Broke our mirrors 7/17

Nov 26, 2010 22:11

Title: Broke our mirrors 7/17

Author: scyllaya

Rating: R (NC-17 for entire story)

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel/Gabriel (eventually), other possible pairings only mentioned, plus various characters from the show up to S5.

Warning(s): cursing, and mentions of graphic violence

Spoiler(s):  AU

Word Count: WIP

Summary: Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

It’s the story of three boys. Even white-picket fences can throw very dark shadows.

Disclaimer: Nearly all names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Please don’t sue me!

Beta: The Obi-Wan to my Skywalker in this OT3! The one and only heavenreturned

Title is from Nirvana’s Lithium.

A/N: The story starts out as a G rated kid!fic with fluff and all that, but as time goes on it will go up in rating and theme. So PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 will all come. And fluff will turn into cursing and drinking and graphic violence (child abuse among other things), angst and sexual content (m/m, and Threesome), and more. So this is the warning! The story won’t stay cute, not bye a long shot. And warnings will be added sorted by chapters.

Click here for: Chapter One

Enjoy! ^_^

Chapter Seven

It was almost sunrise by the time John arrived back into the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. He hadn’t slept at all during the night before, unsurprisingly. Between waiting for the surgery to end and dealing with the kids, he was exhausted. The worry, the anger all tired him out. But the anger also helped him to keep going, because there was just no way in hell he’s going to get home and rest while that disgusting low-life scumbag was not officially and securely behind bars. Because he didn’t care what it took, that bastard was not getting out of a cell until it was time for the trial.

He parked the Impala down and got inside the building, he nodded to their secretary Kate, she looked rather distressed herself; she wasn’t supposed to be in yet so she probably heard what happened or Bobby called her in. John wanted to get into the interrogation room right away, but stopped, when he saw Bobby approaching from his office.

‘John. How’s the boy?’ the sheriff asked.

‘Seems like he’s gonna make it, but he still didn’t wake up’ John answered, and he didn’t expect his voice to be so rough. Bobby sighed.

‘Your boys doin’ okay?’ he asked.

‘No, of course they’re not doing ok Bobby!’ John exclaimed in frustration. Sam was really worried and really scared while he was awake, and Dean was beyond terrified for his friend. ‘They’re still scared’ he added a bit calmer. ‘Castiel too, James and Katrina are with them’

Bobby nodded. ‘Grace?’ he asked. John fought down the urge to growl at that.

‘She’s good, broken wrist, wounded pride’ he said and Bobby’s expression made it clear that they don’t need to talk about her more.

‘What did he say?’ John asked then. Bobby snorted.

‘More disgusting things that I want to think about, and he’s an arrogant prick on top of that. He tried to piss me off more ways than I thought was possible and he already demanded his damn lawyer.’ John snorted too.

‘There’s no way in Hell he gets away with this’ he said fiercely.

‘That’s what I told him’ Bobby agreed. ‘but he was just smiling, that crazy fucker.’

‘Gonna talk to him’ John said.

‘Feel free, but he’s gonna piss you off too and if you beat him up here he’s gonna have a better chance at the court.’ John nodded and went straight to the interrogation room. He was really glad that Bobby decided to keep the bastard there - handcuffed to the table - instead of locking him up in a cell.

‘Hello John’ the young man greeted as soon as the door opened. It was only a bit satisfying to see his bruised and beat up face, even if the wound on his forehead - where James slammed his head into the floor - still bloody did give John a slightly good feeling.

‘Your mother is fine’ John started, he wanted to see the reactions Michael would make, this time the young man only raised and eyebrow, and he winced a little as the gesture pulled on the cut below his eye. The message was clear, he didn’t give a flying fuck and John should’ve known that.

‘Your brother’s alive too, if you’re interested’ Michael huffed out air and it was suspiciously like a laugh and John already felt his fist clench.

‘You know what they say’ he said in a tone like they would discuss cars over a beer, then he fixed his eyes on John. ‘Cockroaches are really hard to squash.’

The fury was not unexpected, it boiled up inside of him life a geyser, wanting to burst out and burn everything in its way. His nails were digging into his palm painfully in an attempt to keep them in place and then Michael grinned. John clenched his teeth using all his willpower to stay in one place instead beating the hell out of the asshole again, or even better getting his gun and emptying it into his smug face.

‘You will rot in jail you sick fuck’ John spat at him through clenched teeth.

‘We’ll see about that’ Michael replied. John was about to open his mouth again when Bobby opened the door.

‘John, need you for a minute’ the deputy shoot one last angered look at the Michael, then went out.

‘Tell me the recording is on in the room’ John said the second Bobby closed the door.

‘What do you think I’m an imbecile? Of course the damn recording is on’ Bobby answered. ‘Crowley’s here’ he added and John wanted to punch the wall in frustration.

They couldn’t get Dean and Castiel to leave and Katrina gave up convincing them rather soon. He told James to take Sam and Jesse home and that she would stay with the two other boys.

Gabriel was still unconscious and Katrina didn’t want either Dean or Cas to see him right away, because God he looked horrible. Katrina and Grace went into the room first and it was the dark-haired woman who was immediately by the bedside, she could feel the tears trying to break free from her eyes at the sight. He looked so broken. Neck secured and bandaged, just like his head, and his face was so swollen and bruised that it was hard to recognize him. Katrina traced the edge of his eyebrows with her fingertips as gently as she could while taking calming breaths. The boys were terrified, she needed to be calm to give them some security, some wan attempt of comfort when their best friend - one of the most important person in their lives - was lying unconscious on a hospital bed, broken and bloody.

Grace arrived to the other side of the bed, she looked down at her son for a very long time, not moving, not reaching out, not saying anything. Then she took a deep breath and stepped away, sitting down at the side of the room on a chair next to the window.

Katrina once again had to fight the urge to punch her out or yell at her, so she just glared. The bitch was so on her shit-list for the rest of eternity. And the only reason she didn’t at least slap her stupid face was that she could fucking deny her or the boys seeing Gabriel if she wanted to, since they were not related in any way. She looked back at Gabriel again then she walked back to the door to call Dean and Castiel inside. The older boy would not heal significantly in the next days so the boys would sooner and later see him anyway, because none of them could keep them away and right now they needed it more to see that he was alive, even if not yet well.

After calming them down and reassuring that they just needed to wait for Gabriel to wake up she could finally get them to sleep. Even if only in the big armchairs pushed together - thus making a small bed - in the other side of the room, lying side by side closely only covered in a blanket.

Katrina sat down at the edge of the bed. Once in a while she glanced up to the two sleeping boys or at Grace gazing out of the window, but most of the time she kept her eyes on Gabriel, taking his hand to feel the pulse beating under the bruised skin of his wrist, waiting for any sign of consciousness, while she prayed over and over again for those warm brown eyes to open.

Anthony D. Crowley, the youngest and most successful lawyer of Morthelli & Beskydy and probably the whole of Denver and Douglas County. He always wore perfectly tailored suits, expensive shoes, with his Italian leather briefcase in one hand. He was handsome and had a British accent on top of everything. Women were all over him not surprisingly.

John Winchester hated his guts more than he could possibly define it in words, and the fact that the bastard was the Morgenstern’s lawyer, thus he was here to defend Michael was just about enough for John to kick him out, but of course he couldn’t.

Crowley greeted him and Bobby with his usual charming smile and asked to see his client.

‘Could you possibly sink any lower?’ John asked him. ‘Defending this fucking bastard.’

‘Well it is his right to have a lawyer defending his rights or prove his innocence’ Crowley answered smoothly. ‘And it is my job to provide this right for him. What are the charges?’ he asked then.

‘Assault and battery, maybe aggravated battery, we’re not sure yet’ Bobby replied.

‘Attempted murder’ John added immediately. Crowley looked at him incredulously.

‘That is ludicrous Deputy Winchester’ he said. ‘From what I heard it cannot be anything more than simple battery.’ John was furious in the fragment of a second.

‘Oh no’ he said. ‘That sick bastard will be charged with family-violence battery and attempted murder, nothing less!’ he raised his voice and he stepped closer to the lawyer, he had the extra inches in height and he intended to use it.

‘Family-violence battery?’ Crowley asked, frowning. John would've laughed on the very rare confused expression on his face, but he was too angry for that.

‘Oh did your defendant failed to mention that it’s his mother who’s wrist he broke, or that it’s his little brother who's life the doctors were fighting for, for hours? That it’s his little brother still lying unconscious in a hospital bed with head trauma and broken bones?!’

‘He certainly did fail to mention the details’ Crowley said.

‘Now tell me, how is that not attempted murder you dick?’ John asked, Crowley looked at him for a few seconds then he started walking towards the interrogation room. John followed and so did Bobby.

‘Crowley! Finally!’ Michael exclaimed. ‘Do your thing and get me out of this shithole, I want to get home and take a shower.

John once again felt his anger bubbling up, because the reason why Michael needed that shower was that he was still covered in his and Gabriel’s blood. Crowley smiled at the other young man, and John knew that smile. It was the smile that clearly indicated that the lawyer had some pretty cruel things up in his sleeve.

‘My thing, Michael, is that I wish all the best for the Sheriff’s Department in this investigation and I am going to make sure to call and do the same towards the prosecutor. Not like they need more evidence or anything’ he added in conversational tone then he turned to John. ‘And I do think that attempted murder sounds just about right in this case.’

John was sure that it was his surprise that prevented him in replying. Michael’s expression was on the other hand even better, first confusion, but it soon turned much darker, the first spikes of anger appearing on him since they brought him in.

‘What the fuck Crowley? You’re my lawyer; you’re supposed to defend me!’

‘Not specifically’ Crowley turned back to him. ‘You see I am the lawyer of you family. And in this specific case I am going to defend you when Hell freezes over.’

Michael’s face first morphed into that of shock and after that John watched with honest satisfaction as it turned to one of fear.

‘But don’t worry, we will meet at the court though’ Crowley continued and his voice was dripping with treat, but still smooth, just like poisoned honey. He took a step closer, put his hands on the table and leaned closer to Michael. ‘Because I am going to make sure that you end up in a deep hole under locks for so long that you forget what the sun looks like.’ Michael opened his mouth to reply, but Crowley interrupted him. ‘Oh, not to worry Michael, you have a rather pretty face, I’m sure you will be popular.

And with that he straightened up and turned to John again.

‘Where are Grace and Gabriel hospitalized?’ he asked.

‘Saint Anthony’ replied John.

‘Thank you’ one of his usual charming smiles broke out on his face. ‘It was a pleasure like always gentlemen.’

He left without another word and John thought that maybe there was a slight chance that he’s gonna like the freakin’ bastard after all.

Katrina nodded off for a little while in the chair she pulled closer to the bed, and when she woke up, she saw that both Dean and Castiel were sitting on the bed watching their friend. Looking out of the window she guess it was around 9 or 10 AM, so she told the boys that she would get them some breakfast. Grace was not in the room, she too probably went for breakfast, but Katrina didn’t care, she could fucking leave as far as she was concerned.

‘Do you think he will wake up?’ Cas asked after his mother left.

‘Of course he will’ answered Dean without a beat. ‘He’s gonna be fine.’ Castiel looked up at the other boy, then back at Gabriel, he took his hand the way he saw his Mom doing it while she was sitting on the bed and it took only a few seconds before he saw out of the corner of his eye that Dean did the same on the other side of the bed. Cas was very careful since the IV was on his side.

They were sitting in complete silence for minutes, both of them just listening to the even breathing of Gabriel and their own. Castiel couldn’t tear away his eyes from Gabriel’s face for a second. He was so really hurt and Cas felt useless for not being able to help and he knew that Dean felt exactly the same. He though about what he could do, what they could do, because for Gabriel it was not just him, it was them, always them. Him and Dean. And he couldn’t think of anything else, but praying - like his Mom thought him - and staying here so that the moment Gabriel woke up he would see them. He would see that they’re both here and they’re not even arguing, not at all, and Gabriel would be so happy about that, he would be happy about it, when he woke up.

And Castiel knew that Michael hurt Gabriel, he could never imagine hurting anybody this much, well except for Michael now, he would hurt him gladly, and especially not his little brother. He though of Jesse and there was no way he could even hit him a little. Dean said the same thing last night; that he would never hurt Sammy, that big brothers were supposed to look out for their little brothers, and that Michael was an evil bastard. Castiel agreed fully.

Castiel was focusing on the rising and falling of Gabriel’s chest since Mrs. Morgenstern’s words still echoed in his head when she shouted that Gabriel was not breathing. Castiel’s never been more scared in his life and once again knew that Dean must’ve felt the same way. That’s when he felt it, just a small twitch in Gabriel’s hand and he leaned even closer in reaction, looking at Gabriel’s face even more focused. Dean glanced at him then he too leaned closer. Castiel squeezed the older boy’s hand a little.

‘Gabriel’ he whispered. ‘Are you awake, Gabriel?’ he asked. Dean looked over to him, then he stared down at his own hand where he closed his fingers around Gabriel’s.

‘Gabriel’ called Dean too. ‘Please wake up’ he said. Gabriel moved his head a little, he was frowning now, but he seemed like he was waking up.

‘Gabriel’ Castiel called his name again, this time more excitedly. ‘We’re here’

It seemed like an eternity before Gabriel’s eyelids finally moved a little, then opened up. Cas could tell that it took him some time before he could focus on them.

‘Hey’ Dean said. ‘We were starting to get worried’

‘You need anything?’ Castiel asked. Gabriel just looked at them for a bit.

‘Hey’ he greeted. His voice was really-really hoarse and only a quiet whisper.

‘Boys, got you breakfast’ Katrina entered the room.

‘Mom! Gabriel’s awake!’ Cas interrupted her immediately, and his Mother ditched the food so quickly that some of it fell to the floor. The next second she was also leaning above the bed, with a bright smile on her face.

‘Welcome back’ she said with tears in her eyes but still smiling brightly, putting her hand on top of Castiel’s where the boy still didn’t let go, before pushing the button to call the nurses.

< ~|~|~|~ Chapter 8>>

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pairing: dean/castiel, fic: broke_our_mirrors, pairing: dean/castiel/gabriel, supernatural, fanfiction, pairing: dean/gabriel, au, pairing: castiel/gabriel, verse: trinity

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