IJVP - Day 12!

Jan 20, 2006 23:15

Today's vidlet was suggested by fer1213, it's a Doctor Who vid to A-Ha's "The Sun Always Shines On TV."

For those of you who are just here for the vids - please right-click and 'Save Target As.' The file is DivX AVI.

The Sun Always Shines On TV(18 MB)

Please let me know if you're unable to play the vidlet. And I know I spelled "from" wrong on the credits; I'll fix it tomorrow when I'm not exhausted, because it takes 20 minutes to export this vid for various technical reasons. Fixed! And so is the aspect ratio. Heh.

Hold me
close to your heart
Touch me
and give all your love to me

My Thoughts; What Works; What Doesn't
I'm falling asleep at the keyboard so this will be short. This vid hit at a poor time in the IJVP cycle. I officially hit burnout after yesterday's vidlet, and when I had cut the song for this vid awhile ago I'd decided it would be a mood piece and have no real narrative, which is apparently impossible for me as I see a narrative structure has crept in. Anyway, I wrestled and procrastinated and bitched and this vid would not get made. And then while chatting with danceswithwords and asta77, DWW suggested using a star wipe to really capture the 80s feel of the song, and I thought it might be fun to really try and capture the feel of the 80s throughout the whole vid by using all sorts of effects. And lo, this vidlet was born.

And actually, I think the effects work really well; the song and the source really support them. I love the overlay at :09-:12 more than is probably healthy. I think the star iris actually does work as a transition, and the split screen effect near the end isn't too bad, although it gets awfully busy. I think the ripples on the Daleks at the end are good, but I couldn't get the widescreen matte to match up. I also like the zoom filter when the music kicks in at the beginning, too. The diamond transition at :34 doesn't work like I'd hoped it would. Neither does the brief desaturation at :46.

What I Learned
Masking, enjoying transitions, and paying attention to the era of the song isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Now I collapse into bed.

vid post, ijvp 2006, vidding

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