Title: Starting Over
Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: Scott/Logan
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: After leaving the school to take time for himself Logan encounters Scott, who is still alive and powerless. The two reconnect with one another and pick up where they left off in their relationship before Scott 'died'.
Author’s Notes: This fic is my AU based loosely on the Movieverse incorporating the three films along with a bit from the Wolverine Origins movie as well.
Chapter One (Word Count: 6,951)
Chapter Two (Word Count: 8,074)
Chapter Three (Word Count: 2,830)
Chapter Four (Word Count: 3,625)
Chapter Five (Word Count: 8,842)
Chapter Six (Word Count: 6,099)
Chapter Seven (Word Count: 4,993)
Chapter Eight (Word Count: 7,515)
Chapter Nine (Word Count:5,655)
Chapter Ten (Word Count: 4,168)
Chapter Eleven (Word Count: 3,905)
Chapter Twelve (Word Count: 6,052)
Chapter Thirteen (Word Count: 4,357)