Top 5 Pink Floyd list

Aug 02, 2006 10:35

I'm not a huge Pink Floyd fan, but this list is worthy. I was listening to "Momentary Lapse of Reason" in my car this morning on the way to the last day of my soul-sucking job and I knew I needed to make a list here:

1. Wish You Were Here - Duh, it's clearly the best song of theirs, even if it's well known. My band in HS did this song for the school variety show. I was all right, the rhythm guitarist was meh, and our lead gutarist was incredible. I hope he's doing music still, it'd be a real waste otherwise. And shamefully, due to modern technology, my favorite part of that song is now my main ringtone: "How I wish, how I wish you were here/'Cause we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl/Year after year..."

2. Fearless - High school boyfriend put it on a mix for me, it blew my mind esp. the guitar hook. The end of the song is a recording of a bunch of English soccer hooligans. And I've never figured out what they're saying. It reminds me of the HS b/f every time I hear it. RIP Andrew Roccella.

3. Learning to Fly - I like the live version best ("Pulse"), but the studio one is pretty good too. Great lyrics.

4. Tie - "One of My Turns" or "Mother" - Listened to the majority of "the Wall" on repeat my sophomore year of HS. Not b/c I was particularly depressed (more than any other teenager at that point), but again, I was fascinated by the lyrics. So when my sister had gotten it on vinyl at a garage sale, I quickly commandeered it. "And I can feel one of my turns coming on./I feel cold as razor blade/Tight as a tourniquet /Dry as a funeral drum..."

5. I'll tie it again with the incredibly depressing "A New Machine (parts 1 and 2)," painful lyrics and atmospheric music = don't listen to when you're depressed or else out come the sharp pointies.

Honorable mention: "On the Turning Away." Great song, but a little on the cheesy side lyrically. You can see people overcoming emotional obstacles in slo-mo in some grassy field or something when you hear this.

Anyway, don't know if any of y'all like the Floyd, but there it be. If you think you know better songs by them, I'll hear your arguments.
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