Slices o' Life

Mar 16, 2010 10:33

Max Update: Max had another trip to the vet last week to check his thyroid level. It's much better —donw from 146 to 85— but still high above the target mark of 45. So now he gets pills twice a day, and another trip to the vet in a month to re-check his thyroid level. Poor Maxxie. Now he's taken to avoiding me in the morning, and I just hate that my cat is scared of me in the mornings. I really need to look into Wraithgirl's Pill Pockets suggestion — he's got to take two pills a day for the rest of his life; it would be nice if I could make it pleasant for him (vs. the current omg traumatic).

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Birthday Update: My brother turned 50 on Sunday. Fifty! Ye gods. We had a surprise party for him on Saturday, which was also davesbrain's birthday (happy birthday, Dave!). He was certainly surprised. Pleased, I don't know about, but certainly surprised. We held it at the Crooked Cue, which used to be Kingsway Billiards, a place I was banned from in my teenage years for, of all things, saying the word "fuck". In a pool hall. Go figure. Apparently the statue of limitations has passed, because I managed to infiltrate the place unmolested. The place has changed radically — I remember getting a cheeseburger off the grill for $1.25 (and was it a quality burger? It was not); on Saturday I debated having the appetizer of bacon-wrapped scallops for $12. Yipes.

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Apartment Update: Most of you know my older brother (he's fifty, y'know) is in the midst of a divorce (last year was not a rocking year for les freres Clubber). He called me on Friday to ask if he could move in with me "for a few months" while he looked for a new place. What am I going to say, no? So for now his target move-in date is Saturday, April 10th.

Man. The last time my brother and I shared living quarters we came to blows on a regular basis. There was an actual by-God line that went down one wall of our shared bedroom, across the floor, and up the other wall. My side was vacuumed and tidied; his side was not (his side, in fact, boasted The Board That Should Never Be Looked Under). We were diametrically opposed individuals forced to co-habitate by our parents; the friction was unbelievable.

I'm rather hoping things have changed in the last quarter-century or so, and that we get along better. I suspect we will, but I'm going to lay down a few ground rules just to be safe. I'm also going to try and set some rather definitive timelines, to avoid the "I should be out of here in a year" surprise that my younger brother gave me when he moved in "for a little while".

Man. I like living by myself. I have things set a Certain Way. I do things a Certain Way. And now... other Ways. Non-Murrayan Ways. Blah.

One plus, however: I will at long last be able to establish if Dave* likes to get his head wet when any two individuals occupy my apartment, or if it only occurs when one of the occupants is female. Science, ho!

*Cat Dave, not recent-birthday human Dave.

home life:cats, potpourri, home life:apartment

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