Broke our mirrors 1/17

Nov 13, 2010 11:39

Title: Broke our mirrors 1/17

Author: scyllaya

Rating: G (NC-17 for entire story)

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel/Gabriel (eventually), other possible pairings only mentioned, plus various characters from the show up to S6.

Warning(s): none for chapter one

Spoiler(s):  AU

Word Count: WIP

Summary: Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

It’s the story of three boys. Even white-picket fences can throw very dark shadows.

Disclaimer: Nearly all names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Please don’t sue me!

Beta: The Obi-Wan to my Skywalker in this OT3! The one and only heavenreturned

Title is from Nirvana’s Lithium.

A/N IMPORTANT: The story starts out as a G rated kid!fic with fluff and all that, but as time goes on it will go up in rating and theme. So PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 will all come. And fluff will turn into cursing and drinking and graphic violence (child abuse among other things), angst and sexual content (m/m, and Threesome), and more. So this is the warning! The story won’t stay cute, not bye a long shot. And warnings will be added sorted by chapters.

If you’re still interested, enjoy! ^_^

Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

And if they happened to be in the same room, they would glare at each other endlessly after saying it for hours…

Chapter One

Sammy was asleep finally and even his Dad nodded off on the couch after hours of trying to get the baby-boy to settle down to a slumber. Dean got out into the backyard the moment the house became too quiet. He sat down at the stairs of the backdoor and did nothing. The neighborhood was noisy, just as any would be during an average summer day like this.

He didn’t know whether he liked the house yet. Nothing was unpacked but a few clothes and dishes, many things were dusty, the rooms empty, so it didn’t feel like home. Or maybe it would be if it wasn’t just his Dad and Sammy in the house… he expected the tears to fall again at the thought of his Mom, but they didn’t. Maybe he already cried too much.

It was good to get out to the backyard, he was glad Dad had fallen asleep too, because he always felt his eyes on him, especially when another question went unanswered by him. He still asked them. What Dean wanted for breakfast, what TV show did he want to watch, and every time Dean didn’t answer, his face became more and more troubled. It’s not like Dean didn’t want to tell him, he just… couldn’t, and he felt bad that he made his Dad worry about him too. Sometimes Dad gave up talking to him and there were hours and hours when the only noise inside the house came from Sammy, Dean hated the quiet especially since he knew it was because of him.

His staring at nothing was rudely interrupted when a voice, much closer then any of the street-noise was reached his ears.

‘Why did we stop Gabriel?’ Dean’s head snapped up and he saw two boys standing at the backyard gate. One taller and older then he was, with gold-blond hair looking at him curiously. The dark-haired boy was smaller, as old as Dean maybe. He was looking at the older boy before turning his big blue eyes at Dean.

‘Hi!’ greeted the blond boy and he got into the garden without asking permission whatsoever. The other kid was trailing behind him closely, not moving an inch from his side. Dean kept looking at them, but didn’t answer.

‘So… I’m Gabriel’ he said. ‘I live across the street.’ He pointed somewhere that was behind Dean’s house. ‘And this is Castiel’ he continued pulling the shorter boy forward to get him next to him. ‘He lives next door.’ The younger boy only nodded at Dean.

Gabriel stopped talking then, obviously waiting for an answer or a greeting, his eyebrows rose after the first few seconds of silence.

‘And you are?’ he asked after waiting for a while, Dean just shifted his eyes away. Other kids didn’t bother much after he kept silent when questions were asked. They thought he was being mean or just simply stupid. ‘I saw the moving van, so I guess you just moved in here, right?’ Gabriel asked again, but this time he waited less before he started talking again. ‘I bet there are loads of stuff still in boxes and all that, even if I didn’t see much furniture when the movers were loading down the truck.’

Dean raised his head again, since the boy just kept talking.

‘I never moved, since I was born here, and Cas never moved either cause he was also born here. Moving must be annoying. You have to pack everything up into boxes and stuff, I don’t even like to put away my own stuff into the closet, not to mention into boxes and then going to a new house… ah no way. I’m sure you hated it too.’

Dean wanted to say ‘yes’. He really hated moving, but they couldn’t live in the old house anymore, so there was nothing to do. He stayed silent though.

‘Let’s just go Gabriel’ Castiel said in a much quieter tone.

‘Hold your horses’ Gabriel replied, then started to laugh loudly when Cas mumbled a quiet ‘I don’t have horses’ as an answer.

‘If you don’t give me a name, I’m gonna call you Pooky’ Gabriel said after he stopped laughing, but a smile was still playing on his lips. Dean frowned at that, but he couldn’t object loudly, and ever before he could do anything Gabriel started to talk again after a shrug. He was so noisy.

‘So, Pooky, you wanna come over to Cas’ house with us?’ This time he didn’t wait for an answer. ‘I bet you do, some fun will do you good.’ He reached for him and grabbed his upper-arm pulling him to his feet. And Dean thought he should be objecting, but he let himself get dragged out of the backyard to the house next door.

Dean saw that Castiel was clinging to Gabriel’s other arm when he started walking down the street. And he only let go after they were in the garden. The house was different from Dean’s. There were flowers in the garden and the house had peach-colored walls.

Gabriel didn’t let go of Dean’s arm for a second, and he kept walking until they were inside the house.

‘Mom. We’re back!’ Castiel called out before sitting down to take off his shoes. Gabriel toed off his own ones and Dean found himself removing his sneakers too without thinking.

When getting further inside a dark-haired woman appeared from upstairs.

‘Hello boys’ she greeted.

‘Hey Mrs. Turner’ Gabriel said. ‘This is Pooky, I found him next door, he doesn’t talk.’ Mrs. Turner got closer with a thoughtful expression of her face then realization settled on her features.

‘Oh yes, you must be Dean Winchester, then’ she said, and Dean was taken aback. Seeing his confusion she continued. ‘I talked to your father yesterday and he said he had two sons, and since you’re not a baby, you must be Dean.’ This way it made sense.

‘I’ll stick with Pooky’ Gabriel added with a smile. Mrs. Turner turned to the older boy.

‘Gabriel, did you tell his father where you were going before kidnapping him?’ she asked.

‘Course not. I’d be a lousy kidnapper then’ grinned Gabriel. Mrs. Turner laughed at the reply.

‘All right, then I’ll go over to tell him. There are some snacks in the living room and the TV is already on just waiting for you to watch your show.’

‘Awesome’ Gabriel remarked then he grabbed Dean and this time Castiel too by the arm to drag them into the living room onto the couch.

Gabriel kept talking. Dean didn’t mind. He smiled a lot and laughed, and he was loud and noisy. Even Cas glaring at him from the other side of the couch didn’t bother him, because Gabriel smelled like sugar, just like his Mom did, when she was baking a pie, and that was Dean’s favorite smell.

Chapter 2>>

Fanart by ~KraeHi: [Gabriel, Castiel, Dean]

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fanfiction, fic: broke_our_mirrors, au, verse: trinity, pairing: dean/castiel/gabriel, supernatural

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