As mentioned previously, I have been trying to locate Pill Pockets to make Max's twice-daily intake of pills a little less traumatizing for all involved. I finally found them, of al places, at the tiny pet food store just around the corner from my apartment. Score!
They come in two flavours, chicken and salmon. knowing how berserk Max goes for chicken, I opted with that flavour. I set one down for him (sans pill) and he ran over, sniffed at it eagerly... and then rejected it. He had zero interest in eating it whatsoever. Dave, however the cat who refuses all food except his dry cat food could not wait to eat it. So at least I've finally found a treat that Davey likes.
Went back to the store Saturday morning for the very last option, Salmon-flavoured. If he didn't like this variety, we were going to have to continue with Plan A, and Plan A was making him run in fear when he saw me coming.
Man, he just loves the salmon-flavoured ones. Even when they have a surprise crunchy centre, he just gobbles it right down, with no "Oh, but [spit] you can have your pill back" cleverness like we have had in the past. Success!
This morning, Max did not run from me when I got up. And when I picked up his bag o' Pill Pockets, he came a-runnin' to get his medicine. Happy ending!
Max now eagerly takes his pills: WIN!
Dave has a treat he will actually eat: BONUS WIN!