IJVP - Day 13!

Jan 21, 2006 17:18

Today's vidlet was suggested by laurashapiro, it's an Angel vid to The House Jacks' "Completely."

For those of you who are just here for the vids - please right-click and 'Save Target As.' The file is DivX AVI.

Completely (8 MB)

Please let me know if you're unable to play the vidlet.

you're moving closer to me
awakening the bloodrush within
I feel the heat of your breath
the pinprick of your lips against my skin
Hovering there
as I stare into the blazing metaphysical

Complete me
caress my burning fascination
You hold the key
to my insatiable salvation

My Thoughts; What Works; What Doesn't
Apparently I bounced back after hitting my lowest low on the project last night, as this vid shaped up quickly. Yesterday it was like pulling teeth, a mixture of source and inspiration problems. I actually thought today, based on yesterday, was going to be extremely difficult, as when I sat down to rip clips this morning I was shaky on the entire idea behind the vidlet. And even though there are less good scenes of Angelus and Wes in proximity than I had originally imagined (something I'm learning that I frequently do), I think it still turned out pretty well.

Laura had asked for this to be between a vampire and any human, and requested slash specifically. I think if she hadn't added that last part, it would've been a Buffy/Angel video. As it was, I considered a lot of potential couples for this song and then, instead of going with my first instinct to have the vampire be the narrator, I wondered which human would fit as a narrator. Well that clearly had to be Wes, and the rest is as you see. The basic idea is that Angelus is Wes' fault, his lust for Angel, his chance to redeem himself. And of course it all goes horribly wrong, as pretty much everything does for poor Wes.

I actually like the tv shot at :11; I wanted it to feel more like we were transitioning into the tv than it turned out, but I think it turned out pretty well nonetheless. I like :25-:30, and I probably should have done that fade in-out-in-out effect more than just the once. In a longer vid, I definitely would have. There's nothing I actively dislike in this vid, just moments that probably could have gone a bit more smoothly with more time and effort. Although there's a lot of talky face. I would try to tone that down.

What I Learned
I used the four-point garbage mask, inverted, to mask out the tv screen, and zoomed-out the bottom clip so it would fit in the screen. I used Stop Motion Blur set to 3 steps and -20 seconds on "awakening." I used the soft edges filter on several clips to try to give certain parts a more constricted, intimate feeling. I used simple keyframed opacity to do the fade in-out-in-out.

Two more vids to go! Both of which I have to rip source for tonight so I can actually go grocery shopping tomorrow. Heh.

And f1renze finished her IAVP today! Yay! You should go to her LJ and check out her vidlets (hee, that sounds dirty), as they are all really high-quality. :)

vid post, ijvp 2006, vidding

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