I know what it's like to feel alone. People always tell me that I have more friends than I think and that there are tons of people who must care about me, and I'd tell you that but I know that it never works for me so it probably wouldn't do much good for you either. I guess when it comes to things like this there isn't really anything that I can do but let you know that I'm here for you too.
I'm sorry you've been so down lately, I know it feels...there isn't a word for how it is when you have feelings like what you're describing. Lonely, depressed, those are just words with no meaning when it comes to emotions like that. I wanted you to know that someone out here in this large and lonely blogosphere cares about you. It's not as good in person but - BIG HUGS and much love to you. I would be sad to lose this...timidly (for us both!) developing relationship. I would miss you, I hope you will be alright... big love
Thank you! I cannot think of anything else to say but thank you. I appreciate you concern and it means a lot to me, even over the large and lonely blogoshere.
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big love
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