Aug 01, 2010 16:49

When: Sunday Evening (pre-dated? Only a few hours)
Where: Dismas Arena
Format: The post itself is in action format but you can use whatever you like. :)
What: The main event is here! The main post will be updated periodically with descriptions of the battle, so keep an eye out if you care about the actual ( Read more... )

sasori, yachiru kusajishi, eve, deneve, jennifer check, kenpachi zaraki, mihael "mello" keehl

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Comments 55

Mello (and Matt? IDK) - Open heresygrenade August 1 2010, 22:54:38 UTC
[Fact is, Mello doesn't give a shit about robots. Still, new things are always interesting, especially in Anatole, city of the eternal unchanging everything. Christ, it's been a long time since anything interesting happened.]

[At least by his definition of interesting.]

[Besides, Matt was going to run off and go no matter what he did, and Dismas isn't exactly the sort of place one wants their partners running around in unprotected. Piles of garbage indeed.]

[So, Mello arrives, all skin-tight black leather and fur-lined jacket, a chocolate bar in one gloved hand, the other resisting resisting the urge to swat that cigarette out of Matt's hand - or snatch it up, himself, can't quite decide. They take seats, and wait.]

[ooc: Well they came together so they're on the same thread, but feel free to address either of them individually, sob.]


Have an EVE :3 will_shoot August 2 2010, 06:00:23 UTC
[Addressing ... both. She is a little giddy.]

This is very exciting! I did not know of any robots built specifically for fighting, although I did know a masseuse-bot who malfunctioned and was able to defeat an entire flank of steward-bots. That turned out to be very good for my friends and I, actually.


yay, an EVE! :D /hugs it onetoignite August 2 2010, 07:27:09 UTC
[It turns out Matt does give a shit about robots, and the sad fact is he expects to spend his time discerning just how said robots work, rather than paying attention to what they're doing.]

[Which suits him just fine.]

[And he can't help but smirk at the contrast between the silent, leather-clad Mello and cheerful Eve, and he turns to her when she starts talking.]

Sorry, did you say a masseuse-bot? They have those? Fucking hell, look what I've been missing this whole time on shitty... boring earth.

[And he nudges Mello, as if it's his fault he never got a masseuse-bot.]


/HUGS IT TOO heresygrenade August 2 2010, 08:03:11 UTC
[...And here comes all the social rot. Mello snaps a piece of chocolate off of his bar and licks the edge, and is well-into ignoring all the talking around him until Matt gives him that nudge.]

[He jabs Matt back, a little harder, but not hard enough to hurt, and glances up at EVE.]

Christ. This place has too many perky blondes.

[And perky people in general. In fact, why not just ban perk altogether. He leans back a little, crossing one leg over the other.]

Didn't have much in the way of robots kicking around where we come from, but fuck, that's what those overpriced leather chairs are for.


Naoto (Open!) strayblade August 2 2010, 02:34:19 UTC
[Robots. The word made Naoto think a little bit of the dog soldiers, with their metal masks covering their faces and non-human movements.

...But what she sees entering the Arena is nothing like that.

Her eyes widen and she resists the urge to cover her ears at their initial clash. But the crowd seems to be enjoying it.

More importantly, no one will die today.]


twoswordjuniper August 2 2010, 07:02:28 UTC
[Deneve doesn't particularly care for the crowd, especially not the crass noise of people shouting and screaming. It grates on her nerves pretty badly but she doesn't show it, her face unreadable and her silver eyes quick to catch everything.

She catches stillness as well as motion. Naoto stands out by being one who isn't shouting and crowing. Deneve approaches and remembers her from that festival some time ago.]

Enjoying the fight?

[She sounds casual, but her eyes say something else. They're sharp and critical and they watch every movement of the metal fighters with cold assessment.]


strayblade August 2 2010, 22:40:47 UTC
[She blinked before looking away from the display, focusing more on the other woman who'd joined her.]

Oh. It's you.

[The one with the swords. Naoto remembers as well.]

Not really. I'm not sure I get the point....

[The point of fighting. The point of robots fighting. The crowd roars again.]

It seems I'm in the minority.


twoswordjuniper August 3 2010, 16:22:24 UTC
[She keeps her eyes on the battle, but she can see Naoto in her peripheral vision.]

I don't understand the excitement either. And the noise seems excessive.

[As if on cue, the crowd screams. Deneve doesn't flinch, but she does look slightly more annoyed.]


Have a Yachiru! inpiecesofcloud August 2 2010, 04:22:30 UTC
[If Yachiru is conscious of the fact that she looks extremely out of place among the decidedly dark adult crowd at the arena, she doesn't seem to mind. Her pink hair stands out like a beacon as she runs up and down the isles with her arms out like a kite.

Her attention is drawn when the arena light finally coems on and she rushes to the front. She has no hope of seeing anything from one of the regular seats, being that she is only about three and a half feet tall, so she hops up on the railing to watch as the fight begins.

It takes her about thirty seconds to chose a favorite.]

Go Merky! Beat him up!

[Perfectly balanced in her excitement, she bounces up and down and waves her hands at the combatants, shouting jeers and encouragements as needed.]


BABY SISTER WHAT YOU DOING IN DISMAS :O yetsleeping August 2 2010, 16:51:47 UTC
[It's hard to miss that voice, not to mention that hair, both of which immediately attract the attention of Priscilla... who, by the way, can't quite figure out what she's doing there to begin with. Aside from her odd curiosity on the eternally perplexing subject of robots.]

[In any case, as soon as she sees Yachiru there, she develops a new purpose: making sure none of the people in Dismas bother the girl. So she makes her way through the crowd and sits down, brow already furrowed.]

Yachiru! WHat are you doing here!


HAVING FUN OF COURSE :D inpiecesofcloud August 2 2010, 17:31:37 UTC
[When Yachiru notices Priscilla, her whole face lights up. She claps her hands and leaps forward, landing on Priscilla's lap so lightly as to almost not even be felt. She throws her tiny arms around the Claymore's neck in a bouncy little hug and looks up at her excitedly.]

I came to see the robots! They're really neat, aren't they?

[She points one small hand back toward the arena.]

Look! They got knocked off their ponies! Are they gonna fight on the ground now?


Well, why not, ROBOT VIIOLENCE IS ALWAYS FUN!!! yetsleeping August 2 2010, 18:59:09 UTC
[Okay! She didn't quite expect that leap, but she's not one to complain. In fact, she laughs, and hugs her back.]

They are kind of nice, actually. Oh, they did!

[She tips her head a little, and blinks. That's definitely a lot of robot violence, but, well, no one's actually getting hurt so it's a little... amusing.]

You know what? I bet they will!


Jennifer oopsiatehim August 2 2010, 05:36:27 UTC
[Life is pretty boring, but violence is always fun, so Jennifer arrives at the arena, still carrying cigarettes she'd pull off of her latest meal, and settles down for a smoke and a bit of spectacle.]

[She has no snacks, not even a beverage, but she does have a grin on her face like she's about to watch an execution... and enjoy it.]


/sidles up wellsuited August 2 2010, 22:52:16 UTC
[Elena knows that look. She happens to be wearing it too right about now. She wasn't sure about this whole...robot fighting thing. Especially after confirming that they didn't bleed.

But so far, she's gotta say, it's pretty damn cool.

The ninja shadow on the other side of her seems less moved by the display of metallic violence.

But Elena is cheering loudly enough for the both of them.

You might even say that she would've made a good cheerleader. ...No? Oh well.]


/shines Elena's hair. oopsiatehim August 3 2010, 06:46:49 UTC
[Those pipes aren't bad. And she recognizes that voice, too - it's Elena, isn't it? Right, Elena and the guy-she's-not-fucking. The gruff guy, whatever his name was. Jennifer leans over and flicks Elene's shoulder with her fingertip.]

Hey blonde girl. Having fun?


/sparkles~ wellsuited August 3 2010, 22:05:18 UTC
[Elena glances to her shoulder, then inevitably to Jennifer's face. Maybe it's the excitement of the moment, or maybe it's because Elena doesn't think Jennifer's so bad. Either way, she gives her a smile.]

You know it!

[Even as she speaks to her, Elena's eyes keep sliding back in the direction of the fight.]

What about you? Did you go shopping for the occasion?


officer_garrus August 2 2010, 17:57:22 UTC
[Garrus is mostly here out of curiosity, since they never really had robot battles where he comes from. He saw a varren fight on Tuchanka once, but this is much bigger and louder. He doesn't know who to root for.

He wishes his friends were here to see this. Tali would probably be facinated by this, and Grunt and Wrex would be rooting for some violence. If nothing else, he wishes Shepard were here. It would be like a date.]


applelimber August 2 2010, 22:46:02 UTC
[Better to have no date than a bad one. For example...]

Come on! That's bullshit! You should've finished him off while you had him down!

[The blonde Claymore had claimed the seat beside him. But she hadn't actually sat down yet. She was too busy standing, cheering, coaching, and cursing the metal gladiators.]


officer_garrus August 3 2010, 01:34:52 UTC
[Garrus is startled by this woman's shouting, mostly because he was paying too much attention to the fight to notice her. He says nothing, just allowing her to vent. She is reminding him of a few krogan he's known though.]


applelimber August 3 2010, 22:07:14 UTC
[Helen growls a little before finally taking a seat.]

If you ask me, this whole thing's rigged.

[Or even if you don't ask her, because that's just how she is. She reaches to the other side of her, pulling a can free before offering it in his direction.

That's right. She brought a six-pack.]


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