Broke our mirrors 8/17

Nov 29, 2010 11:17

Title: Broke our mirrors 8/?

Author: scyllaya

Rating: R (NC-17 for entire story)

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel/Gabriel (eventually), other possible pairings only mentioned, plus various characters from the show up to S5.

Warning(s): cursing, and mentions of  violence

Spoiler(s):  AU

Word Count: WIP

Summary: Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

It’s the story of three boys. Even white-picket fences can throw very dark shadows.

Disclaimer: Nearly all names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Please don’t sue me!

Beta: The Obi-Wan to my Skywalker in this OT3! The one and only heavenreturned

Title is from Nirvana’s Lithium.

A/N: The story starts out as a G rated kid!fic with fluff and all that, but as time goes on it will go up in rating and theme. So PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 will all come. And fluff will turn into cursing and drinking and graphic violence (child abuse among other things), angst and sexual content (m/m, and Threesome), and more. So this is the warning! The story won’t stay cute, not bye a long shot. And warnings will be added sorted by chapters.

Click here for: Chapter One

Enjoy! ^_^

Chapter Eight

The last few months were not easy for any of them, especially not for Gabriel. He was still not completely healed yet and the first few weeks were particularly hard on him. He was in pain; it hurt him to breath because of his ribs and the injury on his throat. It hurt him to speak and he couldn’t lean on his left side because of his broken cheekbone.

And then there was the trial. Castiel only heard some details from his mother. Gabriel didn’t want to talk about it so he stopped asking after the first two times. The trial went on for weeks; Grace was there nearly all the time. Cas’ Mom told him that made her a huge ‘suka’, and Castiel will have to look that up in a dictionary, but he figured it was nothing flattering. He knew for a fact that his Mom cursed a lot in Russian if she was angry and ever since Gabriel got hurt she was a lot angrier than she usually was which meant a lot more Russian. His Dad had to go to the court to testify and John too.  They told Cas and Dean that Michael will get into jail for a very long time, Dean said that he should be locked up for ever. John said that he would be if it was up to him. His Mom argued with Grace for hours when she heard that Gabriel will have to go to court too. The lawyer Mr. Crowley insisted since the jury would be willing to decide on the maximum penalty possible if they saw and heard Gabriel telling what happened. His Mom was furious that Gabriel had to be dragged into the trial, but she had to agree that it was best if Michael got what he deserved. After the pronounce of sentence when his parents got home they told him that Michael’s got 15 years, in the Colorado State Penitentiary, which meant that Mr. Crowley kept his word about getting him the most severe punishment.

If anything, going back to school was even harder. Everyone is Castle Rock knew what happened in the Morgenstern family and Gabriel was not fully healed either by the time he decided to attend his classes again. His face and throat was still bruised and he told Dean and Cas right after the first day he was back in school that he’s already fed up with the glances and whispers and the teachers suddenly all liking him again, which of course was pity and badly played false empathy in Gabriel’s opinion.

Castiel knew that before this Gabriel did have friends in his class, even if he didn’t spend time with them like he did with him and Dean, but now he didn’t pay attention to them at all. They were in separate schools; since Gabriel was already in Castle View High School while Dean and Cas were still both in Castle Rock Middle School. Cas would’ve given anything to be at the same school as Gabriel, especially now that he kept wondering whether Gabriel was doing ok or not, but the two schools were really far away from each other so there was no way to meet with Gabriel only in the afternoons. Cas hated it and Dean did too, but it would take another two years before they could switch schools so until then they could only hate their school with passion during the days they spent there, they got really good at that. They even managed to monopolize one of the cafeteria tables for themselves and Dean’s snarl and Castiel’s death glare was enough to make any of the other students think twice before they tried to sit there.  The snarl was learned from John, Cas got the glare from his Mom, but the attitude was 100% Gabriel. And it worked like spell, when they told their effective strategy to Gabriel was the first time they saw the older boy laugh honestly since everything that happened, it still hurt his face, but he said that it was totally worth it.

They had a new routine now since Gabriel was not picking them up from school. They got home together, checked in to his Mom or Dean’s Dad - depending on who was home and where they were supposed to be - then they went over to Gabriel’s house. Now that Michael was gone Gabriel didn’t mind staying at home or Dean and Cas going over and since Gabriel’s Mom was still working a lot and stayed out late it was good to have the entire house for themselves.

Gabriel opened the door a few minutes after Dean rang the doorbell. After getting rid of their shoes they followed Gabriel upstairs. Cas noticed that like always Gabriel very pointedly averted his gaze from the living room. He never went in there and if he could help it he didn’t even look towards it. He was talking casually about his Mom working late again, his tone light, but Castiel knew how he sounded when his mood was good and this wasn’t it. This was the way he acted when he was tired or hurting, but didn’t want to acknowledge it or others to notice, and he definitely didn’t want anyone to mention it. He only needed to take a glance at Dean to know that the other boy noticed it too. They did hang around him for the past years nearly night and day; it would be pretty hard to fool them. Castiel knew that it was natural that Gabriel was still hurting, he was still recuperating after all, he hated to see it but there was nothing to do about it. He just didn’t want Gabriel to play tough instead of resting, he still needed to take painkillers so it’s not like he could hide it or anything. They dropped their bags down when they got into Gabriel’s room, the older boy chatting about his annoying day, but he stopped abruptly, looking at them before turning towards his desk.

‘Stop looking at me like that’ he said.

‘What?’ Dean asked immediately. ‘Who?’ like it wasn’t obvious what Gabriel meant.

‘Both of you’ Gabriel said turning back. ‘I’m fine! So stop looking at me like I’m gonna drop dead, go insane or something.’

‘You almost died Gabriel, so we’re allowed to’ Castiel answered. Gabriel looked at him for a moment before rolling his eyes.

‘Well, I’m fine now.’

‘You’re hurting’ Dean said.

‘No shit Sherlock, that’s what the Demerol’s for y’know!’ snapped Gabriel, then he looked away, probably immediately regretting it.

‘Gonna get the menus so we can order something’ Dean said and left the room. Gabriel sighed then took out the orange bottle from his desk drawer. Castiel already learnt that he always got a bad headache if he was upset; Gabriel told him that it will pass when he’s healed completely.

‘We just want to help you, you know that’ Castiel told him after sitting down onto the bed. Gabriel took one of the white pills and had a sip of water from the bottle that was on his desk before he spoke.

‘I know… sure I know, just… need some time, ok?’

‘Ok’ Cas answered, he watched as Gabriel’s shoulders slumped a little, his face and posture showing that he was not fine today more than it did a minute ago. ‘Why don’t you want Dean to see that you’re hurting?’ he asked. Gabriel just looked at him for a few seconds, before seemingly deciding there was no point denying.

‘You know how he is’ he said, then took a deep breath. ‘He sees that I’m not ok, and he’s gonna feel guilty about it cause there’s nothing he can do, which is going to make me feel guilty that he’s feeling that way, and that’s just gonna make him feel even more guilty cause I’m feeling worse… ah it’s a never ending circle.’

Castiel thought about it for a second and yes Gabriel had a point, but still…

‘Okay, but he does know that you’re not ok, he can see it when you have a bad day, just like I can. And he won’t stop being annoyingly worried and we won’t leave you alone whatsoever.’

‘Your point?’ Gabriel asks.

‘Just accept it’ Castiel said. Gabriel turned his head up a bit closing his eyes for a few seconds.

‘What do you care about Dean anyway?’ he asked as he opened his eyes again looking down at Castiel.

‘I don’t. You do’ Cas replied, but Gabriel narrowed his eyes.

‘Nah-ah, there’s more’ he said, and Cas resisted the urge to roll his eyes when he saw the first sign of a smile playing on Gabriel’s lips. ‘Castiel Turner, are you actually starting to like him?’

‘No’ Cas replied, and if the widening smile was anything to go by he didn’t manage to convince Gabriel.

‘Oh I’ll be damned’ the blond boy said. ‘Did your cold Siberian heart open up again?’

‘Shut up’ Cas murmured, but he couldn’t be unhappy since Gabriel’s expression became even more cheerful.

‘And there goes my theory that you’re actually a robot from the future too… pity, would’ve been cool.’

‘I said shut up Gabriel’ Cas looked up at him and tried to glare, but it never really worked on Gabriel, or maybe he just couldn’t glare properly at him. The boy chuckled now, obviously amused by Castiel’s expression. ‘Don’t you dare tell him anything’ he added. Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

‘Right… He might actually think that you don’t hate him, and we don’t want that, do we?’

‘Just don’t, okay?’ Cas asked. Gabriel just shook his head and rolled his eyes, it was the gesture Castiel knew well. It told him that Gabriel thought that he was being deliberately complicated or unreasonable, but he would leave him to it without getting involved, but he didn’t like it. Before he could say anything more though Dean got back into the room with two flyers in his hand. His eyes landed almost right away on the orange pill bottle on the desk.

‘You okay?’ he asked. Gabriel glanced at Cas for a second, then he looked back at Dean.

‘Yeah um… headache… not that bad… stuff’s kicking in already too so I’m good.’ Dean looked at the older boy for a second longer.

‘Okay’ he said finally. ‘Chinese or pizza?’ he asked holding up the papers in his hand.

‘None’ Gabriel answered and he took them out from Dean’s hand. ‘Promised Katrina that we won’t order any take-out since she’s making dinner, so homework for you two, then we head over.’

‘Homework for you too Gabriel’ Castiel reminded him. Gabriel mocked annoyance at that then told them to get started while he gets some snacks.

Castiel did notice that he was out of the room for much longer than he would need to simply get snacks from the kitchen, but he didn’t say anything about it and neither did Dean. Gabriel was getting better, but he still needed some time and space, but he would be fine. They just needed to be patient and everything would be just like it used to be.

< ~|~|~|~ Chapter 9>>

Come come comment! You know you want to! :D
I again mention the great help I got from teufel_himmel  in Russian :)

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pairing: dean/castiel, fic: broke_our_mirrors, pairing: dean/castiel/gabriel, supernatural, fanfiction, pairing: dean/gabriel, au, pairing: castiel/gabriel, verse: trinity

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