IJVP - Day 12!

Jan 20, 2006 23:15

Today's vidlet was suggested by fer1213, it's a Doctor Who vid to A-Ha's "The Sun Always Shines On TV."

For those of you who are just here for the vids - please right-click and 'Save Target As.' The file is DivX AVI.

The Sun Always Shines On TV(18 MB)

Please let me know if you're unable to play the vidlet. And I know I spelled "from" wrong on ( Read more... )

vid post, ijvp 2006, vidding

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Comments 7

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sdwolfpup February 3 2006, 21:37:39 UTC
--The blur to focus at :14

I think that was my favorite thing, too. It fit the show itself so well, I was pleased.

I also thought you might focus more on the "Bad Wolf" episode, since it was all about TV

I had considered that and then decided not to focus on it for that very reason. :) I'm sorry it wasn't as awesome as Dualbunny's Doctor video. And I was glad to see you post today.


danceswithwords January 21 2006, 20:40:12 UTC
I have learned a valuable lesson about joking about star wipes. You're right about how 80s the effects feel.


sdwolfpup February 3 2006, 21:38:09 UTC
Don't taunt the insane vidders. It's not pretty.


f1renze January 22 2006, 06:27:16 UTC
OMG you changed your layout just as I'm writing this! OMG WONDERFALLS. OMG LOVE. Cannot stop staring.

This was fun!

Your timing was great and the effects worked well. I liked how everything moved from left to right in the beginning, and things stopped in the middle when the song did a twangy thing. The masks looked *great*, and those zoomy sounds with the night lights... guh. And the dancing with all those duplications made me feel like I was in an 80's disco!

I adored your overall variation of shots - the whole vidlet felt like a flirty celebration, while not forgetting about those timeless, emotionally adorable moments.

::hugs:: this was so worth your troubles, sweetie.


sdwolfpup February 3 2006, 21:39:15 UTC
Yay, 80s disco! Which, funnily enough, was exactly the feel I was going for, so that's good. This vid will always hold a special place in my heart for having my favorite masked shot. Hee.

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. *hugs*


dualbunny January 23 2006, 00:54:24 UTC
This one is so cute. :D Well, cute with an edge.

For starters, I will match your love for that overlay. That's the sort of overlay I would have dreams about if I ever had overlay dreams.

I really like how it opens with a dark moment and then transitions with the ghosting/echo bit to something more nostalgic and happy. I also like how it has this sense of urgency through the whole vid. Of running out of time, or spiraling out of control and trying to desperately grab some happiness on the way there.

I like the star transition, not as crazy about the other wipe transitions. I think the multiplying splits are a very groovy way to keep up pace with the craziness of the song there. They start to act like an abstract image that's very sparkly, and I think it does fit the 80's sound of the song. The ripples are also quite pretty looking. :) The dancing sequence is absolutely the perfect choice for that section, and I love how it wraps up with him cutting the view feed.


sdwolfpup February 3 2006, 21:40:14 UTC
That's the sort of overlay I would have dreams about if I ever had overlay dreams.

Hee! Thank you. I was so happy with it, it saved the whole rest of the process for me on this vid.

Thank you for commenting on the things you liked! :)


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