
Feb 09, 2011 12:31

Everybody say hi to Pace. He's our new doggy we picked up on saturday from the orchard sanctuary in Offaly.

Heres all about him.

The good thing about rescue greyhounds is that you can if your lucky (ie if the dogs ears havent been cut off, which happens a lot) find out quite a bit about him on the internet. We know his raceing name was Pace Setter, he ran six races, winning one and coming last in the rest. He was then sold on to some people for coarsing and then abandoned. It seems he was suffering severe neglect or outright abandonment for at least a year when Mary Jane from the sancuary got him

This is him on being picked up. Massively underweight, missing a lot of hair due to malnutrition and with a narge cut on his nose from being muzzled all the time. This was only in November

And this is him now...HAPPY DOG!!!

We brought him to the nearest dog park on Sunday. He's not too interested in running prefering instead to stick near us. Not too interested in running after other dogs, at least not as interested as other dogs are in running fter him


I took monday and tuesday off from work to let him get used to me. Im telling you Nolly has the BEST job in the world! Monday we picked up 2 lurchers, an old english sheep dog, a spaniel and a shitzu and went to a local park (hard work) and the next day we had the two lurchers and the sheep dog and pace in another dog park where everyone ran around for an hour.

I think yesterday he started coming out of his shell a bit. he'd gladly run off with the dogs and although he wouldnt play with them he at least looked interested.

I think that he doesnt know other breeds of dog are actually dogs having never been around anything but greyhounds and a wolfhound and also he never got a chance to be a puppy.

Pace and Daisy being all awwwww

Daisy the crazy lurcher, pace getting bored which he does quite easily

It seems the blonds like him :)

This is Kermit. The bat shit crazy sheep dog with more energy than a schitzophrenic hydrogen atom

This entertained them for hours. Also this is the best use of a football

Dexter is really affectionate if you have meaty snacks in your pocket.

Even at 1/600 shutter speed theyre quite difficult to capture once the start

I should really have photoshopped this onto a mountain. oh and put in a spear!

Oh and we couldnt forget about Ceol the wolfhound. Shes actually quite small for one but they are fantastic dogs. We are so getting one!!!


Im really glad hes not too skitish and nervous considering he was so badly abused. It fucking pisses me off big time the treatment of these dogs by the racing industry. Of course there are decent people in it but they would be liars if they say there is not a problem. thousand of dogs are killed a year because of this industry and hundreds more are abandoned or abused. The English king K'nut said it best when he declared the punishment for killing a greyhound was death

dog, photography

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