
Feb 09, 2011 12:31

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dog, photography

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Comments 24

frontdoorangel February 9 2011, 13:20:37 UTC
He's beautiful, congratulations!

Also, Kermit running is probably the cutest thing I've seen all week- except for my own dog, of course. I have a puggle, 1/2 pug 1/2 beagle and he dances on his back legs and shakes his butt when he sees me which is adorable.


sensibleken February 9 2011, 13:22:44 UTC
aw. pugs are great. Nolly walks one and i havent got to meet him yeat. really hope i do soon


nollipop February 9 2011, 15:26:45 UTC
Yeah, it was a shame you didn't get to meet Rory. He's such a character and everyone loves him, people and dogs.

Wonderful post there!

Pace met Bella the psychotic shepherd/collie today! She was a bit intimidated by his size (28-30 inches tall!) and so was quiet in the car for once. At one point we all got into a huge tangle of leads and dogs on the beach. Pace was all wrapped around and stood on by Bella, but he didn't move a muscle or snarl or even whimper. Good boy!

He rode home on the passenger seat of my car. This got some odd looks from motorists and when he is sat upright his head nearly touches the roof!


sensibleken February 9 2011, 15:56:03 UTC
cooooooooooool!!! aw i want to see that. but even more i want a photo of that!!

I new hed calm down that psycho!


theprimrosepath February 9 2011, 15:38:23 UTC
Aww, he's gorgeous! Congratulations. :) I have pet-owner jealousy now. :D Can't wait for the day I'm able to have one again.


sensibleken February 9 2011, 15:56:24 UTC
hes great. i never had one before and its fantastic


crm February 9 2011, 16:31:36 UTC
thats a great shotof kermit! what a fantasticly fun dog. probably my second favourite ascide from the pug.

pace looks lovley and much healthier. i hope he settles down wel and i look forward to meeting him


sensibleken February 9 2011, 17:09:24 UTC
I cant wait to meet the pug. ive heard so much about him


kitty_bangbang February 9 2011, 21:05:04 UTC
One of the rescuers they only brought out their own dogs for adoption days than if you were interested they'll take you to i guess their headquarters. they had a one legged greyhound with cancer omg it was so sad, tho he wasn't a sad dog cos dogs are such forgiving animals. but he'd bark at you if you didn't say hi to him first. eventually he passed on and now they have another one well four total but antoher one his entire back is nothing but a giant tight scar from a racing accident. :( i use to groom one named Irish Crown it was his racing name. I wish they'd shut the track down in our state, they did in a near by state and most of the dogs came to our rescue groups.

my husband wants a wolfhound,saluki or afgan hound to bad for him! lol


sensibleken February 10 2011, 09:36:17 UTC
i know its fucking horrible the amount of cruelty that goes on. Id love a wolfhound. its definetely on my wish list


kitty_bangbang February 10 2011, 16:31:28 UTC
yep it is! i wouldn't have room for a wolfhound he'd take up my entire living room floor lol! plus if he can't control the lil dogs i got my husband sure can't control a large one!


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