Broke our mirrors 9/17

Dec 01, 2010 11:28

Title: Broke our mirrors 9/17

Author: scyllaya

Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 for entire story)

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel/Gabriel (eventually), other possible pairings only mentioned, plus various characters from the show up to S6.

Warning(s): cursing, underage drinking

Spoiler(s):  AU

Word Count: WIP

Summary: Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

It’s the story of three boys. Even white-picket fences can throw very dark shadows.

Disclaimer: Nearly all names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Please don’t sue me!

Beta: The Obi-Wan to my Skywalker in this OT3! The one and only heavenreturned

Title is from Nirvana’s Lithium.

A/N: The story starts out as a G rated kid!fic with fluff and all that, but as time goes on it will go up in rating and theme. Warnings and ratings will be added chapter by chapter.

Click here for: Chapter One

Enjoy! ^_^

Chapter Nine

Dean was rather unsure about High School. He was more than glad that he could finally get into Castle View. He got into the lacrosse team right away and being as pre-mature as he luckily was he looked a bit older than his real age and was taller than the rest of the juniors, except for Cas, he was almost as tall as Dean - like always - and he was in the Martial Arts Team, which was cool enough, but not as popular as lacrosse. And best of all, he was finally in the same school as Gabriel again, same building, same everything. They could go together to school in the mornings, meet between classes, have lunch and go back home again. It was great. Or it would’ve been if they didn’t manage to get infamous right away.

If he wanted to put it simply then he would say that Gabriel liked trouble. He got way more unsocial since the Michael-incident. He still had good grades - sort of - and was not always deliberately looking for trouble, but he also didn’t give a damn about most people, teachers and students alike. He mostly didn’t give a damn about himself either and Dean hated that the most. He shrugged at insults and smiled at scolds, never getting angry. But Dean just knew that he hated it. He hated that everyone knew that his father ran off and that his brother was a psycho sitting in jail, who wouldn’t? He really didn’t get angry though and Dean figured that those jerks who had too big of a mouth didn’t get it whatsoever so it really was nothing to be concerned about. Well that was the reasonable thing to think, but it didn’t always work out that way.

Surprisingly Cas got into more trouble than Dean. He was a tad more of a weirdo maybe or it was just the differences between them, it didn’t really matter. Cas first major trouble could’ve been Dean’s easily, Cas was just faster. They were heading outside to have lunch - they got rid of the idea of the cafeteria pretty soon - when that random jackass Dean never seen before stopped before Gabriel and started blabbering about some girl and how he would’ve been much better for her and she’s sad and etc. Dean didn’t really pay attention to the details. Gabriel, being his usual self, told the jackass that it was not his problem. Random jackass got angry and started throwing insults at Gabe, but he didn’t care as per usual, Dean wouldn’t have either, until he heard that one sentence that made his blood boil.

‘They should lock you up along with your psycho brother you freak!’ and Dean was just about to turn to the guy and punch him in the face, but Cas was faster. In the next second there was the loud clash of metal as Castiel slammed the guy into the lockers, one hand at his throat, the other ready at his side prepared to block any possible counter-attack.

‘Listen here you useless piece of trash’ Cas said in a deep even tone - he went through his change of voice pretty early - while looking straight into the other boy’s eyes. ‘You open your mouth again to say shit like that and you’re going to regret you were born.’

The jackass finally tried to make some reaction after that, but Cas was faster and had the better leverage so he just slammed him back into the lockers and glared at him some more.

‘Not worth it Cas’ Gabriel remarked.

‘Think pain and humiliation… understood?’ Cas let go of him after he nodded and they thought that was it. Gabriel told him not to be bothered by idiots. Of course the whole thing turned into detention for Cas and got him a tiny bit of a sicko reputation, which he gladly encouraged if it meant that the morons of the school were going to leave him alone.

The second time Dean knew Cas was in trouble when he noticed Katrina walking down the corridor towards Cas whom he didn’t see since lunchtime. Gabriel didn’t get down yet from his class so Dean jogged to Katrina and Cas.

‘But what could she have possibly said that could justify that?’ Katrina asked when Dean arrived. She threw him a quick smile, but then turned to look at Cas again with more stormy expression.

‘She wouldn’t stop talking about how I should choose my company better since my future could depend on it.’ Dean knew that Cas was talking about Mrs. Brooke, she had a tendency to give unwanted advice to her students.

‘What a bitch’ Dean murmured.

‘Hey!’ Katrina frowned at him, Dean ducked his head theatrically. ‘And?’ she turned back to Castiel.

‘And she said that I should get rid of the bad influence I’m under so I told her to go fuck herself.’

‘Watch your mouth Castiel Andrei!’ Katrina exclaimed. ‘No wonder I was called in if you don’t show any respect towards your teachers-’

‘Gabriel, as in “bad influence”’ Cas interrupted.

‘What a bitch’ Katrina reacted before she could stop herself and Dean couldn’t help but chuckle at it.  Cas had a little smile on his face too. ‘It’s a lost war anyway’ she added with a sigh instead of correcting herself because of the curse word. ‘Okay, I deal with Mrs. Brooke, you two fetch Gabriel. If I drove all the way here you’re going to be my grocery shopping minions.’ Both Dean and Cas groaned, but only as a habit.

Dean didn’t think that Gabriel was a bad influence. He was not well, or not as well as he could’ve been. He did okay most days and he felt really-really bad on others. But he was still Gabriel. He still cared about them and he was still there, mostly.

The sound of his phone woke him up and after glancing at the huge red letters of the clock he knew that he only fell asleep about an hour ago. He reached to the nightstand to get his cell, he got a new message.

“mt zion pick me up?”

Gabriel. And it was the third time in two weeks. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

‘Hey, Castiel!’ he called out in the dark room and he was more than happy that him and Sammy were over at the Turner house tonight, it would've been difficult to do this alone.

‘What is it?’ Cas asked from not far away.

‘Gabriel’ Dean answered simply then he tossed his phone at Cas then he got out of the bed to get dressed, he heard Cas do the same a few seconds later. When they were ready Dean felt lucky again. It was really hard to sneak in or out of his room unnoticed, but it was easy to get away from Cas’, and they wouldn’t disturb Katrina and James or Sammy and Jesse sleeping.

The Mt Zion was a Lutheran church near Rock Park only ten minutes away from their houses so it wasn't going to be hard to get Gabriel. They didn’t talk much on their way. Dean wondered how bad a night it might be. Pretty bad as it turned out.

‘Hey guys’ Gabriel greeted when they reached him. ‘Knew you would come y’know… you always do… it’s like… snapping a finger or something.’

‘You’re drunk’ Castiel stated, it was not hard to guess.

‘Oh really? Would’ve never noticed on my own.’ Dean would’ve been pissed at him for being like this, but he couldn’t be seeing how miserable his friend looked.

‘Let’s go home Gabe’ he tried.

‘Why the fuck would I want that?’ Gabriel asked in an even tone. ‘Grace is out… again… but I don’t give a damn… that I learnt from her.’

‘C’mon Gabriel’ Dean tried again and this time he tried to pull him up from the park bench too.

‘Don’t boss me around Winchester!’ Gabriel snapped pulling his arm away from Dean’s reach.

‘Why are you doing this?’ Castiel asked.

‘Oh, here it comes!’ Gabriel rolled his eyes and he leaned back on the bench. ‘I’m not supposed to drink anything, be more polite, eat healthy, dress warm, do your homework, respect your teachers, pick one, what do you want to start with Cas?’

‘Why do you keep trying pushing us away when you know that it won’t work?’ Cas asked instead and Gabriel went silent right away, averting his gaze. Dean sat down on the bench and Cas did too, on either side.

‘Why do you…’ Gabriel started but he kept looking in front of him. ‘still care?’ he finished finally and Dean thought he didn’t hear him right.

‘Isn’t that obvious?’ asked Cas.

‘No! No, it’s not fucking obvious!’ Gabriel replied immediately. ‘You should…’

‘Leave?’ Castiel prompted as Gabriel fell silent for a long while.

‘Give up’ the older boy replied. ‘Ignore… yeah leave.’

‘Are you fucking serious?’ Dean exclaimed. Gabriel just shrugged.

‘We’re not leaving Gabriel’ Castiel said.

‘Would be better for you.’

‘No’ Dean knew he would stick to that, Gabriel had a bad day, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to leave him alone or anything. What was he thinking?

‘You really should’ Gabriel continued, his voice lighter now, barely audible and he kept looking ahead, his elbows on his knees. ‘Look at me, I’m… pathetic really… breaking down about the smallest things…’ he drifted off while he rested his head on his hands, burying his face. His hair fell a bit forward so effectively he did manage to hide himself.

‘What happened?’ asked Cas. And Dean was sure he won’t like the answer. Gabriel had bad days before, but not like this, not this much.

‘He sent me a fucking postcard…’ Gabriel said after a very long pause, and before Dean or Cas could ask more about it he continued. ‘For my birthday, it’s in two weeks, and he sent me a fucking postcard…’ Dean knew what was this all about immediately and he was 100% sure Cas did too.

‘He still hates me… not that I’m surprised… he… says I betrayed him and he won’t forgive me that… so… not like he didn’t hate me before that, but…’

‘Stop it!’ Dean had to stop him, it was all wrong. He got in front of Gabriel kneeling down on the cold pavement. ‘He was wrong, the entire time, he was! Not you!’

‘I know that, it’s just… this is so messed up.’

‘It will straighten out eventually’ Cas said still sitting next to Gabriel on the bench.

‘You really shouldn’t bother anymore. It’s been over two years and I still can’t get over it.’

‘Yeah we don’t care’ Gabriel looked at him at that.

‘You’ve been looking out for us for years’ Castiel added.

‘You never complained or left, you’ve always been there, so we’re here too.’

‘And we’re not leaving.’ There was silence for a while, and then Gabriel nodded.

‘Let’s get you home’ Dean said standing up.

‘No, not my house’ Gabriel replied almost immediately. Cas and Dean both grabbed him to get him on his feet.

‘My house then’ Dean supplied.

‘John’s gonna be pissed if he sees me like this’

‘My Dad’s at night shift’ Dean answered and they started to walk back.

‘What?’ Gabriel frowned and he immediately looked more sober. ‘He left you alone in the house?’ Dean had to smile at that, it figures that this is what makes Gabe more aware of things.

‘Both Dean and Sam are spending the night at my house’ Castiel reassured him.

‘Oh that’s good… ok.’ He didn’t speak again during their walk to the Winchester house. They managed to get him into the bathroom so he could take a shower. It’s really late by the time they started to prepare to go to sleep. Dean was opening his wardrobe to get the plus blankets and quilts to make an extra bed.

‘Hey um…’ Gabriel starts from Dean’s bed where he dropped himself down to, already looking like he’s half asleep. ‘This is going to… sound… um… weird, maybe.’

‘What is it?’ Dean asked, at least he seemed calmer now, that’s a good sign.

‘Would you mind sleeping here too?’ he asked and looked at Dean then at Cas too. It took him a few seconds to get it. They didn’t sleep like that for a while now, years actually.

‘I was planning to do that’ said Castiel.

‘Sure’ shrugged Dean too.

‘Thanks’ he heard Gabriel say when he slid into his bed. Castiel got in on the other side, like always before. He could hear the way Gabriel exhaled deeply, finally relaxing or trying to. Dean’s rather sure that he would ask Gabe to stay all the time if it would help him. This really was a very bad day. He slid closer under the covers and he knew that they’re not kids anymore and they’re way too old for it but he still wrapped his fingers around Gabriel’s. He heard Castiel moving on the other side getting into a comfortable position. They barely had enough space like this, but he could hear as Gabriel’s breath evened out, as he fell asleep. And okay they might not be able to help him with everything, but Dean’s glad if nothing else, they could help him to get a good night’s sleep.

<~|~|~|~ Chapter 10>>

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pairing: dean/castiel, fic: broke_our_mirrors, pairing: dean/castiel/gabriel, supernatural, fanfiction, pairing: dean/gabriel, au, pairing: castiel/gabriel, verse: trinity

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