Fic: The Book

May 13, 2021 07:01

Title:  The Book
Author: PricelessSpike
Era/season/setting: Post Season 12
Rating: PG-13 ( Read more... )

era: comics canon, form: fic, rating: other, creator: pricelessspike

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thenewbuzwuzz May 13 2021, 11:51:40 UTC
Oh, post season 12? :)) I've heard enough of the comics that I'm excited to see where this goes, because clearly it cannot stay where canon left it.

"“Spike,” she called without thinking"
I approve of Buffy's un-decision

yay, hug!!!

"Well, they barely kept in touch nowadays."
Waah. Fix it, Buffy, fix it!

“It’s Fred and Illyria.”
Oh no!

"Spike wanted to change the rules of magic to save their friends."

"Fred… she was the only one who…"
Yeah. She really was. (I'm reading this as an AtS s5 reference.)

"But I can’t change the rules of magic to save our friends. My duty is to the world."
Poor Buffy. :(

“if I could write in the Vampyr book, do you know what I’d write?”
Oh, how I hope this goes to a Spuffy place (in addition to all the other things she might wish for herself)

"“And I’m glad of that,” he said quietly, “because you’re my constant""
!!! :)

“let’s go and see Giles. We can call Willow from his place. I know they’ll be able to help.”
Yeah! Good plan!

"It was moved occasionally, to show the Council could still play the game"
Haha, I wonder if the Council would say that's the reason they move it :)

"Right hook like a runaway train and the sexiest woman he’d ever..."
In that order. <3

"He wasn’t a complete fool; he knew he was in deep trouble. He was smelling her hair, so things were already pretty desperate."
Heee. :) Gotta love a bit of abject pining.

"Slayers could be very petty."

"She didn’t reply and Spike didn’t blame her."
Drat, foiled again by miscommunication! But I'm sure they'll sort themselves out while they're sorting Fred and Illyria out. :)


pricelessspike May 13 2021, 21:11:50 UTC
Thank you, this made me smile so much.


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