House: Endless Staircase (Day One + Two)

Oct 28, 2010 05:21

From the moment you step into this room, you feel cold.

Maybe it's the dim lights - so much cooler and more... threatening than other rooms had been. Maybe it's the emptiness of it, too - the cold, hard floor (stone?) and the lack of furniture. The temperature itself hasn't changed, and yet there's something... Something in the air. In the shadow.

(The shadows, they move?)

Maybe its the sheer size, too.

This room should not fit inside the house, you know. It shouldn't fit inside the Manor grounds. It is massive, too massive, and dark (too dark) and in the center of the room there is nothing save a staircase that spirals upwards and upwards and... you can't see the top of it. You can't see the ceiling. All you see above you is shadow upon shadow, blackness folded on blackness.

Try to climb the steps? they go nowhere. You could climb forever, and never reach the top. Which means, you suppose, that the only way back is down - through another door, into the labyrinth beyond each door.

(Somewhere above you, a child laughs.)

Day One

[ Infinite Hallway | Dining Hall | Kitchen | Endless Staircase ]

Day two

[ Entrance Room | Dining Room | Kitchen ]
[ Infinite Hall | The Endless Staircase ]
[ Corridor of Doors | Room of Mirrors ]
[ The Labyrinth and the Interlude Room ]

event: house (narratives)

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