Fic: The Book

May 13, 2021 07:01

Title:  The Book
Author: PricelessSpike
Era/season/setting: Post Season 12
Rating: PG-13 ( Read more... )

era: comics canon, form: fic, rating: other, creator: pricelessspike

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Comments 17

thenewbuzwuzz May 13 2021, 11:51:40 UTC
Oh, post season 12? :)) I've heard enough of the comics that I'm excited to see where this goes, because clearly it cannot stay where canon left it ( ... )


pricelessspike May 13 2021, 21:11:50 UTC
Thank you, this made me smile so much.


ston3y1 May 13 2021, 12:38:52 UTC
Pricey I loved rereading this to see the final version of Buffy's POV and then having the treat of reading the Spike POV version you added too. I loved that, it was a great idea. :D The point where we see his perspective on the recount of Angel finding Illyria/Fred made me smile. Excellent touches to bring the extra layer of his feelings about his mission, about Buffy and their breakup. The insight of how difficult the rejection between Fred and Illyria is proving to be was a brilliant inclusion to explain how desperate he was feeling. It's a great read (and a great reread!), I'd love to know what happens next. XD


pricelessspike May 13 2021, 21:13:36 UTC
I couldn't have done any of this without you Stoney, thank you so much for all your help and advice. You are the absolute best!


ston3y1 May 14 2021, 15:06:01 UTC
Aw shucks. <3 Anytime. XD


slaymesoftly May 13 2021, 16:53:03 UTC
Excellent voices (both of them)and a good start (there is more coming, yet?) Love the setting in the comic world, and anxious to see how you get them together again.


pricelessspike May 13 2021, 21:15:54 UTC
Thank you!


luzenandco May 13 2021, 17:49:33 UTC


pricelessspike May 13 2021, 21:17:28 UTC
Thank you!


zanthinegirl May 13 2021, 19:26:56 UTC
I like this a lot! Getting both of their POVs works for me. And I was a dark horse comic reader, so this one really works for me.


pricelessspike May 13 2021, 21:17:11 UTC
Thank you! I really enjoyed the comics and I like including the comicverse in my writing.


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