung to get his ass out of bed, and I just love it all. ;o;

Anon, you did an awesome job. <3


Re: burnt breakfast (so get your butt out of bed) ; b1a4, jinyoung/baro anonymous November 2 2012, 00:34:28 UTC
haha omg this was really cute! baro's threat was great. and the shindeul at the end!


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