Aug 01, 2010 16:49

When: Sunday Evening (pre-dated? Only a few hours)
Where: Dismas Arena
Format: The post itself is in action format but you can use whatever you like. :)
What: The main event is here! The main post will be updated periodically with descriptions of the battle, so keep an eye out if you care about the actual robot fight.
Warnings: ...robot violence!

[The Arena is loud, and crowded, and full of the scent of warm bodies and snack food. As you walk through the aisles, the ground is sticky with spilled drinks, and who knows what else.]

[Look close: at the edge of arena, you can see them, filing into the VIP seats: a tall woman with her black hair piled atop her head like a crown, cradling a black "cat" - or something like it. Behind her, short, broad shouldered men, many missing limbs - each limb replaced by a shiny metallic prosthetic. They have red smears on their faces, crimson droplets flowing down their face like blood tears. Every so often, they wipe them away.]

[In the center of the arena, a man stands, silent until the lights turn on. Those of you who have been here before know that light - the artificial sun that restores the abilities of those within the battle stage proper. The man, then, must be one of you because as soon as the light hits the area, he raises his head and speaks. His voice floods the arena as though amplified by some odd magic.]

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, viewers of all ages, and everything... else.[He grins.] Tonight, the famous tunnelmen bring you an exhibition of their newest inventions - the brilliant, the amazing, the Battling Rooooooooooboooooots!!!

Wheeled in from the tunnels and pieced together right here in our very own arena, the Battling Robots have been built for your entertainment.

[The crowd is roaring, now - the sound of hundreds of voices raised in anticipation. Chanting.]

[The announcer bows.]

I know what you're wondering. You're thinking... they're just robots! What could be interesting about that? But no sir-- or ladies, ha! - there's much more to them than that. These robots have been built for combat, designed as gladiators of the highest order!

Witness the spectacle! Behold the power! Stare in awe as the amazing Battling Robots show their great power and spectacular magitech-fueled artificial intelligence for everyone here.

And without further adieu, Milena Roew proudly presents...

The Mighty Mercury

[The announcer waves his arm, and an approximately 15 foot tall robot enters the arena atop a robotic horse. The crowd screams.]

And the Breathtaking Brass!!

[Another wave, and another robot atop another steed. Once again, the crowd roars its approval. ]

[The announcer holds his hands up, prompting yet another scream... and then floats off of the ground and into the VIP box, where he disappears into a crowd of Roew's companions, both tall and short.]

[Mercury and Brass move forward, beginning to circle one another. The crowd is defeaning, now.]

[The battle is about to begin.]

* * *
[Brass circles the arena, its "eyes" glowing white in the dimmed artificial sun. In its hand, it clutches a lance, and its body moves with its steed as though they were one thing.]

[Then again, maybe they are one thing.]

[It keeps Mercury in its sights for three beats before it moves forward, charging with the speed of an actual horse, lance aimed directly at the center of Mercury's chest.]

[Mercury is ready, turning away from the charge and bringing up its massive bolted shield at the last moment to deflect the attack - crash! Its body shudders from the impact.]

[But not too badly. The shield raises and moves, throwing weight against Brass, and Mercury follows through with a jab from its own lance aimed at Brass's side.]

* * *
[The crowd roars! Brass raises its shield as well, steeling itself for the impact which, nonetheless, manages to nearly toss it over. Even so, it remains mounted, and circles away from Mercury.. The mount's metallic hooves sound against the floor like drum beats, and Brass moves behind Mercury...

[...and passes to Mercury's side before trying another lunge.]

[Mercury yanks the "horse" by its "mane" - more accurately described as a hunk of metal with a handle for steering, and the mount pivots just in time to avoid that jab... only barely. The lance scrapes across his side, and from the VIP box comes that announcer's voice again.]

Oh! Look at that, Brass draws first scrape!

[He laughs at his own joke.]

Hey, you can't expect me to say blood, right?

[Just then, Mercury moves forward again. The light shines off its white visual sensors as it retaliates, striking Brass on the side...]

[...and doing similarly negligible damage.]

* * *
[Brass makes a noise something like a hollow chuckle (strange!), and his mount makes a circle around the Mercury. His visual sensors are surrounded by green-gold metal, and it glimmers as he moves. The crowd screams, and someone shouts for Brass to "Kill it!" ...or maybe they're shouting for Mercury, it's hard to tell.]

[Up in the VIP box, Milena's friends seem to be fiddling with some kind of controller.]

[Not that people. by and large, are paying much attention to what they're doing in that box, because Brass is moving, making a head-on charge, lance slightly raised, aiming for Mercury's neck.]

[Mercury swerves, and nearly topples off the steed! The crowd roars, chanting Brass's name. Mercury, on the other hand, remains silent, balancing its weight on the "horse," and coming in for another swipe without losing time. Impressive!]

[But not as impressive as the next moment, when Mercury swipes the lance sideways, and collides with Brass's back. Hard.]

* * *
[There's the shrieking noise of splintering metal, and Brass reels, a gap opening in its back. A moment later, it topples, bringing the mount with it. The impact rings through the arena, even over the audience's enthusiastic shouts, over the chanting of Mercury's name. In the VIP box, one of the tunnelmen jabs the other in the side with his prosthetic arm.]

Oh! [The announcer's voice rings out again.] Looks like Brass is headed for an early retirement!

[But no, Brass isn't done yet. It pulls itself out from beneath its fallen 'horse, and stands with a screech.]

[Mercury circles Brass slowly, keeping its shield readied despite its apparent advantage. It seems wary... if a robot can seem wary. But it presses its advantage anyway, moving forward with its lance set to take off Brass's head.]

* * *
[But Brass is ready! It reaches up and catches that advancing lance between its hands, and even manages to push back a bit, forcing Mercury from the mount, which stands perfectly still as soon as its no longer in contact with its rider.]

[Mercury's shield crashes to the ground.]

[The crowd roars! And then comes that announcer's voice again.]

Look at that! A sudden reversal!

[Mercury hits the ground, crash, and the floor shakes! At first it just lies there, Brass circling it carefully, as though Mercury will spring up again at any moment.]

[As it turns out, Mercury will spring up at any moment. In fact, it does. And the crowd screams in response as Mercury raises its lance and charges at its opponent.]

* * *
[Brass leaps back! It jumps a good five or six feet up and lands a good ten or fifteen feet back, already blocking Mercury's path with its lance. The impact of lance on lance is deafening, and Brass slides back several more feet, hitting the wall with a harsh thud and a metallic clank. The shield flies in the other direction.]

[Now, Mercury is closing in fast. Brass lowers its lance as though in surrender...]

[But it only looks like that for a split second. Suddenly, those visual sensors open wider, wider, and a beam of pure energy emerges, striking Mercury square in the chest.]

[Mercury flies backward, skidding a good bit even after it hits the ground again, and coming to a stop only after colliding with Brass's former mount. The crowd screams in glee and Mercury lies, motionless, silent, smoke rising from its chest.]

Shocking! Brass has used its one-time-only energy attack to gain the upper hand on Mercury! Is this the end?

[...no. Because then, then it starts to rise, too. Its joints creak and it leans on its lance to hold itself upright. Its visual sensors... flicker. And now, the crowd is silent, as though holding its breath.]

[Mercury looks to be in bad shape, there's no denying that. It shudders a little, as Brass draws near.]

Amazing! Mercury refuses to go down!

* * *
[Brass lifts its lance and inches forward, shielding itself with the lance. Careful. Careful.]

[One foot in front of the other.]

[Mercury sways in place. Its joints scream when it moves.]

[But it still moves. Its visual sensors flicker one more time before the light spills from them, to. Around you, the crowd screams, roars like a wild beast and the energy tears through the air, and strikes Brass in the head.]


[Brass spins from the impact, and then falls, unmoving.]

[It stays unmoving, this time.]

And the winner is...


sasori, yachiru kusajishi, eve, deneve, jennifer check, kenpachi zaraki, mihael "mello" keehl

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